Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Bird Always Gets the Worm

 For some reason I got the urge to get back on here and wright a little bit. It has been almost a year since I have taken the time to jot down my thoughts and just go through my day. My life has changed so much in the last year and I have been through so many obstacles that I never would of been able to get through if it wasn't for God. Baseball has been going great, I had a fantastic summer and season was going great until I got hurt during a game and have been unable to play for the past few weeks. This has been my biggest obstacle as of late and I am trying my best to trust God in it all and hopefully I will be able to get back out there soon.

I remember my freshman year when I got hurt and I was writing about it on this very blog. I thought the world was over and that I wasn't going to be able to play for the rest of the year. I had such a bad negative attitude about the whole process and never thought to give it all to God until a wise women decided to give me her advice. She told me that God always has a plan and that he never stops working in my life to make it better. She reminded me of all the times that we as a family have been through so many difficult times but God always put us on top, especially to see where we are at today. The fact that I was going through so much trouble and she would never take no for an answer and wouldn't stop talking to me no matter how late or inconvenient it was has meant so much to me. Then I realized something through the whole process. If a human such as this women can dedicate their time, energy, love, compassion, mercy, and generosity, why wouldn't a God who created her and me, who loves us so much not do any of those things?

The answer is simple, he is. God is giving me his time, energy, love, compassion, mercy, and generosity, not just when I need it, but all the time. He never stops looking for new ways for me to bring the glory back to Him. Although I may not ever understand what is going on in my life, he always has a plan and it is up to me to completely trust Him through that plan. After all he provided me with this wise women to share this information with me in the first place.

Matthew 6 is a great chapter to look at when having worries or struggles that are going on in your life. My favorite part about the chapter is verse 26 and 27, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

If God provides for the animals then why wouldn't he provide for us? 

So God,
It's all yours. Have me, take my life, let it be, everything all of me, here I am, all I want to do is live for your glory. Not mine. I want to be able to trust you in the things you do. God help me not to worry about what is going in the future, help me not to think so negatively about what is going on around me. Help me to be able to see and realize all the blessings you have provided me with. There is no negative with you God there is all positive. You are my everything. I want you to fill me with your Holy Spirit, guide me in the right direction. Show me the path you laid for me. Help me to not veer off the path but to stay true to you. Thank you so much for all that you are doing in my life, thank you for that wonderful women you put in my life that serves you every day and night. Bless her, and continue to guide her on the path you have laid for her. Help me remain the man you want to me. God help me to take life one step at a time and know that you are in complete control of it. I love you. AMEN.

Thank you Mom, I love you.