Friday, October 23, 2009

Relax! It's just a game!

Well I got super busy the last couple days and haven't had the opportunity for an update. Things are still going smoothly for the most part. I am still struggling in some areas but I have people helping and praying for me every step of the way.

One thing that has really gone through my mind lately is my attitude. I tend to act differently depending on the situation I am involved in or who I may be hanging out with. I especially notice that I am a totally different person when I am playing baseball. I am what you call an emotional player, I am literally affected by every play that goes on during the game or even practice. This week we had a few games where I really let my emotions get the best of me and I was unable to perform the way I normally should. It is somewhat embarrassing to look back on the ridiculous things I think and say during a game but it is best to go back and laugh at what I actually did. The thing is that baseball is the one sport where it is acceptable to fail a certain amount of times and still be declared great. The problem is that I don't deal to well with failure which gets me into more trouble. Failure is not only embarrassing to me but it is also fills my mind with anger. I know I know, it seems like I am this crazy guy but sometimes I can be. I try my best to get my mind off things and laugh it off with teammates but for some reason I can't shake off certain at bats or plays on the field and they tear me up inside. So I have realized that this too is something I need to work on and just relax because it is just a game. There is no need to be the superstar or the well known athlete. I would rather be known as a superior follower of Jesus then a superior baseball player and getting upset during a game or after an at bat wont help either of those situations. It will only hurt it. So in the end I have learned a lot through this week of conviction and I can definitely see some improvement coming my way! We got a day off today from baseball and I was really able to clear my mind away from all the negative areas and just work to get better!

Ecclesiastes 10:4 (New International Version)

 4 If a ruler's anger rises against you,
       do not leave your post;
       calmness can lay great errors to rest.

Dear God,
Please help me to be able to have a positive attitude and use the talent you gave me to glorify you. Help me to be able to control my anger and tongue during games and practice Lord. Help me to be able to trust my talent and work hard to get better. Give me the energy I need to be able to get through the day and for me to find time to work out on a daily basis. Help me to continue to write and enjoy what I do Lord. I love you very much.

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