Saturday, August 29, 2009


Well the first week of school really didn't go as planned and nothing really seems to be going the right way. For some reason Biola didn't notify me that I still needed to turn in certain paper work until I got to the school and they shut off my meal plan and warned me that they were going to drop my classes if I don't pay them by Wednesday. So I have been down to the office almost every day to try and figure everything out and it doesn't seem to be working. So if your checking this please just pray for me, I am having big time trouble with all of this and just want it to be over! Shoot well on a positive note my birthday is coming up and my money for the video project is coming next week! I can't wait. God Bless.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Coming Home a Champion

Well after spending about a month and a half in the middle of the country my journey has finally come to an end. I have to say that the time that I was able to spend in the Midwest was truly one of the greatest experiences that I have ever been through. Not only the fact that I was able to be a part of a championship team but just the people that I was able to meet, the places I was able to see, and the amount of baseball that I was able to play. When I first got there I second guessed my quick decision in going out there on such short notice. To tell you the truth I really didn't know what to expect when I got there. For some reason when the opportunity struck I didn't really have the time to think about going or not I just got up and left. The first week went by and I wasn't really playing at all and I wasn't bonding with the guys very quickly. I thought about just packing up and heading home after a few days but I prayed about it and God said stick it out so that is exactly what I did. So as I sat through a couple games patiently waiting for my opportunity to play I decided that I would make the best of it and would play hard every out of every inning. I did exactly that and I was able to be a part of the team that one the whole league. It was indeed one of the funnest championships that I have ever been apart of. The 10 hour bus rides where well worth it all when we were able to dog pile on one another after the last out was made. Well anyways, the people I met out there were just amazing all around. Every single one of my teammates seemed to be a comedian and even when times where rough they were still able to put a smile on my face even if they weren't trying to. I am not 100% sure but it seemed that most of the kids didn't really grow up the way I was raised but we still seemed to get along. I prayed before and while I was there that I would be able to somehow share Jesus with those around me. I thought that there would be many opportunities for me to be able to share since I was going to be there for so long. Well it didn't really turn out that way. I became frustrated at times because I wasn't really able to talk about God to anyone because I couldn't meet any Christians. Then God put this host family in my life that were just straight out awesome people. I met them because they were my host families friends and we went out to dinner with them after the game. I talked with them quite a while and hung out with them from time to time. At times they made me feel more at home and it made me not really miss home at all. I really appreciated all that they did for me. Not to mention the fact that they were awesome Christians and loved Jesus as much as I did. It was great to see that they were using their hosting as a ministry to young student athletes. Well since I didn't come up with any opportunities to talk about God to others, I decided to just walk around having a positive attitude and just shine his light and just see what happens. I didn't really expect anything to happen but God had other plans. While saying goodbye to some of the guys the last night we were there hanging out after the championship, one of the guys sat down and talked with me for about 30 minuets on what an impact I had on him through God. I realized that I didn't really do much at all but somehow God rubbed off on him. It was truly an answer to prayer and I couldn't believe what just happened at the time. Coming home a champion is one thing, but coming home having impact someone in a Godly way is much more important. I know that God put me there for a reason and now I now exactly why. It wasn't to play baseball it was to put thoughts and lights in peoples head that God is out there and God truly has an effect on those who follow Him. Well there ya have it. My trip was one that I will remember for the rest of my life and I can't wait to go back and play in the Midwest once again.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Been a Great Trip

Well my month long trip is finally coming to an end. I have spent well over a month out here in the Midwest and have visited places I thought I would never have the chance to visit. I spent most of my time in a small little town right on the border of Missouri and Illinois called Quincy. From there I visited Chicago, St. Louis, Indiana, and Ohio. I had the chance and played in front of 1,000’s of fans, be on the news, and in the newspaper. I was able to compete with kids from Division 1 colleges. It was really cool to be able to say that I was from an NAIA school because they are so looked down upon these days. There are times where I feel like I should of worked harder and got my name out so I would have been able to go to a big time division 1 school but I know that God put me at Biola for a reason and I believe that it is best for me to stay there and be as much of a leader as I can be. This trip has put me through many obstacles involving my faith but God put me in a home where I was able to be myself. They may have not been Christians but understood the background that I come from. God also brought me to a family that is indeed Christians and that have really had an impact on me for the little amount of time that I have known them. Beyond all of this I had no teammates that really had a Christian background but I was able to have an influence on them that made them know that I was indeed a follower of Jesus and not one of them tried to persuade me to do anything wrong whatsoever. Although I was different then most around me I never once felt lonely or anything like that because I had so many cool people around me. My team was full of comedians that I always seemed to be laughing at. So in other words my time out here has been beyond amazing and I can’t see what God has planned for me next summer. I am just glad that I will actually be prepared to go far away from home instead of getting a call one day and leaving the next. It has been great and I have been invited to come back next year and play so we will see what happens. I am just excited to come back home and relax for a week before I have to head back to school and start the year all over again. Anyways I am in Ohio for the playoffs now and I will be home this Saturday! I can’t wait!