Monday, August 10, 2009

Been a Great Trip

Well my month long trip is finally coming to an end. I have spent well over a month out here in the Midwest and have visited places I thought I would never have the chance to visit. I spent most of my time in a small little town right on the border of Missouri and Illinois called Quincy. From there I visited Chicago, St. Louis, Indiana, and Ohio. I had the chance and played in front of 1,000’s of fans, be on the news, and in the newspaper. I was able to compete with kids from Division 1 colleges. It was really cool to be able to say that I was from an NAIA school because they are so looked down upon these days. There are times where I feel like I should of worked harder and got my name out so I would have been able to go to a big time division 1 school but I know that God put me at Biola for a reason and I believe that it is best for me to stay there and be as much of a leader as I can be. This trip has put me through many obstacles involving my faith but God put me in a home where I was able to be myself. They may have not been Christians but understood the background that I come from. God also brought me to a family that is indeed Christians and that have really had an impact on me for the little amount of time that I have known them. Beyond all of this I had no teammates that really had a Christian background but I was able to have an influence on them that made them know that I was indeed a follower of Jesus and not one of them tried to persuade me to do anything wrong whatsoever. Although I was different then most around me I never once felt lonely or anything like that because I had so many cool people around me. My team was full of comedians that I always seemed to be laughing at. So in other words my time out here has been beyond amazing and I can’t see what God has planned for me next summer. I am just glad that I will actually be prepared to go far away from home instead of getting a call one day and leaving the next. It has been great and I have been invited to come back next year and play so we will see what happens. I am just excited to come back home and relax for a week before I have to head back to school and start the year all over again. Anyways I am in Ohio for the playoffs now and I will be home this Saturday! I can’t wait!

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