Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Made it on the News

Well today was a really slow and not to much really went on so my blog will be a little short but the stuff that did was pretty exciting. I started the day off going to the gym and getting ready for practice, we were supposed to have a scrimmage today but there still weren't enough players to really field a team so we decided to cancel it. We are improving though, we now have 8 guys with more coming supposedly tomorrow. Hopefully we will be able to field a team come Thursday where we open up our season.

Anyways, practice and everything went good. The local news showed up today at practice and interviewed a few of the guys about the upcoming season. I was blessed enough to be able to make the video and be on TV! I was on it a few times last year and it was pretty cool.

I forgot all my toiletries at home and so I had to run to wal-mart and get a few things. The one fear of travel is forgetting something that is important. When going somewhere for a long period of time we constantly panic the night before while packing. Whether it may be going through every item of clothing, pulling everything out of the bag to double check and make sure you have everything, or making sure you bag doesn't weigh over 50 pounds so the airline doesn't charge you more. After it comes down to it we end up over packing and bring things that we never use. I mean we don't know what we are going to encounter on our trip so we try to go through every situation possibly "just in case" something drastic occurs and we need that T-Shirt that we haven't worn in months. Sometimes the situations occur and sometimes they don't either way we always bring stuff we don't need and most of the time we forget the things we needed most. Thinking about it, we kind of go through life the same way.

Often times, we have a constant fear about missing something special that goes on around us. With that, we tend to over due things and try to not miss anything that is going on around us. (Now this can be a million different situations and I am not really going to go into detail so hopefully you understand.) This can lead to us overwhelming ourselves and forgetting what is most important which is following God's plan. We can fill ourselves with all these "needs,"and can forget the one thing we need most. Now usually we have no idea what God's plan is for us and we spend a constant amount of time searching for it. God gives us many positive things in life that stick with us forever. We have to usually work for these things and they don't come easy. We may not always use them but we must always be ready to just in case the opportunity comes up. In the end just remember that without God we would have nothing. Not a trip to go on, not happiness, not love, not life.

Today's verse is Colossians 3:1-4.
 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Setting our hearts above means striving to put heaven's priorities first on our list and into our daily practice. Also, concentrating on what is above means concentrating on eternal rather than the temporal things. We change our moral and ethical behavior by letting Christ live within us, so that he can shape us into what we should be. So take life one "at bat" at a time and lets let God be in control.


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