Thursday, May 7, 2009

Okay so here is the news

I know it is an excuse but I have spent no time on the ocmputer lately. I have been super busy with work, school, and baseball. I couldn't find time in the day to actually write and it is getting really tough now keeping up with everything. I am sorry if I have let anyone down. Two more weeks and I will be done with everything so hopefully I will be able to write more everyday.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 123 "Down to San Diego"

Daily Summary: Well for some reason coach scheduled practice for 4:00PM instead of our normal 1:30PM. So throughout the day I just kind of sat around did some homework and relaxed up until practice began. It seems as if every time I think it is going to be a simple and easy practice I am always awaken by the fact that it is not only long but tough. I love these kind of practices but it still puts a toll on me sometimes. Eventually we got out and I rushed to dinner, then to my room to gather my packed things and before I new it I was in the car headed to San Diego for the conference tournament. I was super stoked and ready to play and can't wait to get away and play some baseball in a beautiful area. This park is amazing, you could literally see the ocean right from the field. The school and the field is on a cliff facing the beach and is just a beautiful sight. Well I have to wake up around 6:00AM tomorrow to get ready for the game. Good night.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 122 "9 hour work day"

Daily Summary: Well I worked literally all day today! Well only from about 12:00 to 9:00 but it was still the longest day I have ever worked before. The thing is I enjoyed every single seconed of it! I love the people I work with and the place I work at. The place is caled Outta Bounds and it just opened off of Green River Rd. in Corona. It is a preety kick back place that has everything from computer games to Laser tag and has great food. After work I just headed back to school and got ready for another busy week at Biola.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 121 "Productive"

Daily Summary: Well I was supposed to have an early practice then go back home and work for the rest of the night. Well for some reason our coach changed the practice time and I wasn't able to go in and work. It was kind of disappointing but I was excited for the fact that my neck was feeling a lot better and that I was going to be able to actually practice today. It was a good practice for the most part. It was pretty normal, we played lighting and I got to play infield for the entire time which was awesome! I haven't played it in a while so it was for sure fun. A few of the guys were being kind of lame during the day, but it is pretty much normal when we play lightning. Well practice finally ended around 6:00PM and I couldn't wait to get off campus and head home. I met up with my friend Allison and hung out with her for a while before getting into Corona and spending the night at my dad's house. Although today was short it was productive. I literally didn't stop moving the whole day. Always doing something but not wasting my time. Woo hoo! Ha well tomorrow is going to be a busy but productive day as well as I am working from 12:00 to 9:00PM! This will be the longest day I have ever worked but hey it's money in the bank! Lol good night.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 120 "Stiff Neck"

Daily Summary: Okay so I woke up today perfectly normal like any other Friday morning. I played some tetris, called my mom to see if we were meeting again, then jumped in the shower. I was moving around great and everything was fine. As I was getting out of the shower I felt this pain all of a sudden on the right side of my neck. I thought it was just a little burst of pain and that it would go away quickly. Then as time went on, the pain just seemed to be getting worse. Before I new it I couldn't move my neck an inch to the right and my neck was completely stiff and painful. I had never experienced anything like it before and it didn't seem like it was going to get any better throughout the day. Since I didn't handle my last injury well I tried my best to handle this one okay. I didn't really get upset, I probably could use another day off from baseball. At least my body could. I went to the training room and put a heat pad on it for a while before heading down to meet my mom. This was the second time this week I was able to meet her and I loved it. Although it was really hard to drive not being able to turn to the right I am still glad I was able to drive down there and hang with her. I managed to just stay in the right lanes so that way I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder. Well after that quality time with my wonderful mother, I headed back to school and headed to practice. I tried my best to do things but my neck just wouldn't let me. It was hurting pretty bad so I just sat out for the day and watched our long practice. I thought it would be a nice simple one but today was a long day. Everyone thought it was pretty funny the way I was walking around, I thought it was kind of funny to. I walked around kind of like a statue would walk around. Well if they could walk. Ha anyways after practice, I got ready real quick and picked up Gab. We went and met my step mom over at Outback and got ourselves some free food and hang out with her for a little bit. After that we drove down to Downtown Disney and hung out there for a while before heading back and going to see the new Fast and Furious movie at the 2 dollar theater. It is actually called the dollar theater but since the price is actually $2 most of the time, I think it should be called the 2 dollar theater. Anyways ha today was a great day and I am glad I was able to hang out with the people I hung out with and I am praying that my neck feels better for tomorrow! By the way I have no idea what the picture means. I just googled the words stiff and neck and that came up. Good night.