Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 119 "Another Long Day"

Daily Summary: Well today was definitely another long day but another productive one. I turned in all of my homework and also got a lot done. If we didn't have these two days off from practice then I probably would have never finished all of the things I had to do. The next few days I am going to be pretty busy as well so that means I probably am not going to be writing all that much. I promise though for Atlas Monday, maybe Sundays blog I will be writing a lot. I have been slacking once again big time on my writings and I really need to step it all up. Summer is three weeks away and I will be able to write a lot every single day and I can't wait for that to get going. I read today in 1 Corinthians 10:13 and it talked about temptations. God will always give us a way out if we seek it. There is always a way to defeat Satan we just need to be able to stand up for God and follow his will. This is another tough thing to do especially when we all get stressed and overwhelmed with the things around us. We often give in easy and we need to really just sit down and relax and talk to God through what we are going through. It will help us put a positive outlook on things and it will make our day that much better. Well tomorrow is another busy day that I am looking forward to. Lets see what the Lord brings me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 118 "7 Hours in the Library"

Daily Summary: Well today consisted of exactly what the title explained. From 10:00 to 5:00 I sat in the library trying to catch up with about 2 weeks worth of homework. With God's help and a little patience I was able to get through it all and finish what needed to be done. There are so many times where we want to give up on the things we started. School is one thing that growing up not to many kids actually enjoy. For those who are able to attend a University and earn a degree is an accomplishment that I consider one that is honored. I am looking forward to the day that I am able to walk down that narrow pathway and receive my diploma. Although I probably am going to have quite a bit of debt piled up, the fact that I was able to push through all of the rough trials that I accomplished would be one that is enough. Those little words push me through every day to be able to get through the lame assignments that I have to complete. Like I have said many times God has put me at this school for a reason. It is difficult but hey, I am getting paid to play baseball and have a half/free education. Life couldn't have worked out better, especially at a Christian school. Well goodnight everybody.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 117 "Last Regular Season Game"

Daily Summary: Well I didn't at all really get a good night sleep last night I woke up exhausted. I jumped in the shower and managed to wake up somewhat. Today was somewhat a big day. With a loss we could end up in 4th place but with a win we would be in 3rd place. We obviously were shooting for a 3rd place finish so we weer pushing a victory. Fresno is the 8th ranked team in the country and we missed being ranked 25th by about 3 votes. This victory would also secure a top 25 finish in the nation witch would be awesome! Ha well the time finally came and we showed up at the field. They put the same pitcher that faced us last time on the mound which was kind of weird but he is a good pitcher so they took their chances. They guessed right and he threw a great game. Not good enough though as we pulled off an upset win and beat Fresno 4 to 3! I was stoked and I new after winning we would have a great ride home with the coach and definitely stop and eat somewhere. Indeed we did and it was a great way to end the regular season. We are heading up to San Diego to play a GSAC tournament on Monday and I can't wait for that!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 116 "Live Like It's Your Last"

Daily Summary: Well last few days I haven’t really put in a whole lot of time through my blogs. Now it isn’t because I don’t feel like writing, it is just that I haven’t really had time to find things to write about. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep I always seem to be running around doing something. Weather it may be homework, eating, reading, or baseball I am always on the move. Today wasn’t really all that different. I woke up got ready and then headed out to go meet my mom for lunch. Since she cancelled on me last week she said she wanted to go on Monday. So I left around 10:30 and headed over there. I left early to stop somewhere and by some treats for the long ride to Fresno today. I got there and I couldn't’t find anything to get. For some reason for the price it wasn’t worth it. So I settled for some almonds and starburst jelly beans. Those are my favorite. Ha well I filled the car up with gas and I met up with my mom. We went to Chipotle and it completely filled me up. So the snacks I bought were completely useless but hanging out with my mom definitely wasn’t. It is always fun like I always explain, when we get to hang out with one another one on one. After that I headed back and I went a way where I could see the flowers on the corner where Nick Adenhart died. It made me think of how precious our time is here on earth. It could literally be our last moments here on earth at any time. So that is why we should be motivated to live everyday like it is out last. Weather it may be playing a sport, working, or talking about Jesus! Keep working at whatever your doing your best and just love on God. He will be with You every step of the way and will always be there when you need him. Well after that little touching moment I got back to school and got ready to head back up to Fresno. Another long drive awaited and this time I wasn't able to go with Dave but I went with a couple of the coaches including out head coach. There were only 2 other teammates in his truck and it was kind of awkward the whole time with the coaches there so we were quite for the most part but still managed to have fun. We watched a movie called "Catch Me if You Can" and it was really good. I enjoyed it and the drive wasn't so bad. It didn't really last that long and before we new it we were sitting in the hotel room watching TV. It is kind of funny how we instantly get glued to a TV like we have never seen one before. Being away at college watching TV is something that is never done so it is nice to be able to. For the remainder of the night we didn't really leave the room for the whole night. We even ordered pizza that was delivered right to our room. Ha we just relaxed for the rest of the night. Lets hope I sleep good! Ha good night.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 115 "Legit Quote"

"Love winning because it is easy to love, but recognize that losing makes you become better. Love throwing, hitting, running, and scoring. All over the world today, there are people lying in bed dreaming of being able to do those things. It’s not whether you win or lose, it is the fact that you are gifted, skilled and talented and, win or lose, you STILL will be."

I am not sure who wrote or said this but a facebook friend posted it up on their profile.

During the beginning of the baseball season things weren't really going my way. I wasn't playing to the best of my ability and I actually just wanted to give up. When I got hurt things really got jacked up in my mind. I honestly just didn't want to play baseball anymore. I thought my days were done. Now after looking back and reading this quote it makes me realize how stupid I really was. Instead of just giving up all I had to do is go to God for help. I began to pray and pray consistently in not only healing but for Him to help me be able to trust in the talent that He has given me and for me to use it to the best I can. Through a long process and a couple of miracles I am now back on the field playing some of the best baseball I have ever played. My dad reminding me of past experiences and past teams really motivated me to step it up a notch. Now my dad may not know this but his words really have had an impact on me through my career in the sports world. I still remember the things he said to me when I was 11 years old and they still affect me today. Even though they may only be one sentence I still put them all to heart and they have influenced me in the way I play the game today. He always knocks some sense into me and has told me to never give up my dream of playing baseball for as long as I can. That is exactly what I am going to do. My dad has sat through 1,000's and has spent 1,000's upon 1,000's of hours and money on me for baseball so the least I could do is respect what he has to say and put it to heart.

During the time I was writing this for some reason I was lead to send my dad and email.

Hey Dad,
For some reason I felt like I needed to send you and email about what is on my mind. I was doing my normal writing like I do everyday and I found this awesome quote that really had big impact on me and baseball. I was talking about it and for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about you and how you have really motivated me in playing the game. I still remember things way back in the day that you said to me and still have an impact on me today. For example, when I was 11 years old playing for the Dodgers at Anaheim pony I was struggling. I wasn't hitting to well and it wasn't even bothering me. I was striking out more then I have ever struck out before. On the way home from one of our games I think it was, you began talking to me and asking "What the heck is going on with you?" you then went on to say "Why are you striking out so much? You never used to strike out." Since you have said those words, I have made it one of my top priorities when hitting to not strike out. Those words go through my head before every at bat and before every game and they have been for well over 7 years now. Another example was when I was 12 years old playing in an All Star game for Olive Little League. I was wearing sun glasses while playing third base and then didn't really have a good game hitting that day. I actually had my first strike out in 32 games if you could remember that and I am sure you can. After the game on the way home, you started talking about how I was wearing glasses and when taking them off in-between innings if that was messing up my eye sight when I went up to bat. I don't think I wore glasses out on the field after that up until I got to high school and played the outfield. Now I wear them almost every single game and you probably haven't noticed this, but after every third out is made, I instantly take off my glasses before running into the dug out, just to have an extra couple of seconds to make sure my eyes are adjusted to the sunlight before I go up to bat. I know it may sound a little crazy, but you have that kind of impact on me. The glasses may not have an impact on my eye sight but your words do. One more thing that I will explain is my Junior year of high school. You and I went to a college information meeting at the school gym on night. I was looking into trade schools and everything to go to after college and not go further in baseball. Ten I think when we were walking out you clearly explained to me not to give up my baseball dream and not move to forward in pursuing a career rather then play baseball in college. After that I began to work extra hard in baseball and bumped up my average that year and ended up hitting .349 and obviously got a scholarship the next year to Biola. Now with these three examples I am sure I could explain a million more. There have been a few instances this year where you have said a few words of encouragement that have motivated me to play harder and I have done exactly that and I will continue to do so. I am going to work hard and continue to stay on the top of the hitting charts for the remainder of the season. So with all of this I would like to say thank you. Thank you for the countless hours and money you have spent on me in order to stay on the top of my game. Now to end it, beneath all of the money you have spent and all of the time you have spent driving and sitting through games THANK YOU for the most priceless thing you have given me, your words. I love you so much dad and I know that you know that. I look forward to talking with you on a daily basis on the phone no matter what it is we talk about. I can't wait to spend some time with you this summer.

Thanks again your son,
Vincent Gary Fayard

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 114 "Double Header Sweep Over Azusa!"

Daily Summary: I don't really have to much to say today since I didn't go in front of the computer at all. The one thing that I will mention is that we swept Azusa Pacific today in a double header which garunteed us a regional playoff birth! It was two really good games and I had so much fun competing with Azusa. They are games that I have been waiting for all year and I am glad we got these two games today. Read about it here. SWEEP OVER AZUSA!

By the way, Jesus never sinned because if He did then our faith would mean nothing. Hebrews 2:14-
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 113 "Jesus Never Gets Old"

Daily Summary: Well, after having a great night sleep last night I started my day off by going down the gym and trying my best to work out and not hurt my shoulder. It usually never hurts during the day, but when I work out it hurts almost the whole time. It is still healing and I'll definitely be able to get back to my normal workout schedule in about a month. Can't wait for that. After that, I went back to the room for a while before my mom called and cancelled our usual Friday lunch. I was pretty lame because I was really looking forward to it but I just went on with my day. I relaxed up until practice began and it was sure an easy one. I thought since we lost that we were going to have a long practice but it was only about 2 and a half hours and we got out of there around 4:00. I showered up and got back to my room before heading out for the night with Gabby. We went down to the beach and read the Bible and talked about Jesus. Basically what we do every time we hang out but it never gets old. Ha I don't think Jesus could ever get old, there is always something to talk about when it comes to Him. Oh so I was browsing around on the web today and a few days ago I talked about how cool it was that Miss California stood up for what she believed in with the whole Gay marriage thing. Well I found this video of her being interviewed and the way she talks about how God is blessed her and how positive she is through the whole thing is just amazing. Check it out!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 112 "Lost"

Daily Summary: Well something that went great today was that I woke up in not only a fantastic mood, but refreshed and ready for the day. I had the best sleep that I have had in a while and I usually never sleep well in hotel rooms. I got right up walked to 7 Eleven and got some coffee and a donut. After that I sat by the pool and wrote a little bit before packing up and getting ready to head to breakfast then to out game against Fresno Pacific University. We really needed to win these games especially since we lost that last league game against Concordia. I again ate awesome food at that same restraint as last night but this time I had breakfast there. Ate a delicious waffle, sorry i don't have a picture of it today. Breakfast then finished up and before we new it we were heading down to the field to start our game. Their field was beautiful and they had what it seemed to be a professional announcer that announced the hitters an everything it was actually pretty cool. While that was cool the game wasn't that cool. We lost big time and never had the lead throughout the game. The score was 13 to 5 as there bats came alive at their home field. It was a disappointing road trip up until we found out the Azusa Pacific lost to Westmont. This was huge for us since we are playing them this coming up Saturday and we need to win both in order to secure a spot in the playoffs. I have been waiting for a long time to play Azusa especially since the last time we played them I was hurt. Shoot. Anyways all we did was basically drive home for the rest of the night. 5 hour drive that wasn't too eventful, sorry there was nothing really to talk about today. The day was pretty short.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 111 "BIggest Buger Ever"

Daily Summary: Well again I didn’t really have the best amount of sleep that I should have had last night, but I still managed to wake up nice and refreshed. Right away I started off the day doing homework and I wouldn’t look back from doing so up until around Noon. So about 5 hours of homework before a 5 hour drive wasn’t the best way to start off a day. I took some time to go to the cages and hit a little bit with Hawkins so that gave me some time to get my mind off of things. After that I kind of had to rush around, pack some stuff up, and grab the lunches before heading up to Fresno. The drive actually wasn’t that bad at all. I watched a Wednesday night Generate service from last week that I downloaded the night before and then we watched a movie so the time literally flew by. We finally got down here to feel that it was well over 100 degrees. We settled in our rooms for a while before walking over to the restaurant they had here on the same campus as the hotel. Here at this restaurant they had the biggest burger I had ever seen on their menu. I don’t know if you can tell from the picture but this thing was huge! So of course I had to get one, along with the other half of my team getting the same thing. There were a few that couldn’t finish but I myself stuffed that whole thing in my stomach and said I never was going to eat again. I was stuffed but proud of myself. It was a lot of fun all sitting at the same table as most of the team and fellow shipping with one another. The cool part was that I happened to be sitting at the end of this huge table and we held hands as I prayed for the food and the safe travels. Although I stutter at times when I pray in public, I do indeed love to. Setting the example to people that we never may see again is just one thing in general I love doing. I keep praying to God that he will open my mind even more and be able to talk to anyone about God even if they are sitting right next to me and talking about something totally other then God. I do pray for that they start talking about something that I may relate to so that I could jump into their conversation and then bring up the topic of Jesus. I mean why not, they may never get another chance to realize who Jesus is. I love Jesus ha wow. Anyways, for the remainder of the night, we just watched this awesome presentation on Josh Hamilton. He was a number 1 draft pick for then the Tampa Bay Devil Rays back in 1998 or 1999, and then fell apart after getting injured in a car accident and getting addicted to drugs and alcohol. A few years later the Lord opened his eyes through his grandma back in 2005 and he hasn’t looked back to his old habits. The story is truly amazing and the way he gives everything to God is even more amazing. He is now an all star outfielder and doing excellent for the Texas Rangers. I recommend looking up his story and testimony as a true inspiration to your self. I guarantee there isn’t one quite like it and it will pump you up as a believer. After watching that we watched a little bit of Sports Center the capped off the night with a movie called Vacancy. It is this horror flick that takes place a small little motel and every time a couple checks in, they rape and kill the customers while having the whole thing filmed. Pretty gross stuff not to mention the fact that we were currently staying at a small little hotel in Fresno. Ha good thing I don’t let scary movies get to me otherwise I would probably of freaked out. Yay for Jesus telling us not to fear! Well my patience and anger was tested tonight as a few of the players decided to play a prank on us 4 freshman. What they did was take an Axe bottle (body deodorant that smells horrible), put tape around it so that it continuously sprayed, then put it in our bathroom until the entire bottle ran out. I am not going to lie, I got pretty dang upset and bitter about the whole situation. Especially since I was about to go to sleep and they had no reason for doing such lame prank to us. Our room smelled like a bunch of chemicals and I could hardly breath. It put me in a bad mood for a while especially after I started sneezing and having a headache but then I just kept praying to God and telling myself that they were just trying to have fun and I should just try and be the bigger person and let it be. To be real, seeing me upset probably made their whole prank a little funnier to them seeing that I don’t really get that upset all that often. So if I just ignore it and let it be, then they probably wont do it again since they saw that it doesn’t bother me. I don’t know if that makes sense but it seems to always work. Ha well I am just about in the 1000 word range so I’ll stop here. Tomorrow is a big game against Fresno Pacific and I can’t wait to get on that field and compete. I don’t know what time this is going to be posted since there is no Internet around here so bare with me. Have a great day and remember to fix your eyes on the Son! (As my step dad always says in his emails.) See ya!

Daily Reading: James 1:19 Well I picked this verse as kind of a conviction to what happened today. I wasn’t very slow to speak and I wasn’t very to become angry either. I actually went off on one of the guys on my team and I would like to flat out say I handled the situation totally wrong. I talked to them afterwards and explained my thoughts on everything, I apologized for it all and it was done with. Not getting angry when things don’t go my way is something I need to work on and is definitely a tough task to accomplish for anyone. Just remember that Jesus never got angry with anyone even the ones that mocked him and made fun of everything that He did. What he did was ask God to forgive the people that were making fun of him. Now if we as Christians are trying our best to be like Jesus then this is one giant step into doing so. It is kind of funny as I am writing this I am sitting in a car with a bunch of guys listening to 2 Pac who is rapping about being angry and is blasting out the F word like it was his first word as a Child. Sorry I just thought I would through that in here real quick. I thought it was quite funny. When we talk to much and listen too little, we communicate to others that we think our ideas are much more important than theirs. James wisely advises us to reverse this process. Put a mental stopwatch on your conversations and keep track of how much yout alk and how much you listen. When people talk to you, do they feel their viewpoints and ideas and value? Now we are often quick to find fault in others that may have these problems but sometimes we need to sit down and figure out if we to do the same thing. Just be humble and let Jesus shine through you with words and actions.

Daily Prayer: Dear God, Hey there, today was a great easy day. I pray right away for the angry that I dealt with today. I pray that in the future I will be able to handle these kind of situations the way You would handle them. I pray for our games tommarrow that they will go well and that I will keep my eyes fixed on You throughout the entire game God. I pray that others will also look to You when struggling with self desttruction. I thank You for the safe travels and the time I got to spend with some teamates on the way to Fresno. There are some God that don't really know You God. I pray that I can be a light in their lives and that they can somehow find You Jesus. I now would like to pray for any of my friends or family that may be going through a rough time. Please help them to come to You with their problems and for them to Trust You through the whole situation. I pray God that You will not only help me but help others as well in being able to understand how truly perfect Your timing is. Please also let us no that there is in fact a time for everything and that anything can happen on any given day. Good or bad God help us all to praise You. I pray for my friends and family that don't know You God. I pray that You will help them to somehow find Your light and please use me in doing that Lord. I pray that You will continue to help me develop new friendships and for me to grow in the ones that I have. I pray for my dream girl God that there will be someone in my life forever who I can talk about with You and praise about the wonders You are doing in our lives. Please help me to be patient in the process and know that Your timing is right. I pray now for the churches I am apart of or have been apart of Lord. Many of them are struggling financially. Please help them to fix these problems God along with all of America's economy. I pray for my frustration, anger, and sexual temptations God along with any other earthly pleasure. Please keep me from them so I will not be tempted in anyway to go against Your word. I pray for the unspoken and forgotten prayers God. Please help them to come to me so I may pray for them. I pray for these things in Your wonderful name.

Hey Guys

I was in Fresno through the past couple of days so I will be posting both blogs for Wednesday and Thursday right when I get internet service.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 110 "Standing Up for what You Believe In"

Daily Summary: Alright, well today was another good day. I had a great sleep last night and was just ready for the day. Lately I haven't been wanting time to really go by all that quick since I have so much homework to do and everything. I am trying my best to complete it all but baseball is kind of taking up all of my time. Not including today's game there are only 4 regular season games left. I can't believe how quick season has gone by so far. It isn't over for still a couple of weeks because like I said before, we need to win these next 4 games otherwise we are in trouble. I think we can pull it off especially since the way we have been playing. Well I got through my classes and got ready to head to La Verne in a non conference match up with a NCAA division 3 school. Although I was super tired throughout the day, I was feeling pretty good about today's game. We beat this team last time we played them but barely beat them 4 to 2. They aren't a very good team but for some reason we were just real flat the last time we played them. Well we weren't so flat this time. We beat them 16 to 10 including two grand slams hit one by Billy Vopinek and the other one by Steve Alexander. It was a fun game that that I really enjoyed but boy was it hot! The other cool thing was that my buddy from high school was on that team and we got to see each other. He didn't get to play and we didn't really get to talk all that much but it was still good to see him. I played right field again and had a good game. I went 3 for 3 with a double and 2 RBI's. I have been feeling real comfortable at the plate lately and I try my best to have no fear up there so I think that has really been helping me out. Along with talking with God throughout my entire at bats. Baseball is really fun at the moment. It is all I have had to really write about lately because that is all I have been doing the last few weeks. One thing that I have been reading on the news lately that both pumps me up but also disappoints me is Miss California. The way she stood up for what she believed in was amazing! In front of millions of people she clearly showed that marriage should be between a man and a women. The amazing thing was she said this answer to a gay judge that obviously asked her because California voted yes on prop 8! She probably new that she wasn't going to win for her answer but she went ahead and answered it trufuly anyway. I am so happy for her and I hope that what she said hasn't disappointed her at all and that she wont regret standing up for what she believes in. What disappoints me the most is all the comments she has gotten back about her remarks. People are pretty much ripping her up for what she said and while reading the comments by people on line and everything it saddened me at how many people were against what she said compared to the people that were supporting her. I'll have take the time to really pray for those people because they really have it all wrong. Well for the rest of the night, I just spent time in the dark room and finish up some photos for my project that is due on Tuesday even though I am not even going to be here for the due date. With this Fresno trip I am missing about 5 papers that are due both Thursday and next Tuesday. Baseball is kicking my but ha. Well I am going to get a good night sleep tonight because tomorrow is a long day! Good night!
Daily Reading: Mark 13:13
Jesus speaking here! He is speaking to a few of his disciples about the future and is letting them know that people will hate them just for following Him. To believe in Jesus, and stand "firm to the end" will take perseverance because our faith will be challenged and opposed. Severe trials will sift true Christians from fair-weather believers. Enduring to the end does not earn salvation for s, but marks us as already saved. The assurance of our salvation will keep us going through the times of persecution. As I explained about Miss California today Jesus was obviously right. I am not sure if Miss California is a follower of Christ but she obviously believes in the same things we as Christians do with the whole marriage thing. With this example she stood up for what she believed in even though she may have known that she wasn't going to win the competition by what she said, she still said it anyway. This is what we as Christians should always be doing when we are faced with trials and temptations. Sometimes we are asked similar questions in many situations where you may loose respect from millions of people or possibly even just one or two. Whatever the question may be, we need to be able to stand up for Jesus and answer the question according to what His word has to say about it. Would you rather go against what you believe in order to please others that may loose respect for you? Or would you rather stand up for what you believe in and be saved and respected by the man who died for you just so you can live a peaceful life? Jesus' respect is far more important then anyone on this planets respect. He will always reward us in wonderful ways.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for another amazing day and another victory out on the baseball field. Thank you for the fact that I am succeeding and playing the way You have made me to play. I thank You for helping me get rid of all my fear and everything while playing. Thank You for helping me trust in the talent You have given me and please help me continue to talk to You during the game. I pray for the ones and myself who may have trouble in standing up for what they believe in. Help them to always be speaking the words of You Father and for us to not worry about what people think about us and for us to focus on Your respect rather then other non-believers. I pray that while we are standing up for ourselves that we will plant a seed in their minds and may question why is it that we think so positive so that they too may have a chance to be saved. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions Father.
I now pray for my friends and family Father that they may be going through some rough times. I pray that You will lift them up in whatever they may be going through and help them to fix their eyes on You. I pray for the friends and family that don't know You or they think that they know You Lord but the full relationship isn't there. Please help them to understand what know who You are and for them to somehow find You. Please use me in this process an for me to show Your love and grace to everyone around me. I pray for us Christians who may be getting judged by the things we do. Please help the ones that may be criticizing us to realize what the Word says about it all and for them to focus on how their relationship is rather then ours. I pray for my dream girl Lord that You will somehow help me find her and for me to be patient in the process. I pray for school for me to get going on that and for me to be able to do all of my homework and to do it on time. I pray for our country and our new president. That You help him in making the right decisions and for us to be able to turn this economy around. I pray all these things in Your name.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 109 "Getting Back Into it!"

Daily Summary: Alright I am officially getting back into writing a good amount today. I am really sorry about last week, I will work my hardest in order to make that not happen anymore. I again changed my mind on what I am going to write about. After starting the whole letter thing I couldn't really flow with my writings like I can flow with my writings on this format. I will continue to explore new ways to be able to be more consistent in my writings but for now I will stick to the main method. Well today was a good day. It was one of the hottest days of the year reaching at a peek of 102 degrees in some areas. I myself do not really like this type of weather. It is way to hot to be able to really do anything outdoors especially play baseball! Shoot. Well I woke up and got ready for chapel and I am glad I did. The speaker was amazing. She was actually a survivor of abortion. Her mom was 7 and a half months pregnant with her before she decided that she didn't want a baby anymore so she got an abortion. I had no idea that you were able to get an abortion that late in the pregnancy. Shoot well she just had an awesome story to tell and how she has cerebral polcy . I am not sure if I spelled that right but I am sure you get that it is some type of disease. Basically it affects the bones and muscles in the body and causes awkward waling and sometimes people who are diagnosed with disease aren't even able to walk. Well she definitely didn't let her affect her the way it does most people. She stood tall up at the podium speaking to us like any person would. The word that flowed out of her mouth were words of a true women who lives for Jesus. This women ran marathons with her disease something that is usually unheard of. I was truly reminded of the things I complain about. How short I am, how I look, or anything, and then when I see people like this and wonder what they go through it brings to my mind how God made each and everyone of us for a reason and he made us our own individual person. I was made like this for a reason and I need to use my attitudes and character traits to God's advantage and spread His love in every way possible. I also learned through the message that I need to treat girls like angels and nothing less. I will try my best to serve God the way He planned on me to serve Him and I will do whatever it takes to please women around me so that I may shine as a true man of God! Well after chapel I hung out with Gab in the coffee shop up until lunch came up. The heat seemed as if it was getting hotter and hotter by the minuet. With all of the games this week I am sure that my farmers tan will just be amazing! We have a big week in baseball this week, last week was one of my biggest baseball weeks of my life and I am going to keep it going starting tomorrow against La Verne, then all the way up in Fresno on Thursday then APU this Saturday! I can't wait it is going to be one intense week and I have been starting in right field and hopefully I can continue to do so. I can't believe I ever thought that my season was really over. Pff what was I thinking! My season was just beginning! Now that it is coming to an end I am really taking advantage of any opportunity I get to play baseball because any day could be my last. Well practice finally came and it was so hot! I could barely even function. Good thing it only lasted about two hours before it got called because everyone was just exhausted from the heat. After practice I had everything planned to start my homework and I was getting ready and then all of a sudden the fire drill went off. That kind of ruined everything so I just headed to dinner then headed to the dark room to develop some photos. Our project is due on Thursday but I will be in Fresno so I wont be able to turn it in. Hopefully my professor understands, I am sure he will he is a pretty cool guy. Anyways I spent about 3 hours getting some work done in there and by the time I was finished with that I was just done for so I headed to bed early. Today was a good day, I think I could of gotten a lot more done but I will be getting a lot more done over the next few days. It was also nice to get writing for the first time in a while. I am actually on time and up to date. Thanks for hanging in there!

Daily Reading: John 10:28-30
Jesus is speaking here in the gospel of John, just as a shepherd protects his sheep, Jesus protects his people form eternal harm. While believers can expect to suffer on earth, Satan cannot harm their should or take away their souls or take away their eternal life with God. There are many reasons to be afraid here on earth because this is the devil's domain. But if we choose to follow Jesus, He will give us everlasting safety. This is the clearest statement of Jesus' divinity he ever made. Jesus and his father, are not the same person, but they are one in essence and nature. Thus Jesus is not merely a good teacher-He is God. His claim to be God was unmistakable. The religious leaders wanted to kill him because their laws said that anyone claiming to be God should die. Nothing could persuade them that Jesus' claim was true. I am going to jump back to the whole Satan's domain issue. Lately I feel like I am being attacked by him and he is making me busy so I wont be able to do the things I love, such as write. I continually have to fight him off with the power of Jesus. Satan often robs me of my sleep and I probably haven't slept well in over a month. The thing is no matter how tired I am, no matter how busy I am, no matter what Satan does, I will never stop loving Jesus the way I love Him now. I will never stop thinking of Him everyday and writing about Him everyday. He has a light that burns in side of me that will never burn out. I will try my best to stay on track and continue to write on a daily basis no matter how busy I may be! For the second part of the verse, I have a quote that I absolutely love and I quote all the time when having discussions with friends. Enjoy

"Over time, Christianity has become defined more by its behavioral code than by its doctrinal beliefs. In other words, Christianity became a religion of do's and dont's rather than a theological faith. This is exactly what Christ preached against when He butted heads with the Pharisees. For him, the kingdom of God was all about a relationship and the condition of a person's heart. He abhorred the though that the kingdom of God would be minimized to rules and regulations and a behavioral checklist." -Bruce Bickel -Stan Jantz

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for helping me find the time to again sit down, spend some time with you, and write God. It feels so good to get back on this computer and really just write everything that is on my mind. I also thank You for the past week, I learned a lot and I pray that I will use what I learned the next time a busy schedule comes up. I thank You for baseball and how it has been going. I pray that it will continue to go well and that we will be able to make it deep into the play offs. I pray that I will not look at my performances to a personal level but to the teams level. I pray that I will not play for the good of myself but for the good of my team. I pray that I will not be nervous but excited to go out there and play. I pray that I will be able to trust in the talent You gave me and I will have confidence no matter how good the other team may be. I pray that as a team, we will all continue to play well and we will all get along with the long season rapidly approaching to an end. I know pray for school, I am pretty overwhelmed with homework God and I pray that I will find the time to be able to get it all done and turn it in. I pray that I not only get it done but I pray that I will get it done well so I will be able to get good grades God. I pray now for my friends and family. Between them all Lord, there are pains, hurt feelings, deaths, and frustration God. I pray that You will touch them and be with them throughout the day. I pray that they will look to You for answers and not be afraid to talk with You. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. Help them to some how find You God and please use me in that process. I pray that I can be a light in other peoples lives. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. I pray that I will not act like I walk the walk but I do indeed walk the walk for You. I pray that I will figure out what to do this summer and everything God and that I can trust You through that. I now pray for my dream girl Father, help me to find her Lord and for me to be able to trust You through that and for me to be patient in the process. Thanks again for a wonderful day God. I pray these things in You name.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 108 "Getting There"

Daily Summary: Well I didn't really get a good night sleep last night, actually I only got about 5 hours. It is not that I couldn't sleep through the night or anything but for some reason I just woke up at 6:00AM this morning after going to bed around 1:00AM. The funny thing is that I didn't even feel tired at all except that the light shinning in my room hurt my eyes. Kind of funny after playing three games yesterday and being completely sore didn't really affect me but simple light shinning through the window did. Haha well today was a new day and God's day so i couldn't wait to get it started. I sat around and got ready before heading over to my moms house to meet up with all my siblings and go to Church. My parents were out of town so they didn't attend today. While driving to the church, I thought to myself when I have kids and they grow up I want them to be responsible enough to go to church on their own if I am not around. Pretty sweet. Well church was awesome as always preached by Tony Wood since Chuck was out of town. The worship was my favorite part along with about 10 baptisms went on. After Church my mom had just gotten back form her cruise so we met up with her and Ron for lunch. Had a great time with them and eating the delicious food as well. For the remainder of the day I just sat back and relaxed for the most part before heading back down to Biola for the night. This spring break flew by but it was definitely a fun one.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 107 "Changes Coming My Way"

Okay so I have been praying about it and I have come up with the fact that I am definitley going to change the the format for a while and see how it all works out. Starting on Monday I am going to basically just write a letter to God about my day, what I've read (both in the Bible and other literature), and a prayer. Instead of having three seperate secitons it's just going to be one big one. To be honest I have wanted to give up everything on this blogs for some reason I felt kind of burnt out with the whole writing thing. I do love it don't get me wrong but I felt like I wasn't really getting anywhere with what I wrote so I have decided to change some things up. This week has been rough and the next one coming up is going to be just as tough. So I am definitley going to be starting this up starting Monday. I am going to sit down and spend some real hard time with God through it all and just write directly to Him and publicaly post it. If I still doesn't seem like I am getting anywhere then I will try something else. I am not going to give up on what I have started, I am going to keep it going! Thanks for those who have been praying. Today was one of the busiest baseball days of my life. I played 3 games against Concordia going 3 for 6 with a home run, 2 scarafices, 3 RBI, and two singles. We took 2 games out of 3 and I was wiped out for the rest of the night. I got to hang out with Gab for the first time in a while which was really awesome then I headed home for the night and got to bed around 1:00AM. I am so over being busy and I can't wait for summer to be here. Ha well like I said Monday's blog will be full but different. Thanks

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 106 "Still Busy"

Okay so I have decided I am completely going to change everything up with the whole blgo thing, I am still going to continue to try and write as much as I can on a daily basis but I am going to probably not right as much and just let you know what is going on in my life and possibly around the world. It will probably be like this for the remainder of the school year. I have found myself not being able to sit down in front of the computer everyday like I use to be able to. I apologize for the incovienence but things are just crazy right now. Please pray for me to be able to get through these busy times. I am still praising Jesus everyday so thats all good ha.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 105 "Way to Busy"

Daily Summary: Well another baseball explenation because I literally have just had no time to write lately. Im going to be honest I have been getting lazy with some of my writings and I haven't been really looking forward to them all that much. I apologize, it is not like I have been loosing interest in it all it is just that I have had a super busy week with baseball. When I sit down I just want to relax and not do anything but sit and be lazy. Hopefully I will be able to get right back on track when school starts up again on Monday and this long Spring Break comes to an end...

Form my Phone

I am in Santa Barbara and I don't have internet, so I will be posting the writings Friday morning. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 104 "Six Homeruns to Win"

Daily Summary: Well it all started rising up nice and early and packing up the cars to head down to Santa Barbara to play two games with Westmont college. As we got outside we noticed that it was a bit windy here at Biola but didn't think it would affect somewhere that was well over 2 hours away. Well we were wrong. As we stepped out of the car and onto the field, the wind was blowing close to 40 miles an hour! Not great weather to play baseball but we didn't let it bother us. We got ready and pumped up for the game then it finally started. I got the start in right and I was pumped and ready to play. For some reason I felt good about today's game that we were going to score a bunch of runs and beat this team up pretty good. Well through the first inning that really didn't happen as we put up a big goose egg. They came out swinging and scored 5 runs in the first inning! Shoot we came back in and again 3 up and 3 down. Things didn't look to good up until the third inning when we began to creep back. With one out Chad Pace hit a bomb to make it 5 to 1. I came up right after him and hit a double in the left center gap. I then got stranded at third but at least we got a run up on the bored. Then after shutting their hitters down again, we scored a few more with a two run homerun by Brent Opdyke. We were pumped and new that there was no way we were going to loose this game even though we were still down by 2 runs. Later the next inning Hawkins Gebbers hit a homerun, followed by another Chad Pace homerun to put ourselves up 7 to 5. Then they rallied back to make it 8 to 7 with a big inning yet again where we got back up 9 to 8 then didn't loose the lead after that. Steve Alexander hit a homerun in the 9th then I hit my second homerun of the season to bump up the score 14 to 9. They got one little run in the last inning to make it a final score of 14 to 10 with 8 total homeruns in the game including 2 by them it was an exciting but long ball game. A total time of 4 hours and 10 minuets made it an exciting but exhausting game. I had my first 4 hit game of my career going 4 for 4 with a walk and three RBI's. It was a good day and I was really excited to get some extra base hits along with another homerun. I doubled my homeruns today through high school since I only had one in 3 years of varsity. Well after the game we headed to dinner than to a hotel to spend the night and get some sleep for another big game tomorrow. Nothing exciting happened today besides the game so that is all I have to really say and talk about ha. Well have a good night.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 103 "The Life"

Daily Summary: Today was another normal day here on campus. Woke up nice and refreshed with a good night sleep so I started off the day with some reading and talking to God. I asked Him for strength to be able to make it through this long week and the remain ding ones left of the school year. When I look ahead upon what is to come I see that busy is an understatement of what is going to be going on. Well I did the normal thing I do when I don't have school but just baseball. I don't know if anyone has read the first couple of blogs that I posted where I was kind of under the same situation where I am at now. No school just baseball. Life really couldn't be to much better then that haha. Well I had myself some cereal then got some stuff done around the room. I didn't really do much leading up to practice, I probably could of done something a little more useful then just sit around but it felt kind of nice not having to worry about anything for the day. Phil and I went out to lunch then headed back to make it in time for a great easy practice. We really didn't do anything but hit so it was real laid back. We got out nice and early too which was also really cool. After practice I didn't do much again but play ping pong for a while then went out to dinner. Since there is no cafe during spring break we have to go out and get our own meals. I got to bed nice and early, at least that was what I was planning on doing until I had the worst allergy attack of all time. I never really experienced anything like it but I eventually got through the millions of sneezing and blowing the nose and fell asleep. Nice and simple day today, nothing really exciting has gone on in the last couple of days. Ha hope all is well.
Daily Reading: Romans 13:6-7
Well in honor of tax day I decided that this verse would fit best with today. There really isn't to much to really explain about taxes but we as Christians should always be up to date on our payments never fall behind in debt. When we borrow money or anything from someone then have enough money to pay them back it is sometimes hard to do so.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
The next few days I am not going to be able to post my writings until Friday most likely. I can really see a change in my attitude and everything with not being able to really keep up on my writings with my busy schedule. I really pray for the courage and everything else I need to be able to man up and get through all my writings and time with You Father. I pray that I will be kept away from all types of sin and I will listen to You when You are trying to speak to me. I pray that I will be able to have a positive Christ-like attitude throughout the day and that I will always look for an opportunity to share Christ with those around me. I pray for a fun and safe trip tomorrow to Santa Barbabra and that we will play well as a team and come up with some big wins. I love You Jesus.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 102 "Missed it by Inches"

Daily Summary: Well after not really being able to sleep last night I woke up around 7:00 to get ready for a 7:45 bus and head to San Diego for a double header with San Diego Christian College. We swept them the last double header we played against them but they seemed to be getting better so we needed to come out strong. After the 2 and a half hour long ride there we finally made it all the way down there and things started off going good. We came out hot and scored 6 runs in the first 2 innings thanks to a few walks, hit batters, and a home run by Brent Chavez. We quited down for a few innings and let the Hawks creep back up to make it 6 to 4. Then our bats woke back up and we didn't look back. Having a 6 run 6 innings followed by a 3 run 7th and a 2 run 8th the final score came out to be 17 to 5. It isn't like San Diego is a bad team they just don't have the pitching to back up their run support. The next game went on and wasn't as exciting but we again came out with the victory. This time the score was 5 to 1 and Adam Mcnaught pitched amazing for his first start of the Season and got the win. It was a super long hot day but definitely a productive one. Two games down 5 to go for the week and we need to win all of them. We have two games coming up this Wednesday and Thursday against Westmont and those are must win games as well. We will see how that goes! After the game we again encountered a long drive home and finally made it back to school at 8:30. A 13 hour day! Shoot I couldn't wait to get in my room and relax for the rest of the night. That is exactly what I did and nothing really went on. I kind of got in one of my lame sad moods but I was able to get over it after a talk with Gab. She always had the right words to say when I am feeling down. Well my day was pretty short and I didn't really do much but ad to my farmers tan and pick up a few wins. Tomorrow is going to be pretty simple, just have practice and that is the only thing scheduled.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 41:10
Since I was kind of down for a while after the games today and actually at points during the games I tried my best to fight it off and continue to keep my head up and to keep playing hard and doing my best. I ended up going 1 for 3 on the day with a walk including a double which I missed a home run by about 3 inches. When I am down at baseball I try to have fun with all the guys and interact with them on the bench and everything but sometimes it just isn't enough. What I really have to do is know that is God is with me no matter what is going on around me. Good or bad I shouldn't fear about what is to come because I have God with me at all times. He loves me no matter how many hits I get or how many chances I get to play. When I am down God will strengthen and help me with His righteous right Hand and nothing can ever bring Him down so He is always up to helping me out. When I am going through something like this alone, it is sometimes tough to snap out of it. Even the littlest amount of encouraging words can put me right back up on my feet. Sometimes it just takes a good yelling at me telling me to get on my knees and start talking to God. I am so stupid sometimes but hey I am human and I am far from being perfect all the time. Well lets hope I get a great night sleep tonight and that I will remember this verse when I need God the most.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
I haven't been able to write much at all lately and I ask for Your forgiveness with that. I pray that I will find time to be able to write everyday and spend time in Your word. I pray that I will not get down God and I will look to You when I am tempted to do so. I thank You for the people I have in my life that take the time to lift up my spirits God and to help me focus on You. I pray that I will be able to find more people in my life like this and I pray that I can also help others who are going through the same kind of things.
I pray for other friends or family that may be going through a rough time. I pray that they will look to You and trust You with their problems God. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You and that I will be used in the process. I pray that I will never look down an opportunity to be able to share You. Please give me the courage to do so. I now pray for school Father. Help me to be able to read and understand what is going on and that I will continue to work hard and get good grades. I pray for the same effort in baseball. Help me to stick to what I have been playing my whole life and work to get better at it. I pray that we will continue to succeed as a team and come out on top of the charts. I pray for a certain situation that You only know God. I pray that if it is what I feel for it to keep moving forward and if it isn't right please help things to slow down and for me to not even be affected by Your decision. Help me to find my dream girl God someway somehow. Help me to love her unconditionally and help her to love me for who I am, and not want to change a thing about me. I pray for the ones suffering just by claiming that they love You God. Help them to keep on praising You and for them to realize that they are being blessed for standing up for their Faith. I love You so much God and thank You again for such an awesome day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 101 "Sister's B-day"

Daily Summary: Today was a celebration of two wonderful people in my life. One was of course Jesus and the resurrection He went through after doing something for me that I will never be able to pay Him back for. The other was my little Jonas Brother lover of a little sister's birthday. She went up to two digits today and had her 10th birthday! I haven't really been around lately to see her grow up especially through the last couple of years but from what I do know about her is that she is growing into a wonderful little girl and she has a lot of good things ahead of her. She loves Jesus more then any other 10 year old that I know and I cant wait to see what God has in store for her. Well we all woke up had some pancakes for breakfast, then headed to a great Easter Sunday Church service. I went to my moms little Church and it was good to see the place packed with people. It is one thing to be in a Church with 1,000's of people worshiping and praising Jesus. It is awesome to see so many people praising God all at the same time. Then the other part is being at a small church where only about 100 to 200 people are in the service. The body of the Church literally all seems like one big happy Jesus family. With everyone knowing each other and talking with one another each new person can easily be picked out in the crowd and everyone introduces them to one another. It is so awesome to see so many people all in one place on fire for God. Well after Church we headed to the ceramic place to paint up some ceramics. This is what Rebekah wanted to do for her birthday and it was actually a lot of fun. I made mine special for someone and if I explain it on here then it would give it all away because I am sure this will be read by them at some point. Ha well after that we had some pizza then headed home for the cake and presents. My mom got her a present and told her it was from me and it was exactly what she wanted so I was Rebekah's favorite person for the day. She reads this too so I am sure she will hit me after she reads this and sees me again. Overall it was just a good day. I was so tired through every second of it all but I just kept trying to keep a positive attitude and not let my mood get the best of me. After all Jesus has risen and how can you get down with something as cool as that! Ha well tomorrow is another busy day so it is going to be a short blog. Praying for you all, take it easy.

Daily Reading:

Daily Prayer:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 100 "No Way!"

Daily Summary: Well here it is day 100! Like I always say time is seriously just flying by. I can't believe I have made it this far! I thank God for all the strength He has given me to be able to get through 100 solid days of serving Him. Then again I am looking at this landmark and realizing that I am not even 1/3 of the way done! Shoot. Well it is still a lot of blogs that I have posted and it seems like just yesterday that I couldn't sleep on the night of January 1st and decided to start writing these things. Through the ups and downs of it all I truly love what I do. I thank every single one of their persons that take the time to read all this. Sometimes I am happy what I write about on here and other times I just don't like what I write so I don't even look back on it. What it has taught me so far is that I should never give up on anything no matter what it is, there is always a verse that relates to the problem or praise that I am going through, I have learned how to stay positive on a daily basis, shoot there are millions of things that I have learned through writing on an average of well over 2,000 words a day. That average is probably going to come down a few notches with this weeks busy schedule but what I noted even before I wrote my first blog was that no matter how much or how little I write I am still going to post something everyday. Just because I don't write about what has gone on doesn't mean things aren't happening. I literally experience amazing things on a daily basis and I wish I had the time to talk about them but I could seriously spend hours doing so. I am also learning to try to express my same thoughts that I write through words that I speak. Writing is kind of my get away from the one on one conversation with people and I miss that. I am much better at writing things down then speaking them. It is kind of like being able to pray when we are alone for hours but once there is 15 people sitting around a table and they call on you to pray, you get all nervous and choked up. It may not happen to everyone but it happens to some people no matter how attached to God they really are. Well anyways the last 100 days has been amazing and today was just another one of those exciting beautiful days that God created. I woke up nice and early and headed down the street to meet with the team and have breakfast. Since the cafe is closed there is nothing to eat so the coach bought us breakfast and gave us each $100 for the week. What a nice guy! He is also buying us breakfast Monday morning and that will help us out even a little more. After that we headed straight back and got ready for another fabulous day of baseball. We played Cal State San Bernardino in a single game. We won 6 to 2 and played some good baseball for the entire game. It was really a fun win and my whole family got to come and watch me play which was even cooler. After the game I showed them around, got ready, then headed to dinner with them. We went to the same place I went for breakfast which was kind of funny but delicious! I headed home after that and had a great night just hanging with the family. As I got ready to write I pulled out my laptop from my backpack to realize that I had forgotten a piece of my charger and was just left with a paper weight of a dead laptop. Totally brought my spirits down but I capped off the night watching some sweet YouTube miracle videos that I had no idea about the power us Christians really have. I definitely will be praying about these things and hopefully will be able to practice the powers of the Holy Spirit sometime soon! Well it is super late and I have to get some sleep! Night.

Daily Reading:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 99 "Laundry"

Daily Summary: First of all sorry for the late post things have been pretty busy lately and I haven't been able to really get much done. I didn't really do anything at all today. Worth talking about at least. I woke up super early and headed down to the locker room since two other freshman and I had to do the baseball laundry. Our usual laundry guy was off work since it is spring break and all so we had to do it all. At first we couldn't get in because everything was locked. We called campus safety and got in no problem. We also thought that doing the laundry was going to be pretty simple but it turned out being a total long process. It was all good it went by real quick and I took a break and went and got some nice Mexican food for lunch. After we finished nothing really happened for the rest of the day except for practice and what not. I really haven't much time to write and I wont be writing much for the weekend. It is a pretty busy weekend with baseball and Easter going on. I'm looking at little to no sleep so we will see how that goes. This whole week my blogs are going to be somewhat short. I have 8 games in the next 8 days and we pretty much need to win them all. I leave for San Diego all day Monday, then I leave to Santa Barbara all day Wednesday and Thursday then cap it off with 3 games against Concordia. It should be fun!

Daily Reading:
Isaiah 35:4
Just a verse to kind of pump me up for what is about to go down in the next week. Instead of worrying about the games or how busy I will be I am just gonna lay back and relax and enjoy the things that God has put in my life. For some reason and for some great reason I am here at Biola and I am loving almost every second of it. Although I am spending everyday of my Spring break playing baseball I only live once and I want to take every advantage I can in making my life the best life possible and do so loving Jesus every step of the way!

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Through the next week I pray that I will continue to grow in You every single one of the days. Although I will be busy I pray that You will have the same impact on me just as if I had all the time in the world to hang out with You. I pray that even though I wont have anytime to write I still spend my usual time in Your word on a daily basis. I pray that I will not become frustrated with the things that are going on around me. I pray that I wont give up in the things I already started God. I pray for anyone that may be struggling in this rough world God. Please guide me and others to lead them to You and show them what the ultimate point of life is. I love You so much God!

Just to Let You know

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's blogs will posted on Sunday Evening since I will not have a chance to post them with my schedule. Thanks for understanding, please check back for updates or text me and tell me to get on it! (951)310-4848 I'll be praying for everyone and have a good Easter.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 98 "Confident"

Daily Summary: Another great day at Biola! Woke up at the crack of dawn to finish up an essay and headed to my 8 O clock class. It was a usual day in class, she just explained poems and what not. It is hard to stay awake that early in the morning. Well I don't know who all reads these but if you have been noticing that I haven't been posting my blogs at night but instead I have been posting theme in the morning. There reason is that I like to go to bed on time and if I don't start writing till right before I go to bed I get lazy and don't write the things that I should and my full effort isn't involved. So every morning I write and post them so I could express my complete thoughts and experiences. I noticed that this also puts a nice jump start on my day because I go through all of the positives through the day before and it prepares me for the day to come. The thing is that I don't start it till after my 8 o clock class so I am not inspired till afterwards. That makes me sometimes go through class negatively and I don't really enjoy it. All well I just have to keep getting by for another month then I am done! Woo hoo! Time is flying by so quickly and I can't believe that we are in the 9th day of April right now! Geez I felt like I was just doing my April fools jokes yesterday. Not that they were any good or anything ha. Well I feel like I am not making sense right now so bare with me I am still really tired and didn't sleep to well last night. Well I went to breakfast after class hung out for a bit then headed to my next one. We again just watched a movie and discussed it afterwards. The movie was made a long time ago so it was tough to figure out but the main point made the movie pretty decent. After that I went to lunch and just sat around up until we had to leave for out game down at Cal State Dominguez Hills. We beat them last time so we were pumped to play them again and try out best to get a win. Well it didn't really work out that way. They cam out scored a run in the first inning and the score stayed 1 to 0 up until the 8th inning when they came out and scared two more. We ended up loosing 3 to 0 and headed back home with a disappointing loss. I didn't get to play today but that was okay with me. I cheered my team on the best I could but just couldn't come out on top. Well we headed home then went straight to dinner. We werent learning anything new in class today so I just hung out with some guys and played ping ping for a while. I didn't really do all that much for the rest of the night except chill in my room with Phil. Tomorrow I have to wake up and do laundry for a few hours. Our laundry guy at school is gone so all of the Freshman have to wash all the baseball uniforms. Life is just so great being a freshman! haha well sorry that nothing interesting happened today maybe tomorrow will be better!

Daily Reading: Philippians 1:6
Confidence! There are so many things around us that may seem unusual and sometimes weird. Throughout the day God is working through us with His Holy Spirit. He will do this until Christ shows up and will never stop loving us. The unusual miracles will just keep coming and coming. Now we as Christians may think that these kind of things just don't happen to us but think this. We are all filled with the same Holy Spirit, and so why wouldn't they happen to us. Why can't we be the people who go around healing one another. We can! In James it tells us that God gives to us generously without finding fault! All we need to do is believe that it is going to happen and it will. There are many times in the Bible where it states that we must believe in order for everything around us to take place. We as Christians have faith in God that He will do everything that He said. So far the Bible has been proven to be 100% true and I have confidence that what ever was said about what is going to happen will happen.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Please help me with the confidence I need to be able to believe in the wonderful things You do around me. Please help me to understand the miracles You do God. Although they be unusual I believe that You have a wonderful sense of humor so of course You would work in unusual ways. I pray that I will be able to inspire others God with the things I do. I pray that I will continue to grow in my writings and everything Father. I pray that I will not get nervous to go around new people God. I pray that I will be open to talking to others about Christ. please help me not to doubt anything God. Help me to trust in everything You do.
Help others to see You through me and my actions. As I was reading today, help me to be a holy person and to give every effort to expand not only with relationships with others but with YOU GOD! I pray that there will always be that one person in my life that gives me the encouragement to grow in my relationship with You. I love You so much! I pray for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please help them to look to You for answers and problems God. Help them to know that You will never give them anything that You can't handle and nothing is impossible through You. I pray for the friends and family that don't know You God. Help me to be a light in their life and for them to some how become interested in You God. Help them to seek You and help me to be open in talking to them about You and Your oh so wonderful ways! I pray for my dream girl God, weather she is around me or not help me to be patient in finding her and getting to know her God. Please help me to keep up with the book I am reading as well! Thank You for another amazing day God! I love You so much!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 97 "Creeper"

Daily Summary: Today was another very relaxed day. With having no practice or class I didn't really know what the day was going to bring me. I woke up nice and refreshed and ready for the day. For some reason I was just happy I don't really know why but I am sure it had something to do with Jesus. So I wrote a little bit showered and headed to lunch since I missed breakfast. After lunch I read a few chapters out of the how to find the right mate book and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside. I sat out there for about 3 hours then headed down to the baseball field to hit for a while. After that I went right back to my spot and read a little bit more. Ha I just felt like having a relaxing day so that is exactly what I did. After that I went back to the room for a little bit then headed to dinner with Gab and her roommate Brooke. It was a lot of fun just chilling with them and everything. Well throughout the day I tried to instead of walking around looking like I was pissed off just walking around smiling so that way people wont get the wrong idea of me. Now I know that I should just be myself, but sometimes walking around smiling is indeed being myself. Well with walking around having a smile on my face throughout the day, I think it might have creeped people out more then walking around with my normal face tone. I thought it was kind of funny for the most part and kind of just went along with it. It doesn't really matter to me if people think I am weird because I have a smile on my face. My fault for just loving Jesus so much. Well for the rest of the day things were pretty basic. I hung out in the library for a while writing a paper and listening to church online then I ended the night by going to chapel and watching a documentary called "The Rescue." It was a continuing version of the popular "Invisible Children" movie that was created several years ago about the child soldiers in Northern Uganda. It was a very touching documentary and my heart breaks for what those kids have to go through on a daily basis. Well today was pretty short so my blog is pretty short. Tomorrow is probably going o be the same thing since I just have a few classes then I am heading out for a road game. Good Night.

Daily Reading:
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. This verse is pretty self explanatory but I would just like to broaden some things on it. My pastor said it right last night that no one even him is perfect. He talked about how there are people that put him up on a pedestal and as he walks around he is like some celebrity that everyone is scarred to talk to. He explained how wrong it is and that it wasn't his intentions at all to be that kind of guy. Mentioning that he indeed wasn't perfect and that he committed sins throughout his life that are unacceptable. We have all fallen shot of the glory of God and without the death and Resurrection of Jesus we would of never been forgiven for all of these horrible things we do as human beings. It is never to late for someone to recommit their lives to Christ. As this weekend is coming the celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection is a key point in which people go to church and often recommit their lives to Jesus. Now we has as brothers and sisters in Christ should be praying for these people on a day to day basis so that they will not stumble but stick to their re commitments. My sister has recently done this and I haven't stopped praying for her. She at tented church last night and loved it and I am glad that she is willing to go again and enjoy herself.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Father,
Thank You for another great day. My life has been better then ever lately and I thank You for the people that I am getting involved with that are encouraging me to keep progressing my ways and for me to pick up positive habits. I pray that these ways and relationships will continue to grow in all aspects of our relationship but most of all through You God. I pray that I will be a light in others lives that they will be able to see you through me and my actions. I adore You Father and I thank You for the time I am able to spend with friends and I pray that I will be able to make more along the road. I pray that I will be able to find a role model in my life, a big brother figure who I can look up to and who can guide me on the right path. I pray that I will not ignore Your signs Lord but I will be able to pick them up when they come to me. I pray for the all the people who are Holiday Church goers which only go to Church on certain holidays. I pray that they will find the true meaning of Chruch and be able to recommit their lives to You!
I pray for anyone who doesn't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You and that I will be used in the process. I pray that I will never look down an opportunity to be able to share You. Please give me the courage to do so. I now pray for school Father. Help me to be able to read and understand what is going on and that I will continue to work hard and get good grades. I pray for the same effort in baseball. Help me to stick to what I have been playing my whole life and work to get better at it. I pray that we will continue to succeed as a team and come out on top of the charts. I pray for a certain situation that You only know God. I pray that if it is what I feel for it to keep moving forward and if it isn't right please help things to slow down and for me to not even be affected by Your decision. Help me to find my dream girl God someway somehow. Help me to love her unconditionally and help her to love me for who I am, and not want to change a thing about me. I pray for the ones suffering just by claiming that they love You God. Help them to keep on praising You and for them to realize that they are being blessed for standing up for their Faith. I love You so much God and thank You again for such an awesome day.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 96 "Stop Judging Me"

Daily Summary: Today was another great day. Woke up nice and early to get ready for my ever so wonderful 8AM class. I don't really understand what goes on in there most of the time so it is really hard to pay attention. I ended up reading some of the He's Hot She's Hot book to get through some of the boring lecture time. I realized something else while I was in class that kind of got me thinking. I am obviously here at a Christian school where everyone should have a huge passion for God if they are going to come here. They should have this kind of passion because they are or their parents are paying over $30,000. Well we have this thing before every class, kind of like a devotion thing where people in the class bring a verse and share some things about it. It amazes me how show some people are about sharing a verse. There are many times where people have said they have forgotten their verse that they were going to bring even though they have their Bible right in front of them. When she asks if they have a verse on their heart that they want to share they say no. I mean if they are scarred to talk in front of other Christians about what kind of things are on their hear how do you think they will do when they talk to non-believers. It kind of astonishes the way some of the people are here at Biola. Some people are just on fire and can't stop talking about Jesus. Other people have that same kind of fire but they keep it on the inside and don't let it out. Maybe it is just because of the way they grew up but I think it is time to shout and let it all out! I to have struggled with that and I haven't even spoke up in the class yet because I like to observe and just see what other people have to say. For some reason I kind of don't feel apart of that class. I feel kind of left out because I don't know what is going on or anything and no one seems to want to help me or get me involved. I know I know, wahhh cry me a river but it leads to my next point that has literally brought me to tears the last couple of nights. Judging. I myself don't really have a problem with that lately but I am just disappointed at how I have been getting judged lately. I usually don't like to talk about my feelings because they are usually happy and not interesting so I decide to talk about what others may be going through. Today is going to be different. I have been hurting about this for about a month now and I am not really sure what I need to do about it. It all started when a friend of mine messaged me on facebook and apologized to me. I had no idea what they were apologizing to me so I asked what are you sorry for. They said "I am not going to lie I thought you were just that typical jerk baseball player that doesn't want to be here and is only here to play baseball but after talking to you and reading your blog I have realized that your much different then what I assumed you to be" Now I am not sure if that was word for work but you catch my drift. I didn't think to much of it at first but for some reason I think of it all the time and wonder why I deserve to be judged like that. I remember another one during orientation week of school way back in August. One of the leaders that were guiding the incoming students around told me, "I'm going to lie when I first met you and saw you I wasn't to sure about you. I thought that Biola definitely wasn't your place and you were here just because it was your last resort. After talking to you though I have totally changed my thoughts on you. I'm sorry." I couldn't believe this either. Again I didn't really think to much about up until it kept recurring. Now it seems to be coming up all of the time and I am beginning to almost get used to the fact that people are going to judge me as I walk around. I have been told by my very special friend Gabby that she has talked to some people because they see us together all the time. She said that some ask her if I party and everything like that because I am a baseball player. It may not seem like it is such a big deal but this stuff has really taken a toll on me. Like I said before it has brought tears to my eyes. Especially because I have been trying so hard to set the example and I pray everyday that others will be able to see Christ through me. Honestly I think I have been doing a good job with all of that. I never hesitate to talk about what I believe in, what I am reading, or how God is moving in my life. So instead of getting upset with this people for what they are doing I am going to pray for each and every single one of them. Pray for their thoughts, pray for how they look at people, and pray for the words that come out of their mouths because I don't think a guy who partied, was a total jerk, or who didn't want to be here would write a blog that takes him almost 2 hours a day 96 days straight. I will continue to try my hardest to not get people to think that I am some typical jerk, party guy, or anything just because I play a sport. I most of all will continue to love Jesus and shout out my passion for Him in all ways and will never give up to what I believe in. Well now that I have gotten that off my chest I will talk about the rest of my day. For my next class we just watched a movie the whole time which seemed pretty interesting for the most part. We wont finish it up until Thursday so we will see how that goes. After that I headed to lunch then off to get ready for my game. The game went okay. We won 9 to 4 so that's all that matters. We were up 2 to 1 the whole game until Whittier College scored 3 in the top of the 8th to make it 4 to 2. We then came back with 7 runs to make it 9 to 4 and held out the victory. After the game a couple of the guys and I decided to rush over to try and make it to the angel game. We got ready real quick and rushed over there to find out that it was sold out! We were disappointed but we decided to go to a restaurant, eat and just watch the game on TV. It was a lot of fun hanging out with all the older dudes and seeing what they were all about. They are funny guys and no how to have a good time so that is always nice. We headed back around 10:00 and when we got back to school I met up with Gab and hung out with her for the rest of the night. You couldn't have guessed what we talked about the whole time. Jesus. I know crazy stuff right? Ha well today was definitely a great day, even though the whole judge thing came about, it is just another bump in the road smoothed out by the Holy Spirit. Can't wait for another wonderful day at Biola tomorrow.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 14:33
God is not a God of CONFUSION, but of peace. Gab gave me this verse for a friend that I was talking to and I decided to use it today because I love verses that describe who our God is and what He is all about. The reason why I like because there are so many different views on who God is and what He is all about. I am not going to really get into all the different views or anything like that because that would just take forever haha. What the point I want to come across is how the Bible explains God and that is how we should view God. Just like this verse right here, we know that God is not up there to try and confuse us with all of this crazy stuff, He just wants to give us peace. I a confused about things on a daily basis. No matter what I may be confused about, now I know that I should always ultimately go to God with this confusion because He is never confused about anything. Imaging going through life and getting everything that is said to us and every single direction that is explained to us. How simple would that be! Well God is here to always (I am going to make up a new word) unconfuse us. He designed our lives to be ones of peace and that there would be no confusion amongst us. All we need to do is follow Him and not look back. People may think that following God is difficult and it could be at times especially when you just begin. Although this is true, once you get to a certain point we as Christians realize how easy everything is. No worrying, no complaining, no excuses, just JESUS! How could we not be happy? I mean Jesus is with us 24/7 and He is always looking for an opportunity to help us out. He is the ultimate MAN!

Daily Prayer:
Ha Hello Jesus!
Today was just another awesome day. Right away I want to get to the whole judging situation. I pray that I will continue to work hard in expressing my love for You and I pray that those who worship You look I do will not take their time to judge me just for what sport I play or the way I walk around. I pray that they we see the real me and get to know who I really am. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. I thank You that You are God of peace rather then confusion. Thank You most of all for just being the wonderful God You are and the fact that You died for all of us makes it even better. I pray for my sister God as she steps out of her shell and goes to church by herself tomorrow. I pray that when she meets Ronny that he will just put a light in her mind and introduce her to girls that relate to her and that have been through some things that she has been through I pray that she will most of all enjoy the experience she is going to be going through and that she will want to go again. I pray that she will come to know You God more and more every single day. I pray for anyone else that may be on that bubble God. Help them to step over the hump and for them to go out of their comfort zone and just worship You God and go all out. help them to live one life and one life only and that is the life of serving You God. Help them to not look back upon their old selves and for them to just focus on the new. I pray for any friends or family that may be going through some rough times. I pray that they will go to You with their needs and blessings Father. I pray that they will trust in You and except the decisions You make for them. I pray for the ones that don't know You, please help them to find You and please help me to be an influence in their life. I pray for my dream girl God. I pray that I will just be patient in the process and that I will not jump the gun on anything. I pray that I will be able to find a role model in my life. Someone who shares thoughts with me and understands everything I go through. I pray that I will continue to grow through You and trust that You will give me all that I need. Please keep me positive and Holy God. Help me not to be pessimistic and to keep my eyes fixed on You! I love You so much!