Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 94 "Hundreds of Baptisms in One Day!"

Daily Summary: Today was so amazing! For some reason I couldn't really sleep last night at all. I kept waking up over and over again and I didn't know why. I tried to go to bed way to early and I think that was my main problem. I was also pretty excited for today I felt like something amazing was going to happen and it sure did. I did some writing early on in the morning then went over to go pick up Gab and head to church. It was a simple ride out there no traffic whatsoever. Talked about our usual Jesus stuff the whole way down and just what God is doing in our world today. I also got to explain to her the whole Mormon situation yesterday and about some weird dreams I have been getting lately. Well yesterday I was talking to my sister on facebook and randomly asked her to go to Church with us and she said yes without even questioning it! I couldn't really believe it but I was pumped and went and picked her up before we headed to church. Today was Palm Sunday so they had a special service just for this wonderful day. There was about 5 different places to get baptized up on stage that he would make an invitation to go up and get baptized in becoming a new believer. I couldn't wait in what was about to go down. I really didn't know what to expect since I never really have seen anything like it before. Well during the first couple of songs my buddy who I played baseball with through high school came up and sat by me along with his family. Now a few weeks ago I learned about what he has been through in his personal life that I had no idea about. His dad had passed away about a year before he started high school and that is when he moved from Arizona back to here in Southern California with his mom and three sisters. Well in the first part of the service our pastor started talking about his dad and how he got to baptize him on a palm Sunday almost 30 years ago. I thought I heard him getting a little teared up so I instantly began to pray for him and his family and that God would change them today in one way or another. Then through the rest of the service I was really drawn to what Jesus went through for the first Palm Sunday leading up to the Crucifixion and the best of all. His resurrection. It was just an overall great time of worship and preaching and I had this awesome spiritual lift up. Alright well down to business, as the invitation came up literally hundreds of people began to talk up and go get baptized in their clothes. As Pastor Chuck said just give it all up, go down right now and give everything to God. Recommit your life completely to Him right now! It was amazing the goosebumps began to appear throughout my body as I watched people walk up with their families and friends. The joy and the Holy Spirit in the room just couldn't of been more exciting. Well I looked over towards my friend Matt to see him kind of down and most of his family had gone down to get baptized. I turned over to him put my arm around him and began talking. He explained that today would of been his dads birthday and how awesome it was that his two sisters where getting baptized right now. I asked him if he had ever been baptized before and he said no. I asked if he wanted to go up and he said no so I just began to pray to God in my mind that he will grow enough courage to go down there and get it done. After about 5 minuets he looked to me and said lets go. I was pumped he took his other sister down and he got baptized right then and there! I couldn't stop praising God I couldn't believe it. His mom's 4 kids all got baptized on her husband's birthday! What an amazing day! But wait it isn't over yet. As I came back up to my seat I noticed my sister sitting down in her seat crying, I instantly went over there to comfort her and asked what was on her ind. She said she didn't really know. Gabby had I guess prayed over her and she instantly lost it. Well after a while and the last song was played she told me that she felt like she was being called up there! I said lets go! So we went down there and got her baptized as well! It was amazing! Everyone was cheering for her and her re commitment to God! I was shaking with excitement and I couldn't believe what God did to all of these awesome people in one day! I found out later that throughout the day 518 people got baptized that day! I love the way God is moving through crossroads and I can't wait to get involved once again this summer. Well after getting my sister all baptized up, we got in the car and headed back to my moms house. My mom was crying for a while about what had happened then things kind of settled down. We chilled there for a while after church, washed my car, ate some food, and shared stories with one another. It was a great time and it was nice to hang with the family and Gab. So we headed back down to school after a completely amazing day. I was so tired and was just ready to pass out when I got back but I had to get some stuff done and work out so that is pretty much all I did for the rest of the night. We planned out our project for that video we are making and it looks like it is going to be sweet. Well that is all I have for today hopefully tomorrow is just as awesome! Night!

Daily Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3
I picked this verse today because of how God really touched so many peoples lives today. With 518 total people getting baptized, I found this verse and jumped out how quickly God's word is being spread all over the nation in this Holy Week and celebration of the life of Jesus and what He did for us. Beneath the surface of the routine, of daily life, a fierce struggle among invisible spiritual powers is being waged. Out main defense is prayer that God will protect us from evil one and that he will strengthen us. There are a few guidelines that we could do to prepare us for acts of Satan, one is take the threat of spiritual attack seriously, then pray for strength and help from God. Study the Bible to recognize Satan's style and tactics; memorize scripture so it will be a source of help no matter where we are, associate with those who speak the truth and practice what we are taught by sound spiritual leaders. We need to pray for those who don't know who Jesus is and so when evil comes there way they will have someone to look to. My heart breaks for the ones that don't know who Jesus is. I mean every time I have some type of problem I instantly pray to God and ask for help through that certain situation. I could imagine if a lonely person was going through some type of problem and no where to go, know where to look, nothing. It is horrible to think about. So we nee to get out there and find those who maybe lost and show them the truth of what God will be able to do in their lives and how He will be right by their side.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father!
Thank You so much for one of the most amazing days that I have had in a while. Thank You for letting me be able to hang out with my family and my precious friend Gabby. I thank You for having my friend Matt sit next to me today in Church and having his whole family walk down there and get baptized. It was truly amazing to see so many people committing their lives to you in a single day. I just got word that a total of 518 total people went up there to recommit their lives to You God. Whatever the number was I pray that each and every single one of them including my friend and his family will be able to stick to their commitments and continue to follow You God. Although there will bumps in the road in their decision I pray that others around them will influence them to stay on the right track for God. Please use me in any way possible to be able to show them the right path towards You God. I pray also for my sister that talked up today. Thank You for even getting her to wake up and go to to church tonight. It was so amazing to see her walk up their God. Please help her too to stay on the right track and stick to her commitment. I pray that Gabby can really be a light in her life and show her towards the right path. I pray that my sister wont be haunted by her past and that she will seek Your right ways Father. I now pray for all of the ones that don't know You God. Although there were 518 people alone that weer baptized in my Church today there are still billions of people out there that don't know who You are. Help all of us as Christians to be able to go out and be disciples of all nations! Help us to not be ashamed for what we believe in and for us to just not stop talking about the amazing things You are doing in our lives. I love You so much and thank You for another amazing day!

1 comment:

  1. I am still crying the tears of joy! The power of pray, never stop praying for that one person for you may be the only one praying for them to come to know Jesus. I can not put into words what my heart is feeling, I have so much joy I just want to yell it out and let everyone hear the good news!! What more can a mother ask for all her children to know Jesus!! Luke 15:3 Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, "Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep". I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. These has been one of the happiest days of my life!!! Jesus you are amazing!!
