Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 97 "Creeper"

Daily Summary: Today was another very relaxed day. With having no practice or class I didn't really know what the day was going to bring me. I woke up nice and refreshed and ready for the day. For some reason I was just happy I don't really know why but I am sure it had something to do with Jesus. So I wrote a little bit showered and headed to lunch since I missed breakfast. After lunch I read a few chapters out of the how to find the right mate book and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside. I sat out there for about 3 hours then headed down to the baseball field to hit for a while. After that I went right back to my spot and read a little bit more. Ha I just felt like having a relaxing day so that is exactly what I did. After that I went back to the room for a little bit then headed to dinner with Gab and her roommate Brooke. It was a lot of fun just chilling with them and everything. Well throughout the day I tried to instead of walking around looking like I was pissed off just walking around smiling so that way people wont get the wrong idea of me. Now I know that I should just be myself, but sometimes walking around smiling is indeed being myself. Well with walking around having a smile on my face throughout the day, I think it might have creeped people out more then walking around with my normal face tone. I thought it was kind of funny for the most part and kind of just went along with it. It doesn't really matter to me if people think I am weird because I have a smile on my face. My fault for just loving Jesus so much. Well for the rest of the day things were pretty basic. I hung out in the library for a while writing a paper and listening to church online then I ended the night by going to chapel and watching a documentary called "The Rescue." It was a continuing version of the popular "Invisible Children" movie that was created several years ago about the child soldiers in Northern Uganda. It was a very touching documentary and my heart breaks for what those kids have to go through on a daily basis. Well today was pretty short so my blog is pretty short. Tomorrow is probably going o be the same thing since I just have a few classes then I am heading out for a road game. Good Night.

Daily Reading:
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. This verse is pretty self explanatory but I would just like to broaden some things on it. My pastor said it right last night that no one even him is perfect. He talked about how there are people that put him up on a pedestal and as he walks around he is like some celebrity that everyone is scarred to talk to. He explained how wrong it is and that it wasn't his intentions at all to be that kind of guy. Mentioning that he indeed wasn't perfect and that he committed sins throughout his life that are unacceptable. We have all fallen shot of the glory of God and without the death and Resurrection of Jesus we would of never been forgiven for all of these horrible things we do as human beings. It is never to late for someone to recommit their lives to Christ. As this weekend is coming the celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection is a key point in which people go to church and often recommit their lives to Jesus. Now we has as brothers and sisters in Christ should be praying for these people on a day to day basis so that they will not stumble but stick to their re commitments. My sister has recently done this and I haven't stopped praying for her. She at tented church last night and loved it and I am glad that she is willing to go again and enjoy herself.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Father,
Thank You for another great day. My life has been better then ever lately and I thank You for the people that I am getting involved with that are encouraging me to keep progressing my ways and for me to pick up positive habits. I pray that these ways and relationships will continue to grow in all aspects of our relationship but most of all through You God. I pray that I will be a light in others lives that they will be able to see you through me and my actions. I adore You Father and I thank You for the time I am able to spend with friends and I pray that I will be able to make more along the road. I pray that I will be able to find a role model in my life, a big brother figure who I can look up to and who can guide me on the right path. I pray that I will not ignore Your signs Lord but I will be able to pick them up when they come to me. I pray for the all the people who are Holiday Church goers which only go to Church on certain holidays. I pray that they will find the true meaning of Chruch and be able to recommit their lives to You!
I pray for anyone who doesn't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You and that I will be used in the process. I pray that I will never look down an opportunity to be able to share You. Please give me the courage to do so. I now pray for school Father. Help me to be able to read and understand what is going on and that I will continue to work hard and get good grades. I pray for the same effort in baseball. Help me to stick to what I have been playing my whole life and work to get better at it. I pray that we will continue to succeed as a team and come out on top of the charts. I pray for a certain situation that You only know God. I pray that if it is what I feel for it to keep moving forward and if it isn't right please help things to slow down and for me to not even be affected by Your decision. Help me to find my dream girl God someway somehow. Help me to love her unconditionally and help her to love me for who I am, and not want to change a thing about me. I pray for the ones suffering just by claiming that they love You God. Help them to keep on praising You and for them to realize that they are being blessed for standing up for their Faith. I love You so much God and thank You again for such an awesome day.

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