Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 111 "BIggest Buger Ever"

Daily Summary: Well again I didn’t really have the best amount of sleep that I should have had last night, but I still managed to wake up nice and refreshed. Right away I started off the day doing homework and I wouldn’t look back from doing so up until around Noon. So about 5 hours of homework before a 5 hour drive wasn’t the best way to start off a day. I took some time to go to the cages and hit a little bit with Hawkins so that gave me some time to get my mind off of things. After that I kind of had to rush around, pack some stuff up, and grab the lunches before heading up to Fresno. The drive actually wasn’t that bad at all. I watched a Wednesday night Generate service from last week that I downloaded the night before and then we watched a movie so the time literally flew by. We finally got down here to feel that it was well over 100 degrees. We settled in our rooms for a while before walking over to the restaurant they had here on the same campus as the hotel. Here at this restaurant they had the biggest burger I had ever seen on their menu. I don’t know if you can tell from the picture but this thing was huge! So of course I had to get one, along with the other half of my team getting the same thing. There were a few that couldn’t finish but I myself stuffed that whole thing in my stomach and said I never was going to eat again. I was stuffed but proud of myself. It was a lot of fun all sitting at the same table as most of the team and fellow shipping with one another. The cool part was that I happened to be sitting at the end of this huge table and we held hands as I prayed for the food and the safe travels. Although I stutter at times when I pray in public, I do indeed love to. Setting the example to people that we never may see again is just one thing in general I love doing. I keep praying to God that he will open my mind even more and be able to talk to anyone about God even if they are sitting right next to me and talking about something totally other then God. I do pray for that they start talking about something that I may relate to so that I could jump into their conversation and then bring up the topic of Jesus. I mean why not, they may never get another chance to realize who Jesus is. I love Jesus ha wow. Anyways, for the remainder of the night, we just watched this awesome presentation on Josh Hamilton. He was a number 1 draft pick for then the Tampa Bay Devil Rays back in 1998 or 1999, and then fell apart after getting injured in a car accident and getting addicted to drugs and alcohol. A few years later the Lord opened his eyes through his grandma back in 2005 and he hasn’t looked back to his old habits. The story is truly amazing and the way he gives everything to God is even more amazing. He is now an all star outfielder and doing excellent for the Texas Rangers. I recommend looking up his story and testimony as a true inspiration to your self. I guarantee there isn’t one quite like it and it will pump you up as a believer. After watching that we watched a little bit of Sports Center the capped off the night with a movie called Vacancy. It is this horror flick that takes place a small little motel and every time a couple checks in, they rape and kill the customers while having the whole thing filmed. Pretty gross stuff not to mention the fact that we were currently staying at a small little hotel in Fresno. Ha good thing I don’t let scary movies get to me otherwise I would probably of freaked out. Yay for Jesus telling us not to fear! Well my patience and anger was tested tonight as a few of the players decided to play a prank on us 4 freshman. What they did was take an Axe bottle (body deodorant that smells horrible), put tape around it so that it continuously sprayed, then put it in our bathroom until the entire bottle ran out. I am not going to lie, I got pretty dang upset and bitter about the whole situation. Especially since I was about to go to sleep and they had no reason for doing such lame prank to us. Our room smelled like a bunch of chemicals and I could hardly breath. It put me in a bad mood for a while especially after I started sneezing and having a headache but then I just kept praying to God and telling myself that they were just trying to have fun and I should just try and be the bigger person and let it be. To be real, seeing me upset probably made their whole prank a little funnier to them seeing that I don’t really get that upset all that often. So if I just ignore it and let it be, then they probably wont do it again since they saw that it doesn’t bother me. I don’t know if that makes sense but it seems to always work. Ha well I am just about in the 1000 word range so I’ll stop here. Tomorrow is a big game against Fresno Pacific and I can’t wait to get on that field and compete. I don’t know what time this is going to be posted since there is no Internet around here so bare with me. Have a great day and remember to fix your eyes on the Son! (As my step dad always says in his emails.) See ya!

Daily Reading: James 1:19 Well I picked this verse as kind of a conviction to what happened today. I wasn’t very slow to speak and I wasn’t very to become angry either. I actually went off on one of the guys on my team and I would like to flat out say I handled the situation totally wrong. I talked to them afterwards and explained my thoughts on everything, I apologized for it all and it was done with. Not getting angry when things don’t go my way is something I need to work on and is definitely a tough task to accomplish for anyone. Just remember that Jesus never got angry with anyone even the ones that mocked him and made fun of everything that He did. What he did was ask God to forgive the people that were making fun of him. Now if we as Christians are trying our best to be like Jesus then this is one giant step into doing so. It is kind of funny as I am writing this I am sitting in a car with a bunch of guys listening to 2 Pac who is rapping about being angry and is blasting out the F word like it was his first word as a Child. Sorry I just thought I would through that in here real quick. I thought it was quite funny. When we talk to much and listen too little, we communicate to others that we think our ideas are much more important than theirs. James wisely advises us to reverse this process. Put a mental stopwatch on your conversations and keep track of how much yout alk and how much you listen. When people talk to you, do they feel their viewpoints and ideas and value? Now we are often quick to find fault in others that may have these problems but sometimes we need to sit down and figure out if we to do the same thing. Just be humble and let Jesus shine through you with words and actions.

Daily Prayer: Dear God, Hey there, today was a great easy day. I pray right away for the angry that I dealt with today. I pray that in the future I will be able to handle these kind of situations the way You would handle them. I pray for our games tommarrow that they will go well and that I will keep my eyes fixed on You throughout the entire game God. I pray that others will also look to You when struggling with self desttruction. I thank You for the safe travels and the time I got to spend with some teamates on the way to Fresno. There are some God that don't really know You God. I pray that I can be a light in their lives and that they can somehow find You Jesus. I now would like to pray for any of my friends or family that may be going through a rough time. Please help them to come to You with their problems and for them to Trust You through the whole situation. I pray God that You will not only help me but help others as well in being able to understand how truly perfect Your timing is. Please also let us no that there is in fact a time for everything and that anything can happen on any given day. Good or bad God help us all to praise You. I pray for my friends and family that don't know You God. I pray that You will help them to somehow find Your light and please use me in doing that Lord. I pray that You will continue to help me develop new friendships and for me to grow in the ones that I have. I pray for my dream girl God that there will be someone in my life forever who I can talk about with You and praise about the wonders You are doing in our lives. Please help me to be patient in the process and know that Your timing is right. I pray now for the churches I am apart of or have been apart of Lord. Many of them are struggling financially. Please help them to fix these problems God along with all of America's economy. I pray for my frustration, anger, and sexual temptations God along with any other earthly pleasure. Please keep me from them so I will not be tempted in anyway to go against Your word. I pray for the unspoken and forgotten prayers God. Please help them to come to me so I may pray for them. I pray for these things in Your wonderful name.

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