Sunday, July 19, 2009

Having a Blast

Well despite the fact that all this week has been is traveling everywhere, I am really liking the fact that I am getting the opportunity to do all of this traveling. Right now I am sitting in my hotel room in Lorain, Ohio getting ready for a baseball game. Before that we were in Springfield, then we went two hours back home to Quincy, then traveled 5 hours north to Dupage, after that we drove 7 hours here to Ohio then tonight we are headed to Richmond, IN to finish off the road trip. It has definitely been a long week but indeed an exciting one. We are winning which is always great and I am really getting to know each of the teammates and they are all a great bunch of guys. I actually made the T.V. news the other day after making a catch at the wall and running into it. It is kind of funny to watch and the broadcaster announces my name wrong, but it is still awesome to be able to see me up on the T.V. I posted a link so you can be able to check it out. As far as my personal life is going, it is tough not being around to many Christians all of the time and I am often tempted with sinful things around me. For example if I opened up the blinds in my hotel room, there would be a close up view of a strip club next store. Last night a couple of fellas went down there and I spent the night alone up in the room. I did not think once of going down there thanks to the kind words of my step dad Ron. He told me some stories of how he dealt with basically the same situation and it definitely gave me the courage to be able to stand up for what I believe in. Well now to get off that topic and head to one that has been bothering my stomach. Ever since I have been here all I have been eating is junk food! I can't get away from it, no matter where we go we always stop at some fast food restaurant and I am basically forced to eat unhealthy. I mean I don't have to pay for a thing which is nice so I guess I'll just have to go with the flow for a while. Let's just pray that some better food finds my stomach. I am kind of random today only because I just want to write down some things that are on my mind and get on with the day. There weer thunder and lightning storms last night so I am sure the field is going to be soaked so lets get muddy.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wrigley Field

Well since I had a few days off over the weekend I decided to meet up with my buddy from school up in Chicago. I headed up there Friday night after our game in Springfield. It was quite a drive but was definitely worth it after I got to go down to the historic park of Wrigley field and check up a Cubs vs. Cardinals game. The thing that made it even better was that the two teams are rivals and are also battling for first place in the National League Central division. After getting through the hour of traffic we finally made it to the ball park. Every part of the park was amazing. Between the packed stadium, to the devoted fans, and the wonderful seats I never wanted to leave this historic stadium. It was also very cool to be able to spend time with a friend of mine that lived on my floor the entire year at Biola. He is studying abroad next semester so I wont be able to hang with him as much. He lives in the small town of Downers Grove, IL. Which is about 5 hours from little Quincy but only about 40 minuets from downtown Chicago. His town reminds me a lot more of home then Quincy does. It hold a lot more people and is more "city like" rather then the typical country feel I get down South. With it all it has been a great experience. I also got to try traditional Chicago style pizza. It was huge and Kurt bet me that I wouldn't able to finish 3 pieces of pizza. Whoever lost would have to pay for the dinner. Let's just say that he underestimated me and how much food I can take in. After all I am an athlete. Well today we woke up bright an early and went to his Church. It was definitely a lot More traditional then the Churches I have attended back home. I actually wore a nice dress shirt and everything! The Church is also full of older people which is another thing that I am not really used too. Despite the differences the loving nature of God was running through the place. Everyone wasn't just there to go to Church but they were there to learn. I really enjoyed my time at the Church and also my time with Kurt for the day. I have a big game tomorrow against our rival team across the river in Hannibal, Missouri. So I am going to have to get a good nights rest and hopefully I will be able to get in the game! See ya and pray that I will find time to write and get back into this slowly but surely! Thank you!

Friday, July 10, 2009

I Can't Believe I am in Illinois

Picture 1: Our highlights are on TV every night!

Picture 2: 4th of July Fireworks at the field

Picture 3: Part of the packed Quincy Stadium

BTW I took them with my phone so they are a little blurry.

Well I was sitting at work one day and my buddy Chris text me and asked if I was playing baseball this summer. I explained to him that I indeed was paying and also working a whole lot. Now I new that he was in Illinois playing in a summer collegiate league and was also doing very well as a pitcher but I never expected him to do what he did next. He asked me if I would like to fly out and finish up my summer playing with his team! I was super stoked! This is the kind of league that my dad wanted me to play in originally but by the time we started it was to late to get on a roster. So basically this was s huge answer to prayer and before I new it the next day I was on a plane headed to St. Louis then the small town of Quincy, IL. I have been to this part of the country before while playing in the Colt World Series in Lafayette, IN. I absolutely love this part of the country and I am so excited to be here. I mean the thing that has sucked was not really being able to say good bye to my Friends and family. I just got up and left. I don't have any regret though because I am having a blast out here. I am hoping to get in more of the games here and prove that I have what it takes to play. So far in three games I am hitting .450 with 3 RBI's. Hopefully I can continue to play this way when I get put in the game. I will try to update the page more often then not and explain what kind of fun I am having out here! I mean we get 1,000's of people a game and it is just full of fun events to keep the fans into the game. I posted up a picture of just part of the stands that were packed through the night and us sitting down enjoying a nice fire work show for the 4th of July. It kind of reminds me going to Minor League games growing up with the kind of ridiculous things they do around the ball park. It is also nice getting to know the guys on the team, they are definitely different then Biola players haha but they are the most hilarious group of guys that I have come across. I am staying with a host family in town and they are also awesome and have a nice house for me to stay in. I get the whole basement to myself and although it is usually freezing down here it is nice to sometimes just come down here and unwind after a long day at the ball park. Well I am just kind of writing things as they come to mind but I am going to go ahead and take off for now. I have a game in Springfield, IL today then my buddy Kurt Jaros that lives in Chicago is picking me and we are heading to his place for the weekend! Hopefully we can check out a Cubs Game!