Monday, November 2, 2009

Satan Will Never Win

Well after having a good week, things seemed to go back to the way they were before I had the whole conviction experience. For some reason I let it all get to me and I began to feel down again. Baseball really wasn't going my way, I made some decisions that didn't turn out very positive so i just began to become frustrated with a lot of things. Like I wrote about a week ago baseball is a frustrating game and some times it can depict on how my mood is towards everyday life. I tried my best not to mend the two together and really separate life on the field from life off of the field. Despite the frustration I have actually been able to do exactly that. Although I may have been in a bad mood between the lines, I was able to be myself outside of the lines and not let it all bring me down throughout the day.

The whole week kind of wen through this motions up until yesterday during practice. Things were at an all time low point when one of the coaches pulled me aside to talk to me. This particular coach hasn't been around all that much since he got a new job but still manages to take his free time and spend it out on the field helping us out. First of all I am real grateful for all that he does and he is one of the smartest coaches out there and I have learned a lot from him. After the discussion we had I learned a lot more. One of the first things he asked me was how was me and God. Right away I new that nothing but good was going to come out of this conversation. I starting opening up to him as much as I could because the conversation was totally unexpected. After getting some things off my chest I felt a big weight lifted off my shoulders. The one thing he explained to me that has stuck was that, Satan had me right where he wanted me. The moment I started to turn things back around a few weeks ago was the moment he started trying harder to bring me down. It all started to make sense and I realized that there is no way that I could let Satan win this battle so I forgot about all I was going through and just tried becoming myself again. After that I began feeling more comfortable out on the field and especially during my at bats. I am very thankful for my coach and that he took the time to do that.

Well after all that I literally did nothing the whole Halloween night, not to mention the fact that I lost my car keys for the second year in a row. It is pretty lame when I have to have my mom drive all the way down here, pick me up, then take me to work. Plus I was late to work which didn't make things any better. Although I lost my keys, I had some sort of peace during the whole process, yea it sucked, but I new I would either find them or everything would work out. I sure hope it does otherwise my car will be in the parking lot for a long time. 

To end things, as I was sitting in Church today and listening to the wonderful message I couldn't help but think about how much I really spend reading and meditating on scripture. The pastor really emphasized on how important it really is with your walk with Jesus. It is astonishing to realize how much God promises us if we practice spiritual meditation. I would like to be able to spend more time on this and I hope that it will become a habit.

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