Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Alright, Alright

Okay so things lately have been going smoothly for the most part. Still struggling in some areas and I am also realizing more and more the things that God really wants from me. They are simple things but for some reason I am making them difficult. 

I am not much more easy going about the things that are going on around me. Including baseball, school work, and any other area that is going on in my life. I am catching my tongue and trying my best to put God first no matter what the situation may be.

Through all of this I have failed at a few things that have just kind of been bothering me. I have found a solutions to these so it wont happen again. I had to delete their number out of my phone which I usually have trouble doing but after I did I felt relieved. Like I said before, solutions to problems can be so easy but it is up to defeat our stubborn attitudes and just go for it. For example the other day I lost my wallet. Now I lost it in my car but for some reason no matter how many times I went through my car searching for it, it never popped up. I retraced my footsteps time and time again but the one place where I set my wallet seemed to be a blur. I talked to God throughout this search and tried my best to keep peace about it and know that somehow it was going to pop up. After a few hours I wanted real bad to get frustrated and at times I did but then something happened. I was about to give up so I went, parked my car, and something was telling me to retrace my footsteps one more time. Of course my stubborn attitude I didn't want to even though it was real easy. So after thinking about it I did it one more time. Sure enough nothing was a blur anymore and I reached over and it was right on the side of the passenger seat. Right out in the open! I laughed and realized how much of a big deal I made out of nothing. I feel that God just wanted me to take the time to talk to him and trust in him. Sometimes the smallest situations can have the largest impact. God definitely works in unusual ways but they always work perfectly. 

Anyways, it has been a good week and I am glad that I am able to jot a few things down from time to time. I hope and pray that more writing will be coming soon.

Dear God,
Thank you for making me realize that talking and trusting in you is very important in order to go through everyday life. I pray that I can find peace in everything I do and I praise you through each task of the day. I pray that I can stay away from any type of action that displeases you Father. I pray that I can find time to write more and spend more time with you. I pray that I can mantain a positive attitude. I love you so much.

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