Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20 "Posted Notes"

Daily Summary: Well to cap off last night after I took a nap and what not my friend Bobby from the team called me and asked if I wanted to go downstairs and play some Gatorade pong. It was loads of fun I got to meet a few new friends and best of all me and my friend Brent won! It was a good way to cap off the night and then I went straight to bed and got a wonderful 9 hours of sleep. I woke up nice and refreshed and had a nice HEALTHY bowl of cereal from Trader Joes. I was kind of nervous to try it only because I have never had organic cereal before but it was quite delicious. After that I really didn't do all that much up until lunch just kind of relaxed and what not. I headed down to lunch and ate with my friend Gil. He is the guy that is helping me out in eating healthier. He is super ripped and really has committed into working out and eating real healthy. He is also an awesome dude. After lunch I came back down to my room and met my roommate in the parking lot. During the school year him and I along with out other roommate all collected plastic bottles and turned them in. We didn't really expect to much out of it but we ended up making almost $40 all together! So now we are kind of obsessed with collecting them. So with the money we go out and buy more bottles of water for out room so that's what Phil did. We ended buying something like 190 more bottles of water so we should be good for a while. It was real hard to bring them up from the parking lot to to the dorm. It doesn't seem all that far until we are actually carrying something. Well after being all winded we got ready for practice and headed down. Today along with the next two days are inter squad games and I am hoping that they all go well and everyone is getting better for the upcoming season. I can't wait. Well today practice went really well, I was one for three with a walk and had a few catches out in the field. I continue to have fun out there almost every single day. I still think that I can be doing better out there and I am still trying hard to put in some extra work after and before practice. There isn't really an excuse for me not to work out in the morning. the only I like is for someone to work out with me to push me and everything but I should still be able to work something out. I will try my best to go ahead and do that tomorrow. Well after practice I called my pops went to the locker room and then went to the gym. I worked out for a little bit, and I can tell that not working out for a while is a problem. I felt week most of the time so I am definitely going to be spending more time in there everyday. After that I got iced up and chilled in the locker room until lunch. My coach came in an asked if there was anyone who was size 10 cleats, I said I was and he asked me to try them on. I asked how much but then after I said they fit he said I can have them! I was stoked I didn't really need them so I am going to see if anyone else needs them on the team but it was still pretty cool to come up on some free cleats. Besides they aren't Nike so I can't go against my tradition. Haha. Later on I headed to dinner and sat down with my buddies Bobby and Pennington. I am still eating good and I am super stoked I can't eat anything bad otherwise my stomach starts to hurt. I am no longer even tempted to have a cookie or pizza after dinner. It is nice. Well then I headed back to my room, took a shower, then just waited to hear from my buddy Josh because we are supposed to chill tonight. He eventually called me and we went to Starbucks for a like a second and then headed back to the dorms. We were all hanging out in a friends room and I was friends with her roommate but she wasn't on campus so I decided to take all of her posted notes and stick them all along her bed and desk. I personally thought it was hilarious and I can't wait until she sees my wonderful masterpiece. Sorry Gabby. Well anyways after that we found a movie to watch and what not we went to the conference room and turned it on. The movie was amazing it was called What Happens In Vegas...it was a funny love story. One where I could basically guess the ending but it was still awesome to watch. It was still awesome to hang out and meet a few new friends. After the movie I was heading back to my room to be able to finish this thing and then I saw my buddy Andre (Doc) and his friend Hannah sitting in the lobby. I was like hey! So I decided to hang out for a while. I never had met Hannah before and she was a pretty sweet gal. She is a new student transferring from the University of Kansas and she went to school with Andre. She couldn't figure out the orientation stuff for this week so we tried to help her out. After no luck I grabbed her computer and decided to just it here and finish this up without actually going back to my room. Well after I got done I said by and went to my room and fell asleep. Tomorrow is going to basically be the same thing but hopefully something sweet will go down. Talk to y'all later.

Daily Reading: Psalm 32:10-11
Love. I can't get enough of it. There isn't a better feeling then being loved by someone and there definitely isn't one that is better then being loved by the Lord. He is my everything my one and only. He is my Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and my Mighty God. When reading these verses this is what came to mind to me. We are surrounded by so many wicked earthly things, temptations, and we are surrounded also by people and emotions that hurt us. We can often be caught up in all of this commotion and we forget that if we put God in control and trust in what He is doing in but lives then He we greatly express His unfailing love and surround us complete at all times. There is nothing to ever worry about when we have faith in God. We are always blessed when we put things in the hand of our loving father. There are many things in my life that I could go to God for but I usually just ignore them. Some actions of mine that usually would seem harmless actually can hurt me in the long run. When I maybe get frustrated with something small or angry it can lead to greater problems in the future. For instance I have been becoming frustrated with my phone and have wanted to actually throw it a few times. Something as small as getting annoyed at a phone I never would really think to ask for help from God for this sort of thing. Truth is why not ask God for help in this sort of thing. He is waiting for us to just trust and ask Him for what we need. We need to rejoice in God's love! I need to be glad that He is hear and do whatever I can to please Him. I need to use him for the help I need and He needs to be able to use me to spread his unfailing love! I am going to try my best to really focus on the little things in life that I often ignore and forget real quickly. Now I definitely won't let these things haunt me but what I will do with them is talk to them about God and really crack down on taking these small frustrations I have with my phone and laughing at them. A dropped call, a messed up text message is all real fixable and doesn't really cause any problems because all you have to do is call the person back or text the person back. Definitely nothing worth getting frustrated over. God is in control and everything happens for a reason. Trust in Him and Rejoice in His name. Most of all be glad for is unfailing love. His generosity is what is makes it so wonderful!

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
First of all thank You so much for your wonderful Unfailing Love. Please help me in the little frustrations and problems in my life that I try to ignore. Help me to be able to not just come to You for some things but for all things God. I also thank You for today God it was a normal and peaceful day and I enjoyed every second of it. Thank You for having me make a few more friends God that all seem like really cool people. Please help me to grow in the relationships with the current friends I have. I would next like to thank You for today's practice. My arm didn't hurt as bad as it has been but it still hurt. Please continue to help heal my shoulder so that it doesn't effect the way I play. I would also like to pray for the upcoming season Lord. Please help all of us to play to the best of our ability and to win and loose as a team. Help us to all have a safe trip to Hawaii and for the relationships with the teammates to grow. Keep us all from injury God. I pray Lord as in today I kind of got carried away with a few jokes and things I said. Please help me to refrain from that by having a Christ-like attitude Lord and help me to always be seeking You. Help people to look at me and see You through me from my actions and kind words God. Please use me in being able to talk to others about You God. Give me the strength and courage to be able to talk to anyone no matter how old or intimidating they may be. Next again Lord I would like to pray for my dream girl God. Help me to find someone who want's a family God. Someone who will work hard for their goals. Most of all God someone that Loves You like crazy. I pray for the struggles that I may be going through for you to help me frustration, anger, sadness, and any kind of sexual temptation. Help me to stay away from these meaningless things and help me to fix my eyes on You. Thank You for the strength You have been giving me to do these blogs Lord. Please help me to keep up the good work. It's all for You. I pray that You will help me find the time to finish up these things a little earlier God. I pray for my friends and family for all the struggles the may be going through. Please help them to focus on You and to go to You for their problems. For the ones that don't know You Lord. Please use me to be able to speak to them about Your unfailing love. For all of the unspoken and forgotten things please help them to come to me so that I may pray for them God. I pray for these things in Your wonderful and precious name.

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