Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 "Headache"

Day Summary: Well I woke up just like any other day and guess what I had for breakfast? Cereal! Now I promise you it wont be the only type of food I'm going to consume for the day. I can't wait for lunch to roll around so I can eat something...well real. Anyways I just had some V8 and did some push ups and stretched to get the blood flowing and then went to the gym to work out. It went pretty well and it was kinda cool because I had the whole weight room to myself since most of the people on campus have class and stuff and the rest are probably still sleeping. After that I came back took a shower cleaned the room, got ready for practice, and then Hawkins knocked on my door asking me to help set up the new batting cage net. It may not seem to difficult but this sucker sucked it took most of the time just taking the net we had up in the first place down. We never even got a chance to put the new one up by the time practice started. Ever since i woke up I had this big headache and it continued to hurt all the way through practice. It kind of got me in a bad mood and I was getting frustrated with things I usually don't become frustrated at. For the most part I kept my cool through it all and managed. We just did some drill work, running of the bases, and batting practice. Hitting didn't really go well the guy throwing was kinda all over the place and my head just wasn't there. I was exhausted. I don't really know why I am used to having school, practice, and homework mixed in and I am still never this tired. I believe it is the bed I am sleeping on. It is super small and way uncomfortable I can also use better pillows. My buddy told me I should get a mattress pad so the next time I have money I think I'm going to go do that. Hopefully it will help me get better sleep. Well after practice I was tired and dirty so I pumped up some Mayday Parade and headed for the shower. It was the most amazing shower I've had in a while. I felt so refreshed and clean afterward. Ha well after that I just watched some niptuck and headed to dinner. The food at lunch wasn't very good so I was hoping that the food would e a lot better at dinner time. It definitely was, I had a club sandwich and a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Bother were equally amazing and it really fulfilled my hunger. I also got to sit with some of the baseball guys and we had a discussion on what is better Halo or Call of Duty 4. Call of Duty 4 is obviously way better then any other game not just Halo but Hawkins beg to differ. When baseball is what we do all day everyday when its over we tend to go off on some not so athletic conversations it seems like. Anyways after that I just posted up in my room for the rest of the night and enjoyed my time alone and with God. I can really see my self being humbled by His grace more and more everyday and I thank Him for that. I'm going to bed super early tonight after watching Generate online! So I can be greatly refreshed for tomorrow. Good Night.
Daily Reading: Hebrews 12:15
Wow, this verse really hit me hard. It made me think of all the people that go by in my life that I don't talk to about God and what He actually offers. There is so many people that I want to share God with but I haven't built enough strength to do so and I am afraid that it will be to late. One person that stands out the most is my father. I can't think about life without him I don't know where I would be. Yes maybe he hasn't shared with me the best wisdom or taught me how to live life properly but my dad would die for me and anyone of his kids. He works his hardest to be able to get me whatever I need when I need it. He has been through a lot and it is awesome to see a smile on his face. He gives me all he has. There is one thing that I do often notice about my dad. There is something that seems empty about him that maybe he isn't happy. I feel like he is lonely in his life and needs something or someone to fill it. I believe he would be a great man of God but he is to caught up in his lifestyle and to scared of change. It would of course be a struggle for him at first to become a believer, I mean he is a great person and always means the best but there are just some priorities of his that would be difficult to change. I'm not going to single out anything in particular only because it is personal. One day and I hope it isn't on his death bed he will come to know the Lord and be given the chance to experience everlasting love and the wonderful grace of God. I love my dad. With a Biblical meaning to this verse, we should never pass up a chance to share Christ with someone and we should pray for the courage that it may take to openly talk about Christ and personal encounters with Him. This will help others experience the grace of God just like he promises that we all may have. Do this so no one will grow up and cause trouble to others and cause their minds to also be corrupted. Just think God could be waiting for just one more person to be saved until he returns to the earth and it could be that one person you see everyday at school or work that you still haven't shared Christ with. What are you waiting for? I want to get there as soon as possible just think no homework, no work, just love, love, and more love and JESUS! I can't wait to give Him a big hug that's right move over Pastor Chuck I want a turn. I promise I will continue to work on talking more about God with my dad and I pray that he will become curious is to what I learn here at school about God and will want to maybe come to church more then once a year or so. Now it is your turn go for it and share with someone the Grace of God.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
Thank You for today. Although I didn't feel good for most of it you still humbled me in the things I said and made me think of You constantly. I love the ways you work it really puts a smile on my face. I pray that you give me courage to talk to more people about you God and share with the Your wonderful grace. I pray that You will fill my father with a light and make him curious about your wonderful power. When I pray and think of my dad I am also praying for the entire side of my dads family including my step mom and my little brother. Fill them also with a light and help them to find Your true love. I would also like to thank You for giving me the ability to continue to grow in Your word and type up this daily journal/blog I enjoy every second of it. Thank You also for the people that actually read this and help it to also inspire them not only to make one of their own but to grow in Your word and share their experiences with others through the Internet. I would like to pray for my friend Tracy I haven't talked to her in a while but whatever she may be going through physically or sociologically please bring her to peace through it all Lord. I also would like to pray for my sister please help her to find positive ways to deal with problems she may g through and help her to keep up on getting her life all straightened out. Help her also to someday know you Lord and have a relationship with You. I would also like to pray for all of the other friends that are going through rough times. Help them not to worry and know that peace is right around the corner they just got to go searching for it. I would like to next pray for the tiredness I have been having lately whatever is causing it just help me to wake up better and not with such a pounding headache. Help me to sleep through the night and wake up refreshed and ready to go. Help me to have the desire to desire You and to also have the desire to get better at the things I do such as baseball, school, and even writing this blog. If there are things that I should ad or take away please let me know in someway Lord. I next would like to pray that I find my dream girl, someone who I can love unconditionally, have a family with, love You with, someone who wants to work hard and provide for her family as I do, someone that can bring me up when I'm down. Help me to be patient in this process in finding someone and for me not to be desperate. Help me not to worry about vanities such as money or certain clothes or anything like that but help me to get by to what I have. Help me to grow in my relationships with all my friends as well Lord. Keep me safe in all of the things I do. I pray once again for Matt and Eric. Most of all Lord thank You for the Love You give us and the Grace You have. It never stops amazing me. In Your Loving Name.

1 comment:

  1. You dont mind my format haha

    we can keep each other accountable
