Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 5 "Quick Decisions"

Day Summary: Well it took me a while to fall asleep last night since I'm not used to going to bed so early but I think I finally fell asleep before 11:00PM. I still woke up around my normal time at 8:30 and still felt really tired. I'm not sure why but my bed isn't the most comfortable thing in the world so maybe that's it. Anyways I got up and went to the computer and checked some mail. It is nice to see a few people actually following what I am writing here. I don't know why they would be, my life is for the most part pretty dull. So whoever reads this I thank you it means a lot to me and feel free to talk o me how I can improve in what I write and also ask questions and things like that it would mean even more to me. I also am working on a separate website where my entire personal testimony will be available to read along with my list of personal goals that I plan to accomplish before I die. I'm really looking forward to launching that and I can't wait. Well now getting back to the day my buddy Jarvis messaged me on facebook just to see what was up, and then we decided to go to breakfast around 8:45. Now during the regular school year the cafe is open from 7:30 to 9:30 but during inner term they are only open till 8:30 I did not know that until today. It definitely sucks when your hungry and your all excited for food and the place is closed when you walk all the way there. Well I just walked back and by then I saw Hawkins and we just got something to eat at the Eagles Nest which is a alternative place to eat rather then the cafe. Just had some fruit and headed back to the room and watched an episode of Nip/Tuck. I just started to watch it and I am on season one. I ignore all of the sexual stuff that is involved in the show and focus more on the lifestyle. Now I assume the life of a plastic surgeon isn't quite what they make it out to be but it is still pretty neat to watch. Currently the son of one of the doctors is asking about religion and why he wasn't brought up on a religious basis. Right when that was happening my free viewing hours where over so I have to wait until tonight to watch the rest of the episode. Shoooot! Well later on I decided to go to lunch and get ready for baseball. I was nervous about the day, I don't know why but I usually get this way on the first day of anything that occurs in my life. Season is only 24 days away and Hawaii is 25 it seems like just yesterday that it was my first day of college. It all moves by so fast. I can't believe it. Anyways practice went way better then I thought it would today. We had batting practice and then played an inter squad game between all of us. I went 1 for 2 in the game with a sacrifice fly. I felt really good at the plate but in my last at bat the batters box was pretty messed up and I couldn't really get my feet in a comfortable position so it was messing with my head and I swung at a pretty bad pitch. Now I know that it may sound like that was an excuse but, they way I deal with baseball and my philosophy on hitting, no matter how small it is, if something is in my head rather then nothing I wont preform to the best of my ability pretty insane you will probably here me talk about this kind of stuff more often when the season rolls around. After practice we all had to go down to the track and run a mile under 6 minuets otherwise we would have to continue to run it everyday until we did so. Now I basically didn't do a thing over break so I was pretty nervous about being able to run the mile under 6 minuets although I usually can. Surprisingly most of us made it under the 6 minuet time limit I was around the top ten and I got 5:48 not bad after not running for a whole two weeks. Well after I got over my panting I went got iced up on my terribly hurting arm and went an ate. It is kinda nice not having to many people here on campus because there is never any lines in the cafeteria to get food. What usually takes a whole hour only takes about 25 minuets or so. It's awesome. Then I went and worked out for not to long at all I was really tired from practice and running the mile I kind of had no motivation for working out tonight. So tomorrow morning I'm definitely gonna hit it harder. After that came back to the room, my roommate decided not to stay here during inter term and to commute everyday so I am here all alone for the rest of the month. I'm not complaining I got a lot of time to myself when I was living back home in high school and I never get that around here so it is pretty dang sweet. I just ended up watching a few episodes of Nip/Tuck and talking to some friends and I realized something. After being through a couple of serious relationships I am really picky about who I go after and who I don't. Now since I'm single I'm always looking for some kind of relationship with someone especially since I pray for the "girl of my dreams" every single night. Well since I have been through a year and a half and a 9 month relationship I obviously don't want to cause another failure so I decide whether or not she could be a girl I could be with in less then 5 minuets. If one thing doesn't match on the list then there out, it's as simple as that. It may sound shallow but it is something that I think everyone that has been through something similar that I have gone through should really consider this strategy because it will save them a lot of hard stress and time and it will really help them find that person that they really want not someone out of desperation. I'm sorry if that in anyway offended you or if it sounded to harsh. It is just another weird thing I think about all of the time. I'm definitely a weirdo. Anyways I didn't really do much the rest of the night but read the Word and good around on the computer all night playing meaningless flash games. Ha well that's the day.
Daily Reading: Matthew 5:38-42
This verse came to me by a friend of mine that I was talking with today that had a friend that was going through some stuff and what not. I haven't read this particular set of verses for a while so I was thrilled to read and think about its meaning once again. This part of scripture has quite a bit of meanings but I'm going to explain what it means to me and what I get out of it. Just like everyone else there has been tons of conflict in my life and one of the hardest things for anyone to do is to deal with the people they don't really get along with in a respectable manner. God tells us to love our enemies and again this is really hard to do but God wouldn't be God without giving us a few challenges in our life. Anyways what this verse is saying that we should never step down from an evil person and never remove them from our lives. Instead we should be an example to them and try our hardest to become good friends with them. Now it could take a while for the opportunity but at one point in that evil persons life they will go to you with a problem looking for advice. You may be the only person they can trust because of what you believe in. This is a ticket to show them the things someone would of never been able to show them. The grace of God. They may not agree with you at first but never back down and if they disappoint you once, twice or however many times stay apart of their life and do for them as you would do one of your own christian friends. I have struggled with this in the past and have singled out the people who I don't talk with. I hate walking by someone and ignoring them even though I may have known them before. Yet I still do it all the time. What if that person never gets the chance to know God. What if I was their only chance to get to Heaven and they didn't because of my selfish ambition? What if their screams of hell never left my ears and that's all I heard? All of these things would be horrible and that is why I pray that I will build the courage to be able to talk to anyone about God no matter how good or bad they are. This is something I have focused on ever since hearing a lyric from my favorite Christian band "The Devil Wears Prada" in their song, "Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over," he screams out DON'T BE ASHAMED OF YOUR FAITH!" this has had a strong impact on me and it is an example of how the kind of music you listen to can have a strong impact on your lifestyle. Music is something that I have always loved and I would literally do anything to be able to play an instrument. There isn't a genre of music I don't listen to it just depends on my mood. The music that hits me the most is worship music when I am in church I could just feel God and when I lift my hands in the air I feel free and like I am on top of the world. There is nothing like the feeling of the Holy Spirit.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for the long amount of sleep You gave me last night and for the beautiful morning I woke up to. Thank You for being with me today at baseball as well and helping me get through that mile and through the game we played. I pray that I will continue to play to the best of my ability with Your voice in my ear every step of the way. Please heal the pain the I have throughout my body that causes me to loose my edge. My knees and my shoulder especially Lord. I pray for the struggles in my life that I am having right now, hate, frustration, anger, taming of the tongue, sexual thoughts, and judging. Help me to get rid of this sin in my life Lord and help me to be more like You. Help me to never be ashamed of my Faith and help me to grow in my faith more and more everyday. Thank You for the fact that You keep providing me opportunity's to get money. Especially the job I was barely able to get at tomorrow nights basketball game. Thank You God for showing me that with trusting You and seeking You first that You will provide for me. Please continue to help me become humble in my accomplishments and in my actions. Help me to be satisfied with myself in the things I do by pushing myself into getting stronger. God next I would like to pray for my friend Mat he is going to the Marines tomorrow morning please keep a hand upon Him Lord as I know it is something that is very tough to go through. I also pray for my friend Eric's friend who got in that bad accident please heal him and help him to find You in the process of the healing. I would like to pray for all of the people who go to church that may just go to impress others or just to fit in. Put a light in their head and help them to go for the right reason and that is to worship You God. It's all for You! Again Lord help me find that dream girl of mine that fits the description perfect. Bless tomorrow and help me to again play well and to the best of my abilities. Help me to fix my eyes on You Lord and excel in my relationship with You. I pray all these things in Your powerful name.

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