Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31 "First Day in Paradise

Daily Summary: Just a warning and a quick note since I am here in Hawaii my blogs will definitely not be as long or anything. Okay so last night Phil were hanging out all night playing ping pong and some video games and then it got pretty late so we decided to stay up the whole night and not even go to bed. I figured I would fall asleep on the plane for the most part and it wouldn’t be to bad. So we indeed stayed up for a full 24 hours and we were over excited for our trip. Both of us have been looking forward to the trip for a long time now and we can’t believe it is finally here. Well around 5AM I got in the shower and cleaned up for the plane ride. Phil and I both bought some sweet $4 Hawaiian shirts that looked pretty ridiculous but we were definitely just having some fun. Well after getting ready we got on the bus around 6AM then headed for the airport. Everyone was pretty excited and really eager to get going. Everything was going really smooth and we went right through airport security without a problem. Then when we finally got on the plane and got going. Before we even took off I already fell asleep and I stayed that way for just about the whole time while in the air. It was one of the most uncomfortable sleep I have ever experienced but it was definitely worth it. After we finally landed we got off the plane and headed to our hotel. It isn’t the nicest hotel but it is kind of in the same area where I stayed last time so I am really familiar with everything so I got to show some people around so that was definitely really cool. For the remainder of the night we just walked around and had a blast. A couple of the guys were in a food eating contest and my buddy Kevin came in second place but we had a lot of fun cheering him on. Like I said things are going to be real shorter since I am un able to really sit down and spend decent time on the computer but my thoughts are still expressed throughout the day.

Daily Reading: Romans 12:1-2
Wow these are some powerful words. What came to me when I first read the passage is if whether or not I sacrifice my body in order to serve Christ. There are many things in life that seem like that they are great things and make us happy but may not be something that shines God’s light in the most appropriate way. So as Christians we need to be able to sacrifice the things in our life that may be meaningless. After reading this verse I began to fall in love with the book of Romans I never realized how much this book would really have an impact on me. I think we all need to be able to take time to read the books that we are not to familiar with instead of sticking to the ones we know best. It will only broaden our minds more and more each time we read.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for today and I thank You that we got to Hawaii no problem and had time to hang out and check out some things that I haven’t seen in a while. I pray that for the rest of this trip You will help us have a great time and fill my mind full of memories that will last a life time. I pray for all of the things that I have been praying for every single day. Including my dream girl Lord. Please help me to be patient in the process of finding her. I pray for my friends and family God if they are going through any kind of trouble, please help them in whatever they need. I also would now like to pray for my team. There may be some guys that don’t really know You all that well God and don’t set the right example for our school. Please lay a hand on them and let me be the one to say something to them and encourage them in positive ways. Give me the courage and the words I need Father. I pray that You will help me some how find the time to continue to write on a daily basis while here in Hawaii and I pray that You will help us to have fun for the remainder of the trip. I love You in Your name

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