Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Step Forward

Well after a rough couple weeks I went through today with a totally different approach to how I handled things. I was definitely a little shaky but over felt some what accomplished after listing the things that I have been struggling with lately. My game really didn't go as well I as I have hoped and I got angry at points but I kept trying to stay in control with God and he helped me through the rough patches through the day. I also had to fight off the enemy a few times especially when I went to college group tonight. The thoughts that just get caught up in m head, I don't even know where they come from.

Anyways, I see change in my life and I am starting to notice every little thing I do that is unnecessary and the things that I say I sometimes should just keep to myself. I have learned that I am a pretty emotional guy and I like to express how I feel whether it may be positive or negative.

I definitely have a long way to go and it is going to be a tough process but I am going to use all the strength I have in order to make it through this rough patch and come out on top. Since I have God on my side I am guaranteed to come out on top %100 of the time.

Having 3 days off of school starting tomorrow is definitely a plus and will relieve a lot for stress, hopefully I'll be able to get caught up on homework and hit up the gym.

Dear God,
Thank you for the progress today. Please help me to continue to seek you and follow your ways as I go through my everyday walk Lord. Help me to think positively and get rid of all negativeness. Help me to admit when I am wrong and help me to be able to listen to others as they let me know when I do something wrong Lord. Keep me away form any kind of sexual temptation and lustful thoughts. Help me to be able to pay attention through Church and class sessions Lord. Keep me safe through the day and help me to have a Christ like attitude. I love you.


  1. Hey Dude,

    You don't know me but I saw you play at Biola last year and was impressed. I googles you and found your blog.
    I thought I'd make a few comments of encouragement regarding your posting.

    First and formost, take it easy on yourself. Remeber that you are not perfect and no one, least of all God, expects you to be perfect. So don't you expect yourself to be perfect either.
    Instead always strive for excellence. Excellence is the very best you can be. Perfection is something you will never be, at least while you are on this planet.
    God is the one who is perfecting you so don't try to do His job for Him.
    You are exactly who He created you to be, wityh all your imperfections as well as your talents and gifts. You CANNOT disappoint Him because He has no unrealistic expectations of you. He knows you and He knows exactly how you will perform in every second of every day of your life.
    Live. Yes, it's that simple. Just live. Be who you are. Don't try to live up to anyone's expectations. I've read all of your blog as well as anything else Ican find about you on the Internet. You seem to me like a decent God fearing young man. So just continue o be just that. If you fail sometimes then you fail, big deal. Get up and get back in the batters box.
    This should probably have been listed first. There is a verse in the Bible that describes us as God's workmanship. That means He created us, He crafted us. Don't think for one second that He made any mistakes when He made you anymore than when He Made Mother Theresa. He made you exactly the way He wanted you to be. If He wanted you to be perfect He would have made you that way from birth.
    Instead He decided that you will have to struggle through life like the rest of us. Don't worry about it. It's good for you, it builds character.
    If you can't accomplish anything else, try to practise being in God's presence. That doesn't specifically mean that you have to be on your knees in prayer or study your Bible so many hours a week. There's another verse that says, "be still and know that I am God." Sometimes all you have to do is shut up and let Him BE with you, and you BE with Him. By that I mean, be in His presence. Just be silent and think about Him, listen to Him, if He wants to talk to you He will. Sometimes He'll wisper, other times He will make Himself loud and clear.
    If you can't find the time in your busy schedule to do all the things that the church/the world expects of you then just takes brief moments to reflect on who God is. It really can be that simple.

    As a parent myself I can tell you that the greatest joy in my life is just being with my kids. It doesn't usually matter what we're doing, I just enjoy being with them. If they have time for me then that's great. But if theyare busy and they don't pay me much attention, that's ok too. I just want to be near them.
    In a similar way God, who is the Father of all fathers, loves being with His children. So just take time to be with Him, even if it's only in your mind for brief moments throughout your day.
    He loves you and He will guide you in all things, whether you are aware of it or not.

    God bless you,


  2. Kevin,

    Thank you very much for the time you have taken to write these words of encouragement. I really appreciate the fact that you would take the time to not only read but to respond to what I have written. I have taken these words to heart and I will continue to use these practices as I go through my daily walk with Jesus.

    You saw me play at Biola last year? Are you an Alumni?
