Thursday, October 22, 2009

Still Climbing

Ever since the other night for some reason I wake up much better even though I only average about 7 and a half hours a night. I just go about the day with a much brighter sense and positive attitude. I look at things brighter and try to remain happy and joyful when around others. One thing I have to continue to do is fight off the enemy and really spend some time talking with God. This sometime can be a tough thing to do especially since I am so caught up on pointless earthly pleasures. I am going to continue this climb up the hill and not give up along the way. 

One thing that I definitely to start doing consistently is reading more of scripture. Going to class is one thing but actually taking time out of my own day to read the word of God is real important. It doesn't really matter what I read, it always seems to apply to my life one way or another. One thing that I recently became interested in was the gospels. Reading about the life of Jesus for some reason just fascinates me. I am sure it is normal for believers but just learning about how the way he went about things and the certain ways he debt with temptations, Jesus is not only my savior he is my hero. My goal in life is to live my life just as he lived his. There is no way I can be perfect but there are millions of ways that I can please him. 

Another positive note is that God keeps showing me signs in different ways telling me not to give up and stay strong! I am so thankful that I am able to take the time to write! I haven't been able to really do this in well over a month and I can't remember the last time I posted things three days in a row! Praise God

Well I leave here tonight with a prayer and a bible verse!

“A man finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”- Proverbs 15:23

Dear God,
Thank you for another good day. Although there were times I did struggle I thank you for letting me realize each area where I need to improve my walk with you. I pray that I can be able to get in your word more and spend more time with you. Please continue to help me walk not run this climb by your side God. Help me to have a positive attitude and be an example to others. Help me to live by your standards not mine and help me to focus on Godly things not on earthly things. I pray for my friends and family that may be struggling in specific areas of their life. Help them to look to you for answers whether they know you or not. I love you very much.

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