Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 33 "No Time To Write"

Daily Summary: Well I had an awesome sleep last night and I capped it off with an awesome breakfast at this place called dukes. I will most likely go there tomorrow as well. It was pretty cheap and it was an all you can eat buffet the bad side was is they didn't have my macadamia nut pancakes like yesterday. All well you cant beat that deal in Hawaii since everything is like double the price. After that I just went back to the room and chilled up until I had to get ready for today’s games. I was super stoked to play today and everything and I couldn’t wait to get going. The time finally came we got ready to play and before I new it the game began. I didn’t start the first game because there was a right handed guy throwing but wither way we got killed 13 to 1. It sucked we had high hopes for this season and right now it isn’t looking so good. The second game played and I got to start this one at DH again. We again lost and I went 0 for 2 with a walk. Today basically just turned into a bad day for me I am not dealing with my frustration to well and I am around some people that I am just starting to get annoyed with. I just need to crack don and start praying big time and turn my attitude around. We didn’t get back to the hotel till pretty late so we just did laundry then headed to bed. I have had literally no time to sit down and write today so that is why everything isn't all to detailed but I am surely trying my best. I hope y'all understand.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:4-5
Thank God for every single thing He has done for You. There isn't a thing that we shouldn't be thanking Him for. We can never say thank you enough to our parents, friends, leaders, and especially our God. When thanksgiving becomes an integral part of your life you will find that your attitude toward life will change. You will become more positive, gracious, loving, and humble. Everything we have in life is worth saying thank you to someone for especially the ONE responsible for it all. Without Him we would have nothing. THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE!

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for everything You have done in my life. There isn't enough time in the day to really explain all of the things You have truly done in my life to make it the best life for me. I thank You for the time I am having here in Hawaii and for also the opportunity to actually even be here for the second time. Please help my frustration to get behind me and for me to come to You when times are rough. I love You so much God. I also thank You for the 5 minuets You gave me to write this all down today. I literally thought I wasn't able to get it all done but somehow I managed to. I pray for all of the things I pray for on a daily basis God for You to answer them when the time is right God. I pray for my dream Girl Lord. Bring her to me also when the time is right. I love You so much God please help us to play better as a team and really focus our eyes on the Son. Your Name.

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