Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 42 "First College Homerun"

Daily Summary: To start off the morning God really answered my prayer in giving me a good night sleep. I slept completely through the night and woke up nice and refreshed. I kind of wanted to sleep more but I wanted breakfast and I wanted to make it to chapel. I definitely didn't fall asleep this time, my buddies band sang worship and our President of our school gave us the message. It was all really good and I enjoyed the time of worship. After chapel I had to drive all the way to Fullerton to pick up my slide film for my photography class. I believe that the Photography class is going to require the most work this semester. The work is really piling on. All well it is pretty fun and not really that big of a deal. After that I came back I played a game of ping pong then headed to the locker room to get ready for the game. I was super stoked to play today and I couldn't wait to get going. It seemed like it took a while for the game to actually start but when it did it seemed to be going really well. I ended up having my best game yet! I started at DH again and was hitting 7th. My first at bat I hit the ball hard but right at the second basemen. Next I got a base hit to center field and ended up scoring. After that I hit my first career collegiate home run! I didn't even think the ball was going to go out but somehow it did. It was an awesome feeling especially since we were tied 4 to 4 at that time so I made it 5 to 4 our lead. I thanked God for the strength He gave in hitting that home run right away. Next at bat I got a hit in the 5/6 whole and ended up going 3 for 4. The sucky part of the whole thing was that it was getting dark and we didn't get to even finish the game! So that means my stats wont get in the books until we finish the game in April! All well my time to shine will come I guess and I will just have to do it again. So after that lame but exciting experience I went to dinner then headed straight to class. I was about a half hour late to class but I needed to eat since I didn't have time to eat lunch. Class was kind of boring but interesting at the same time. I didn't realize how far behind I was actually in this class I am going to have a hard time catching up but it is something I will definitely put in the hands of God to help me out. For the remainder of the night I just kind of rested and went to bed early. I was super tired from the game and everything today and I have another one tomorrow so I need some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow's game will be a good one.

Daily Reading:
1 Corinthians 13:6-7
Our society confuses love and lust. Unlike lust, God's kind of love is directed outward toward others., not inward toward ourselves. It is utterly unselfish. This kind of love goes against our natural inclinations. It is possible to practice this love only if God helps us to set aside our own desires and instincts, so that we can give love while expecting nothing in return. Thus the more we become like Christ, the more love we will show to others. I tend to keep focusing on verses that talk about love. Maybe it is just the fact that I like to express my love to others or it is just a coincidence. Whatever it may be I just know that loving God is the ultimate experience and with that kind of love we can accomplish anything we put our hearts to. Without God there would be nothing that is meaningful. God also shares that kind of love to us through all of the stuff he gives us. I can't thank Him enough for the things He has blessed me with.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
Thank You again for another awesome clear day You gave us. Although the coldness may be a tough thing to deal with I still bless You for the change in the weather. I would like to thank You for today's game in letting me play to the best of my ability and really show off the talent You have blessed me with. I pray that I continue to play this way through the season and not play just for my statistics or anything like that but for the team and for a victory Father. I pray now for the friends and family in my life. I thank You for every single one of them and I pray that You will continue to make our relationships grow with each other. I pray that I can expand in friendships by making more of them. I pray for anyone that may be going through rough times and businesses that may be going through rough times Father that You lift them up and out them back up on their feet. Be with them every step of the way. I pray for the ones that don't know You Father help them to some how find Your love and grace. I pray that You will use me in the process in them seeking You Father and with that please help me to exemplify You in all ways Father. Help for people to be able to See You through me and my actions. I now pray for my dream girl please help me to find her and for me to be patient in the process. As I didn't have to much time to write Father please lift up anything else that may be troubling me and others father. Please help me to find the time to write more tomorrow I love You.

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