Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 56 "Hawkins Gebbers or Kurt Gibson?"

Daily Summary: I woke up today hoping to have a better day. It really didn't work out all that well. I went to breakfast and then to Chapel. It was pretty good once again it was an all worship chapel and since today was our schools 101st birthday we had a special worship leader and that made it pretty sweet. After that I went back to the room for about an hour before getting ready for our game against Cal Baptist. I was excited to play them since the coach really didn't like me when I went there for a scouting trip. I wanted to show him what was up but I didn't get to play since they started a right hand er instead of a lefty. All well I tried my best to cheer on my team the best I could and it was an amazing game. We were up 5 to 0 for most of the game up until the 7th where they scored a few runs and ended up tieing up the game in the top of the 9th. 5 to 5. Then in the bottom of the 10th Hawkins hit a walk off homerun. It was the sweetest thing to be a part of and it was an amazing story to how he was actually even in the game. Before the game he went to the hospital for a CT scan on his chest because they thought he had torn some stuff up since he had been coughing so much. Then he came back form the hospital while the game was still going on around the 3rd inning. He left then and went up to room to go to bed while we were in the lead 5 to 0. When the game became tied coach had one of our guys go up slam on his door and wake him because he wanted him to pinch hit. He made his way down barely awake and entered the game. In the bottom of the tenth he was the second batter and on the second pitch nailed a shot to left over the fence to win the game! It was so amazing and honestly a game that I will always remember. It reminded me of seeing the high lights of the dodgers game in the World Series where Kurt Gibson came out of the locker room all sick and ended up hitting a home run off a future hall of famer. I don't think Hawkins is going to feel sick anymore after that one. Well after the game I went to dinner did my homework turned it in after not going to class again and then just relaxed for the rest of the night I am pretty tired so I am definitely going to bed earlier then normal tonight. I kind of got irritated at the game and I took it out on my mom in a way. I just wasn't having a good day and I didn't get to play so that made it tough as well. When I am in a bad mood I try my best to not call my mom because she is the ones I know best and I will take it out on her since I know she and I will get over it. So in other words I use her and that is totally not okay. Usually when I am in an upset mood she nags on the fact that I really need to get right with God and let Him get control of the situation. This is totally right advice but it just isn't at the right time. Of course Satan wants me to get mad when she says that and I do but I am not doing it because of Satan's power. Let me explain. When I am going through rough times it is sometimes good to hear the advice and other times it isn't. The reason why it isn't is because there are times where I just need to figure everything out with just God and I. I need to do this because it will make His and I's relationship so much more stronger. He is just like a best friend. The more arguments we get with each other the more we get to know and understand one another. Therefore when I go through problems and it takes me a while to figure out how to trust God through it all and help Him control my thoughts and fix everything the next time it happens I will no what I did and how I fixed it before and it will make it that much easier. In addition to all that I appreciate my mom's help big time and she is the best mom anyone could ever ask for. I talked to her about all of this and now she understand everything I was going through so the next time everything should be okay. Anyways I am over it all now and ready for a great day tomorrow. Tomorrow's day is just full of classes and everything we will see what goes on. See ya.

Daily Reading:
1 Timothy 2:8
Anger. I am talking about his only because it is kind of what I went through today. I let my anger get the best of me. I should never under any circumstance take out my anger on someone else. What I should do is get on my knees and ask God for help and for the things that may be angering me. IT is so easy to get caught up in anger and when we are angry and stressed we become care-free and commit sins that we wouldn't if we were int he presence of God. Now when we are angry we often will have to fight with ourselves, while in this mood the hardest thing to do could be to get on our knees and pray. Why is it that the right things always have to be the hardest? Shoot beats me. With the verse context, besides displeasing God, anger and strife make prayer difficult. That is why Jesus said that we should interrupt our prayers if necessary, to make peace with others. God wants us to obey Him immediately and thoroughly. Our goal should be to have a right relationship with God and also with others. Regardless of what goes on God will always be by our side. Now just like I shouldn't take advantage of my mom we shouldn't take advantage of God's grace. Just because He will be there once we are done committing the sin doesn't mean that it is okay. The great Billy Graham put this situation into words better then anyone else he said "Don't be deceived; God's forgiveness isn't something you can take for granted. God's forgiveness comes only when we repent of our sins - and repentance means to be sorry for our sins and want to turn from them, because we realize God hates them.
And how do you know if you'll even have the opportunity to repent and turn to Jesus? Death could come to you in an instant - even while you're still young. The Bible warns, "Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow" (Psalm 144:4). Jesus once told about a man who had been very successful, and decided he'd live the rest of his days in luxury and idleness. But that night his life came to an end - and he was unprepared to meet God (see Luke 12:16-21). Don't let this happen to you! But there is another danger that you need to take seriously. It is this: The more you ignore God, the harder your heart becomes toward Him. Tragically, many people think like you do - but by the time death comes, they can no longer hear God's voice calling them to Himself. Don't believe Satan's lie, that life is better without God. It isn't - now or in eternity. Instead, open your heart to Christ, and discover the joy of walking with Him every day. This is something to think about the next time we are in this situation when talking to someone. I have heard this kind of reaction several times when trying to talk to someone about God. They always seem to ask the same thing "What is wrong with the bad things I do? God will forgive me anyway right?" No, no, No!!!!!! Listen to Billy.

Daily Prayer:

Dear God,
Thank You for today and for once again the victory. I thank You for the fact that I was able to control my anger and figure out the problem with my mom and how I treat her with the whole anger issue. I pray that the next time that this situation comes up that You will help me come to You when I need help Father. Help me not to take things out on others and for people to understand that sometimes I just need to figure out things with You before anyone else. I now pray for the people who think that they can sin just because You will forgive them anyway. Help them to understand the right system God and for them to know that excepting You as there Lord and Savior and having that relationship with You is the only way that their sins will be ultimately forgiven. I now pray for my friends and family. I pray for all of the rough times that they may be going through Lord that they will look to You for guidance and for strength God. I pray for the ones that don't know You. Please help them to some how find You God and for You to use me in the process. I pray for our country and for our fairly new President. Please help him to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around for the better. Please help those who are loosing their homes and jobs to stay up on their feet and not give up on life or anything like that. Help them to figure out that there is a Savior that loves them and will help them through it all. I pray that You continue to push me to take my writings to the extra level and for me to not get lazy in writing them. I pray that I will be able to get my full thoughts every single day and also for them to do so. I pray for my dream girl Father. Please help me find her and for me to be patient int he process. Help me to be absolutely sure and for me not to make any mistakes. I pray for my Dad and his family Lord that You will lift them up and keep them on their feet and if any way possible for them to all come to know You God. Let me be a light in their lives so that they may become curious to why I am the way I am. Help them to have a better understanding of it all. Help everyone to be able to see You through me and for me to be myself no matter who I may be around. Most of all God help me to be a living example of You. I pray that You hep me through school and everything and for me to not become lazy and for me to get my work done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful name.

1 comment:

  1. When you stick with Jesus everything well be alright!!! I love you!!!
