Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 46 "Armour of God"

Daily Summary: Well after waking up from an awesome sleep in my own comfortable bed my dad and I decided to hang out for the morning and a little bit of the afternoon. It was great to do exactly that we never really get that one on one time so it was definitely cool. He also bought me some clothes and baseball stuff so that made it a little bit better. Chicks Sporting Goods has this awesome sale were absolutely everything in the store is on sale so it was totally awesome checking that place out. After that I sat around for a little bit then headed over to my moms to hang out with them for a little bit before I had an interview. I got to hang with the whole family and it was a lot of fun being all together since we again don't ever get to do that. Even if we just kind of sit around I have learned that that kind of time is better then no time at all. Then I headed to the interview it was for a position at a teen center that just opened up here in Corona. I have been life time friends with the owners so that is kind of how I got hooked up with he interview. I am real excited to get going in helping the place out and doing whatever I can especially interacting with young kids and planting a light in their lives that they may never get an opportunity to see. After that I went back to my moms to hang out for a while more. For some reason not to much was going on out here in Corona. No one was really around but I guess I didn't really take the time to text everyone I new. All well. My friend Emily stopped by and visited with me for a little bit then I got a hold of my friend Allee Alkema and she invited me over her house for some homemade Pizza and to play some Wii. I was like heck yea and drove on over there. I have been friends with her and the family for about a year now so it is always nice to go over and hang with them every once in a while. It seems like today I am getting to hang with the people I love most even though I am only hear for such a short time. That is the best thing I could ask for when I get home. Just kind of get away from being on campus and just rolling along with the family and friends. Doesn't get any better then that. After hanging with Allee it was getting late so I decided to go home and fall asleep since I have to leave around 9:00 tomorrow since I am going to breakfast in Seal Beach to see my Grandma and Aunt! Can't wait! Talk to Ya'll tomorrow.

Daily Reading: Ephesians 6:12-13

Standing your ground. There are many trials for being a Christian. Non believers don't realize how much trials we must face especially since every one of them is just looking for the opportunity for us to fail. That is why we as Christians should put on the full Armour of God and stand our ground. When one of us falls there should be a bunch of others that pick us back up. We need to be able to develop relationships with other believers around us so that when we need help it will be there and also we can be there for them when they need help. We also need this armour so when evil things come our way we can fight them off with God's power so that we indeed wont sin against God. When we except Jesus as our Lord and Savior God puts on this armour without any cost to us and it is up to us to use it whenever we need it. We could think we are the strongest believer and follower of God but when faced with real temptation we crumble. Encrypting a verse like this in our minds will help us keep from doing this sinful acts and help us to think more about God when times are both good and bad. We face a powerful army that their goal is none other then to destroy what we as Christians believe. When we believe in Christ, these beings become our enemies, and they try even harder to use every device to turn us away from Him and back to sin. Although we are assured of citory, we must engage in the struggle until Christ Himself returns. We need to do this because Satan is constantly battling against all who are on the Lord's side. We need supernatural power to defeat Satan, and God has provided this by giving us his Holy Spirit within us and his armor surrounding us. If you feel discouraged, remember Jesus's words to Peter- "On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not Over come it." Satan may not get a hold of us by having us get caught up in some great deal of sin. What he will do is make us busy and do everything else so that we may not realize what is going on and slower and slower we will loose our relationship with Jesus. There is so much more to be said with this topic but I am going to leave you off with a Video. It has really touched me in a way were I actually think of everything I do and see how it is going to reflect with my time with God. Enjoy.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
Thank You again for another clear beautiful day. I thank You for the fact that I had the opportunity to hang out with the friends and family that I never really get to see or anything all that often. Thank You also for lifting me up throughout the day and making me feel better about what is going on in my life and where I stand with You father. I have noticed some thins that I have to change in order to become where both You and I need me to be at Father. Please provide me with the strength I need to get through these rough times Father and help me to always fix my eyes on You through both hardships and times in praise God. I now would like to pray for the fact that I have been going off my diet plan. Please help me to get back on it so I will be able to feel comfortable about myself and everything. Help me also to find the time to work out and work hard in doing that Lord. Now I would like to pray for the sickness I seem to be catching up to. If I am to get sick please help me to heal quickly Lord so I am not affected while playing baseball. I also pray now fro my friends and family. If they are going through any kind of rough time or even a time of happiness Lord help them to fix their eyes on You. I also pray for the ones that don't know You Father. Help them to somehow find Your grace and Know that You love them and are ready for that one on one relationship with them. I pray that I will be a light in not only the ones that don't know You God but the ones that do know You as well.I pray that You will help me to show others who You are just by my actions and my Christ-like attitude God. Help me to live like You and be your servant in whatever You need me to do. Help me to never back down to You and to always stand my ground for what I believe in. Help me to always be down to talking about You and sharing the things You have done in my life. Help me not to be ashamed of my faith. Help me to find a dream girl Lord one that loves You as much as me. One that I not only can be a spiritual leader but can also help me through rough times as well father. Help us to look to You in guidance when finding out what is right between us and distinguishing right from wrong. I now pray for the rough financial times we are going through in our country. Please help us to somehow turn everything around so that we may be finacially stable and not have to worry about jobs in the future. I also thank You fro the job opportunity You have given me. Please help me to work hard because of this opportunity and to show them what kind of worker I can really be. Now Lord please keep me away from all earthly pleasures and things like sexual temptations, slander, malice, stealing, and anything that is against Your will. Please forgive me for the sins that I have committed today. Please keep me from temptations Father and help me to get through the day without even thinking about sinning against You. I pray for all of the things that I may have forgotten Lord that You will bring them to me so that I may pray for them. I pray these things in Your name.


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