Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50 "Peace"

Daily Summary: It is day 50. I can't believe it I have actually made it this far and I definitely wouldn't have done it if it weren't for my love of Jesus. He is the one and only reason I am doing what I am doing here. I thank Him for all of the strength He has given me through the ups and downs of it all. He amazes me everyday. Well I woke up pretty tired for the most part today but I was bound to have a good day and that is exactly what it was. It starting by climbing out of bed and heading to breakfast with Phil. It seems like we are getting closer and closer everyday even though it is in kinda a weird way. All well I am just glad that I have been blessed with this kind of roommate it is pretty rare. I mean he definitely gets on my nerves once in a while but who doesn't? Well after an awesome breakfast I went to the most boring class in the world again. I keep waiting for it to get better but it doesn't seem to be working that way. She isn't a very good professor and I am sorry to say but I am probably going to leave a bad class review for her. Nothing personal I am just going to be honest. Well after that I went to chapel. It was awesome since it is black history month there have been a lot of chapels with black themes involved. Today an awesome gospel singer that was super awesome lead chapel. It was great and me Phil tried our best to get into it for the most part. After Chapel I headed to my other class i was in there for a whole 5 minuets before I left to get ready for another game at Vangaurd University. I was hoping for another good game since I had one the last time I played them. We finally got the game going and I came to realize that I got bumped up to hitting second and I was super pumped about that. We played an awesome game and ended up winning it 8 to 3! It was a lot of fun to play today and it was intense throughout every single pitch. A freshman left hander on our team completely owned on the mound today and we all hit as a team. I ended up going 3 for 4 with a sac bunt and also scored a run. I was seeing the ball really well today and it seemed like no pitch really phased me. You can check out the article of the game by clicking HERE. Afterwards and during the game my knee was in pain for the most part and the bruising now is going from my knee all the way down to the bottom of my foot. It is pretty gross but the trainers are taking excellent care of it and it should healing in no time. It doesn't bother me while I am hitting or anything so that is a plus. After the game we headed back with our heads high and ready to play on Saturday. We have a double header against The Master's which is supposed to be a really good pitching team. I definitely believe that we can beat them and we are in the midst of turning everything around. Well after getting back I went to the trainers to get my knee wraped up and headed to dinner. It was good for the most part nothing to special. So I left and showered up then headed to class. I was only there for about 5 minuets since none of my pictures worked for the project so I have to shoot another whole roll on Sunday I am half way looking forward to that half way not. All well I guess I can actually do some homework for once like I haven't really done this semester. We will see what happens. Since I didn't have to be in class tonight I went ahead and went to the gym for about an hour. I haven't been there in forever and I thought I wouldn't be able to really get a good work out in but I seemed to have some good muscle memory and felt good in all of the workouts I did. Sweet. After working out I went back to the room for a while and relaxed up until Phil got back to the room. We had to play some ping pong since I beat him earlier today he wanted a rematch. Well I am sorry to say but Phil once again couldn't pull out with the victory and I beat him 4 games to 2. Not bad for having one limp leg. Next time I will have to sit in a chair and play him. Haha for the rest of the night just hung out mostly didn't really do much of anything. Tomorrow doesn't look very exciting besides practice and we will see what is going to be up after that.
Daily Reading: John 14:27
Reading the verse alone should right away bring peace to your mind. Footnotes: The end result of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is deep and lasting peace. Unlike worldly peace, which is usually defined as the absence of a conflict, this peace is confident assurance in any circumstance; with Christ's peace, we have no need to fear the present or the future. Sin, fear, uncertainty, doubt, and numerous other forces are at war within us. The peace of God moves into our hearts and lives to retain these hostel forces and offer comfort in place of conflict. Jesus says He will give us that peace if we are willing to accept i from Him. If Your life is full of stress, allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ's peace. In context, with having God in our lives we should always have peace in our minds throughout the day. Now of course there going to be times where everything seems to not be easy and it is actually really hard to trust in God to help us through it all. What we usually don't realize is that Satan is the one that is attacking us with this kind of attitude and he is doing whatever he can to get in between you and God. More on that check out the video I wrote a few days back it definitely explains what that is like. Anyways like what was said earlier God is always offering us His peace but it is up to us to accept it. This is so true when dealing with these type of stressful situations accepting the peace will make it much less stressful. Throwing God into the mix of any type of situation will make Him happy no matter what it may be. Just like Proverbs reads:Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart... not some, not part, but ALL. All is a pretty bold word when dealing with God, but that is all He wants is your all! So lets give it to Him! Then when we have the peace in getting through all of the things then it brings on peace with others and lets them handle things a lot better. Spread the love of God.
Daily Prayer:
I thank You for this awesome and wonderful day I had. I also thank You for the peace You have granted us all with at no cost to us. Please help me and others to use this peace that You give us freely to our advantage so that we may not let the devil get the best of us and shine Your light. Help me to be a living example of You and for people to be able to see You through me Father. Help me to have a Christ-like attitude and stay away from things such as, sexual temptations, frustration and any other kind of earthly pleasure. Please forgive me for the times I have fallen into these type of sin Father. I pray for any friend or family member that may be going through some rough times or are having some trouble with earthly pleasures as well. Please help them to look to you for help and to find that peace. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. Please help them to some how find You and please use me in that process. Help me also to find that dream girl I have been seeking God. Please help me to be patient int he process into finding the right one. I now pray that I make new friends around me and for me to stay busy wit them and grow in the friendships that I have now. I pray now for a better work ethic in both school and baseball. Help me to take homework and practice seriously so that I may do better throughout my career. I pray for the injuries I am going through. Help me to get through them stress free and for me to not look down upon them. I thank You God for the 50 days so far that I have been doing this and I pray that You continue to provide me with the strength I need to get through the entire year. I pray for our country please help us to turn everything around and for our new President to make the right decisions. I pray for the forgotten and unspoken prayers God that You will bring them to me so I may pray for them. I pray for these things in Your name.

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