Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 63 "Battle that Sun!"

Daily Summary: Today was just awesome! I woke up slept great, studied a little for my mid term then headed to class. I had no time to go eat or anything so I was hoping the test wouldn't take me to long but it certainly did. I had to literally rush to make it to the bus on time. We had a game at Cal Baptist and I was stoked for it. After the whole experience yesterday and with more words of encouragement from Gabby I was convinced that no matter what happened today that I would be happy and try my best in whatever my roll was. Anyways as we headed out there we passed by Corona into Riverside and it made me feel like going home this weekend so that's what I am definitely going to do. We got there to notice that their field was beautiful along with their campus. We beat them last time in dramatic fashion so we were determined to beat them full on today. I wasn't starting but I got the opportunity to pinch run twice since our catcher got two straight hits in consecutive at bats. I didn't end up scoring through those time but we took and early lead then lost it and found the game tied at 3. Then at about the 5th inning coach told me to go to left field. I was pumped to get in the game and do some good for my team. Another prayer I prayed today that even if I don't get any hits or even mess up that I would keep my head up and give it my all. God's strength was definitely helping me out today. As I ran out there and looked up the sun was right in my face. Thank God also for sunglasses otherwise I wouldn't of been able to see anything. When playing the outfield the sun is your worst enemy when trying to catch a fly ball. It made me nervous out there so I didn't stop praying the whole time while I was out there. I got one fly ball and caught it! Woo hoo praise Jesus. Then in my first at bat I punched the ball through the infield for a base hit. I was stoked, then after Tex walked I got on second. Then on a bunt attempt the infielders for Cal Baptist made a good play and got me out at third. All well we ended up scoring that inning and holding the lead for the rest of the game! We beat those Lancers! Heck yea the ride home was awesome and the coach bought us In N Out. Everything in life is so much better when you win. It is also a lot easier to talk to God when you are successful. I do need to be able to manage my defeats over my accomplishments. Good or bad I need to be praising God. After all He is the reason why I am out there in the first place. Well after we got back I headed to class all smelly thinking we were going to take a quiz. I was wrong we just talked for about a half hour then he said we could go. Totally worthless but I wasn't complain. For the rest of the night I just chilled and worked out for the rest of the night. It was good to get in the gym and pump some iron. Oh and of course I played a few games of ping pong with Phil. Ha tomorrow is definitely going to be a simple day. Usual lunch with the awesome mother, practice, and maybe do some hanging out with friends! Night everyone.
Daily Reading: Isaiah 25:1
PRAISE THE LORD! Isaiah honored and praised God, because he realized that God completes his plans as promised. God also fulfills his promises to you. Think of the prayers he has answered, and praise him for his goodness and faithfulness. How awesome is this verse!??!? I got it from the daily verse on With the last two days going great I can do nothing but praise God. God is my everything and He always will be. It seems that I can't even get through a conversation with someone without talking about God. I am literally back at where I have been wanting to be for a long time now. We need to praise God for every single thing we do and every single thing that we have. Just like today I put the game and how it went in God's hands and no matter what win, lost, didn't get a hit, whatever, I was going to praise Him at the end and not get down. Tim and time again I have beat myself up for these kinds of things and time and time again I have wanted to give up. Now the thought of giving up would disgust me. Yea I may be saying this just because we won and I did end up getting a hit but the thing is I believe I still would be writing this even if it were the other way around. Getting down on things just makes me a worse baseball player. When things get destroyed mentally with anything our performance is weak and we usually screw up on things. If we praise God no matter what then there will be no need to get down for the bad things in life. Gabby reminded me that this spiritual high isn't going to last forever and that Satan is still going to attack me. In fact he is probably going to attack me even more then he has been since I am fixing everything. After going through what I went through this week i have taught myself how to deal with these kind of things and I feel well prepared for what is about to come. God will be my shield and Satan will be gone. Praise God for all He is doing and for all that He has done.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for another great day today. Thank You for just being the God You are. Thank You for the victory today and our success. Please help us to continue to play well and to the best of our abilities. Thank You also for giving me the chance to play today and do my best with the opportunities I had. I thank You for the tee mates I have Father. Ones who I could joke around with and ones I could all be friends with. I pray that we will continue to grow together as a team and as friends. I now pray for my friends outside of baseball. Please help me to find more and for me to grow in the friendships that I have now Father. I pray for my friends and the struggles that they may be going through. Please help to look to You for help and for the ones that don't know You for them to some how find You. Please use me in this process Father and for me to have the courage to talk to them about it all. Help others to see You through me. Help me to have a positive outlook on everything in life and for me not to get down on myself. Help me to just enjoy Your presence 24/7. Humble me Father. Help me to find a dream girl, one I could spend the rest of my life with. Help me to not be so shallow with the people I meet and for me to treat everyone equally. Help me in the relationships that I struggle with the people around me. Please tame my tongue, keep me from sexual temptation, and frustration. Help me to take baseball seriously and for me to have fun doing so. Help me to work harder in both school and baseball. Help me to learn things in school and for me to take the time to do so. I love You God so much and thank You again for giving me such a great day.

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