Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 83 "The Philedelphia Eagles vs. The Detroit Lions"

Daily Summary: Interesting day. I didn't really do all that much but everything all happened kind of fast. I wanted to get a good night sleep but I woke up around 8:00 for no apparent reason and couldn't fall back asleep. It kind of sucked but I guess God was just waking me up for a reason. Since I was up I went to breakfast and chapel. I haven’t gone to a chapel in over two weeks so it was good to get another one in there. I need 12 more then I am all done! After chapel I headed down to the art area do matte up my photos and get them ready for out critique. My friend helped me get it going then left. After she left everything kind of went down hill. The press that sticks the photo to the matte board ruined 3 of my photos and there was nothing I could do about it. Hopefully my teacher understands and my grade wont be to affected by it. After that I rushed over to lunch before having to get on the bus to head to our big game against Vanguard. I felt totally down today for some reason about the game. I just kind of felt tired and everything and I just was basically over all of the things that were going on within the team. It wasn’t the players at all it just was about my lame attitude towards it all. I caught myself, and thank God I did because today was an interesting game. After being in that lame mood I prayed to God to get me out of it and really get pumped up and cheer on my team. I was in it the whole game and loved every second of it. Well not exactly. Vanguard came out swinging the bats.. Before we new it we were down 8 to 0 in the 3rd inning! We then started swinging the bats and put up a 3 spot. They then returned with 2 more runs. Now the score being 10 to 3 we still didn’t let us get us down. We continued to rally on and ended tying the score 10 to 10. It was amazing that we came back from from such a deep deficit. Then in the next half inning they came back with 6 more runs! We just couldn't figure it all out and now we were back down 6 more runs. 10-16! The next half inning we came back with 4! 14-16 going into the bottom of the 6th inning! The game had already lasted 2 hours and 45 minuets and wasn't slowing down. Since the Vanguard team we were playing was called the Lions. I started treating it like a football game. The Philadelphia Eagles Vs. the Detroit Lions. We needed a safety to get back into business. We were a little frustrated because we let them get two extra points since their kicker was hurt. It was kind of fun announcing the game and it was even better when we got the safety! That is right we again tied the game up 16 to 16. We couldn't get anything going in the rest of the game and ended up loosing the game 16-18. It was a tough fight and a tough way to loose especially after scoring that many runs. I got in the game a few times, I ran once and scored one of the 34 runs and also pinch hit but flew out to center. Get them next time though! Tomorrow we need to come out swinging like we did today and get more runs and come out with two big victories. If we don't get these wins then we will be in trouble but we will won't give up. After the game I missed a final since the game lasted 4 hours and 10 minuets and used just about 20 different pitchers between the two teams. Dang. I am going to email the guy and hopefully take it sometime next week. This gives me a little more time to actually study and what not. So that is a blessing. I again wrote my blog in eagles nest for the 3rd night in a row! It was awesome and today was good except for the loss. I also got to work out for the first time in a while with my buddy Owen. We are starting a T-Shirt company and realized today that we are going to need investors because it cost so much money! We will just pray and see where it takes us! Praise God.

Daily Reading: Philippians 1:29

I talked a little bit about suffering just by having a relationship with Jesus and I read this verse. I have been dealing with this kind of thing through the past couple of weeks so that is why I focused on it the last two days. I am not going to have time to write about it tonight but hopefully I can find the time to write about my experiences through the next couple days. I am really sorry today was just super busy and I wasn't able to open up my Bible stuff till around 11:30PM. Philippians is definitely becoming one of my favorite books to read.
Daily Prayer: Dear God, I thank You for today. I thank you for the fact that I was able to snap out of that mood and get in the game today. Although we lost I thank you for having us stay in the game the whole time and never giving up. I pray that we can bring this attitude into tomorrows game and come out playing hard and pitching well. I pray that I will be able to deal with the fact that I am not going to do good every time I step onto that field and I am going to fail at times. I pray that I wont beat myself over it and I will be able to keep my head up and work hard to get better. I pray that I will be able to get more opportunities up to bat and for me to make the best of it. Help me to be able to find the time to write more in the next couple days God and give me the encouragement to do so. I love You so much.

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