Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 70 "Satan Can't Ruin My Day"

Daily Summary: I was pretty tired for the most part of the day but I didn't end up going to bed until 1:00 which was about an hour later then I expected. All well I will get to sleep in tomorrow morning. Can't wait for that. I was astonished that I was able to wake up this morning and actually make it to class on time! It was yet again another boring class but I have gotten used to the fact that it isn't going to get any better so I try to make the best of it. After that I had to make up a test which went pretty well but I kind of froze on the essay part so lets just hope that I did okay. I took well over an hour to take the test so I ended up being a little late to my next class. I rushed over there, walked in, and then realized that the teacher wasn't even there and that we were just watching a movie. I was going to go back to my room and just chill but I decided not to and sit through the movie. It was a movie called Quiz show, since I wasn't able to make class on Tuesday, the movie started at it's half way point so I didn't really know what was going on but it still seemed like an interesting movie and I will have to rent it in the future. After class I met my wonderful Jesus loving friend Gabby! We ate lunch together and she shared about some wonderful experiences she is having through God. I really enjoy talking with her about anything but especially about Jesus stuff. We literally have the same view of Him line for line. She has definitely has taught me some awesome stuff and I am just enjoying how our friendship has been coming along. Afterwards we walked around campus for a bit before she prayed over me and that my shoulder would heal in the name of Jesus. I literally felt my shoulder kind of tingle as she was doing so. Honestly it felt better it was amazing. I mean it definitely wasn't 100% but it felt a lot better then it was for the morning. After she left I was moved by what just went on and just couldn't keep a smile off of my face. I firkin love Jesus and His wonderful power. I later on headed to practice. I took a few half swings off the tee and didn't feel to much. I told coach to throw me in a hitting group tomorrow and to see how I feel. After practice I got iced up, went to dinner and everything. The cafe just seems to be getting worse and worse every time I eat there. For some reason I am not digging the food whatsoever. It totally sucks especially for the price we have to pay for food all of the time. Shoot all well. After that I headed back to the room and just relaxed I played some video games that I never play then just sat around. As I was moving around getting things together to take a shower, my shoulder exploded! I couldn't believe what just really happened. After it was feeling so good it just ripped right back open. This time the pain is much worse then before. I feel like Satan is literally attacking me. The moment I decided to change my life for the better and to start being positive two days later this whole incident happened. Please pray for me to be able to get through this rough time for Satan is attacking me where it hurts most and that is the game of baseball. If you can pray also to help me through the mental process and for me not to change my attitude towards God and everything. I just laid low for the rest of the night and spent a lot of time praying. JUST A NOTE: I don't read over my blogs after I right them, for one I tend to change my mind on a lot of things and second I will end up sitting there for hours most likely trying to make it perfect so there may indeed be some spelling errors that don't get caught up in the spell check. So although there may be some errors, today was the first time I clicked the spell check button and there was no spelling errors! How cool is that! Ha alright sorry for the randomness back to praising Jesus!

Daily Reading:
Deuteronomy 31:6
Okay, well since today turned out to be good for the most part and then later on was put to a stop with the whole lame shoulder situation, I tried my best to find a verse that best describes the situation. Like I said before I feel like Satan is literally attacking me in a way that he has never done before. I have definitely had some pretty intense injuries, but never one that has taken me out of this many games or not even a one where I couldn't even practice. The funny thing is that this all has happened, when I am at my personal best with my relationship with Jesus. After what happened today in my dorm, I instantly became upset. Becoming pretty angry I just felt like giving up on it all. It is a mood that I haven't seen in a while from myself. I basically panicked. So when I am angry what do I do? That's right call my mom. I just explained everything to my mom and I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face. Like usual the things she says always seems to get me even more frustrated so through the middle of it I just said "Mom, just pray" right when she started to pray I felt God there with me. I felt Him hugging on me and just helping me out through it all. Why she was praying for me I too began praying I literally gave everything to Him. I said God if this is Satan attacking me let him take my shoulder, heck let him take anything. All I need is You God...and so on. After the prayer I was no longer angry about what happened I actually almost laughed about the whole thing. I just couldn't let Him beat me. So instead of getting down I praised God more. I hope it really upset Him haha. Anyways on with the verse. Just like what happened today we including myself need to be strong and courageous in the things that we do in our everyday lives. Through rough times, injuries, or talking to that non-Christian. We need to stand strong in the name of the Lord and hold our ground. While we are going through these things He will never leave our side and never forsake us. God is our shield and He would never let anything bad happen to us that is against His will. Trust in Him through all things for HE IS GOD and will never leave us.

Daily Prayer:
Although my day may have ended on a bad note I still am going to indeed praise You to the fullest. Thank You so much for getting me through pretty simple classes today. Thank You for keeping me positive and just rolling with the punches. Thank You for having me talk to You throughout the day and for You never leaving my side. Thank You for having my shoulder feel better today and for me to be able to do more things at practice. I thank You big time Father for the time I got to spend with Gabby today. Please help us find the time to be able to do that more often in sharing our experiences with You. Help me to keep on making more friends Father and for me to be able to grow in the relationships with the friends I already have. I now pray for any of those friends and also my family members that may be going through rough times. Lift them up Lord in anyway possible God and help them to focus on Your will and on Your word. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You so they too can experience You everlasting love. I pray that You will help me in the process in them finding You Lord and for me to be strong and courageous in talking to them about You. Now God I pray for my pains not only my shoulder Lord but the pain where I am hurting by not being able to play the great game of baseball. Please help me not to fall into Satan's traps and for me to stay positive through all the rough patches in life. Help me to just keep on loving and trusting in You Help me to also follow Your will God. I pray for all the business and Churches that are going through rough times God. Please help them to trust You God and please help the struggling churches to get back up on their feet and to keep praising Your name. I pray down upon those businesses and Churches that are against Your word. False religions God, porn industry, or any other sinful type of nature. Continue to bring those business to a downfall and for them not to affect out economy whatsoever. I pray that our economy will turn around and more people will be able to get jobs. I pray for our new President in the decisions he will be making through the next four or more years. Please help Him to make the right ones Father and for the stress to hold to a minimum. I pray for a dream girl God that You will somehow help me find her and for me to be patient in the process. Overall Lord thank You for the things You are doing. Help me to praise in the positives and for me to learn from the negatives. I love You deeply.

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