Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 80 "No More Complaining"

Daily Summary: Today was awesome. I woke up with a totally exhausted type of feeling but just felt 100% better then yesterday. I was supposed to go down to the park and hang with my dad and little bro but it was raining. We were going to hit a few buckets of baseballs and get some work in. If there is one thing that definitely doesn't mix well it would have to be baseball and rain. I am sure if they were people they probably wouldn't get along. Since that didn't work out I just hung around for the whole morning with the family before heading to church. It was amazing. It was all about being a pessimist. Basically we as Christians should never complain about anything or anyone! I felt totally convicted through the message and I really enjoyed it. I am so thankful that I am able to make it to church every week. They seem to be getting more and more encouraging every time I go. After church I got to talk to some people that I havn't been able to talk to in a long time which also was really nice. Then I met up with my mom. We had the opportunity to talk things out. I had to let a lot of things off my mind and so did she. I think that missing out Friday lunch this week really affected me Saturday. I didn't realize how important one hour a week quality time with my mother really can be. Since we missed Friday we made up for the time today. We spent a little over 2 hours together and had a great time. Since we usually go to the NYPD out in Fullerton every Friday, we went to the NYPD here in Corona today! It is totally different from the one in Fullerton but still just as good and appetizing! After our great talk I just headed back to my dad's and hung out here for the rest of the night. We talked about what I am going to be doing over the summer. I basically have a job lined up, actually I don't even know if it is because I haven't heard from them in a while. Then I also have a couple offers to play baseball which I would absolutely love to do. I also need to take summer school. Then I would like to start a family tradition by going down and up California visiting every single ball park along the way. Probably just major league but some minor league games would be cool as well. Fact of the matter is that I am not going to worry about what I am going to end up doing this summer because I know that God will put me in the place He wants me. No matter what happens this summer I will praise Him along the way! I can't wait for what He has in store for me. Nothing really went on for the rest of the night. I hung out with my little brother which I never really get to do. I have said previously that we don't have the best brother and brother relationship but I am trying hard to get that going. One day he might be able to beat me up so I need to be on his good side. ;] I also talked to my step mom about my blog and everything. She really enjoyed it all and I got to mention some things about Jesus which was also really cool. Today was definitely a great day. I didn't really do all that much but I made the best of it all. I have a busy week and need to really crack down on some homework tomorrow. Good night.
Daily Reading: Philippians 2:14
That's right. Not sometimes, not most of the time, but all time! Sounds impossible right? It isn't. Complaining is the one thing we do not only as Christians but as Human beings do on a daily basis. For some of us it is a routine that we do on a daily basis. I never even really thought about how much I really complain. I then looked to others that seem like all they do is complain and realize how annoying it can be. I came up with the fact that I too am one of those annoying people that complain all of the time. I couldn't help myself but look up the reasons why people complain. I found out that, some people do it because they get so overwhelmed with things going on around them they cannot see any other thing but the complaint about their lives...they cannot move forward and are stuck...others do it to be in with the "in crowd" work most people stand around and complain so that is a popular thing but in real life most people don't do that...and yet others complain because they are looking for someway out of a situation they don't know how to get out of or are in need of some compassion to help them move on. I am making it a goal to overall stop complaining. Another thing I found out through the reading is that complaining dims our light for God. So it brings a thought into others heads that aren't Christian, that being a Christian must not be that great because that one over there is always complaining about things. The light we shine as believers is one of the most important things that we should have on our everyday walk. It is something I pray for on a daily basis. So get out there and shine your light anyway you can and try your best to keep from complaining about what goes on around you no matter how lame it may be. I have made a few deals with my friends and have to give them a nickle for every time I complain. Once I believe I am getting better at it I am going to make it a quarter then a whole dollar! I am confident that God will help me through this new task and I need to be able to trust Him through His answers to prayer!

Daily Prayer:
Dear God, thank You for this awesome day. Right when I was getting used to the sun again You brought us another day of rain. It wasn't a full day but it definitely felt like it with all the wind and coldness. For whatever the random day of rain was for God, I thank You for it. I now would like to get going on the whole complaining aspect. Paul clearly wrote that we as Christians should never complain or argue about anything! Just thinking about that makes me instantly cringe. Please keep me from complaining God so that I may continue to shine Your light everyday. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. I pray that I will have a positive attitude and not worry about the things that are going on around me. I pray for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. I pray also for the family members that I may not be getting along with at the moment. I pray that You will both lift them up and lift us up in our relationship. I pray that we can talk things out and make our relationship stronger. I pray for he ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find a way to find You and give them the burning desire to desire You. I pray that I too will have the burning desire to desire You. I pray now for friends God. I pray that You will help me find some new friends God and also help me build relationships with the ones I have. I pray that I will open up and share my experiences with You to everyone even if they may not even be Christians Father. Help me to plant those seeds all over God. Help my shoulder to heal more then it already has, help me to work hard to get to that 100% God and for me to not re injure it. You do all things well Father. You answer all of my prayers even if I don't like how they are answered. You give me all of the things I need even though they may not be the things I want. You even appear to be late at times. Yet your timing is always perfect. God, You do all things well. So overall I would like to thank You for all the things You are doing for others and myself God. I pray that You will continue to work in your amazing ways. Keep our country positive Father and also for my dream girl to show up. Help me to be patient in the process and for me to trust You in the decisions You make. Help me to be honest and not to hide any type of feeling to others God. Keep me humble God. Keep me from getting frustrated, angry, worrying, complaining, and any kind of sexual temptation. Keep me from getting bored God and for me to be on top of my homework. Help me in baseball and for me to stay positive no matter how bad practice or a game goes. I love You so much Father and once again thank You for this awesome day. In You name I pray.

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