Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 68 "Smile"

Daily Summary: Okay so having about 5 hours a sleep wasn't such a good idea. My alarm went off and I woke up on time but then I laid my head back down thinking I would just lay there for a second then get out of bed to head to class. Well it didn't work out that way. I thought it did I sat up thinking it had only been a couple minuets before looking at my phone and it was 1 minuet till 8! My class started at 8. Shoot well since I was late I decided not to rush and to just get there when I got there. I stayed up all night doing the essay so being a little late wouldn't hurt. Anyways I got there around 15 minuets late. It was a pretty boring class for the most part so I just text the whole time. The class definitely reminded me of high school days. Shoot. After class I went to breakfast and was going to take a nap but I decided not to since I felt a little better. I was surprised but somehow got a burst of energy to wake me up. Then I headed to the training room to get a nice ultrasound for my shoulder. Then headed down to the game. The game was pretty important. We played Cal State San Marcos. They are a school out of the San Diego area and aren't actually in a league so it was actually a big game since we can possibly face them in the playoffs. The game started off like most of our games do. 0 to 0 for the first half of the game until they ended up scoring a run. We had a few opportunities to get some runs but one of our guys missed home plate when trying to cross and that ended up getting tagged out. Then a few innings later we rallied and ended up scoring three runs. A couple guys that have been struggling at the plate really stepped it up today and had themselves some good games. Then after a huge pitching performance by Mike Firscina he was pulled out with the bases loaded and a lefty coming up. Mike had only given up one earned run when he got out of the game and Adam McNaught was put into a tough situation. Then on a 2-1 pitch he got the lefty and one of their best hitters to fly out to center field. This was huge and pumped us up big time. The next inning was then a big inning for San Marcos, when a base hit, hit a walk, and then a three run home run put them back in the lead in the top of the eighth inning. Derrick Dietzen was the guy who pitched for us. Today was his debut since having Tommy John surgery last year. He was pretty pumped up to play so this brought him down a little bit but then in the bottom of the 8th inning everything changed. After a first pitch double by Taylor Loop seemed to pump us up he later got thrown out at third and brought us back down. Shoot. Well we weren't going down without a fight. After we got a few runners on second and third with two outs Brent Chavez came up to the plate. He was 3 for 3 at this point in time and everyone was going crazy for him to just get one more hit to give ourselves the lead. After a long at bat he punched a double through left center and both runs came around to score. This was proven to be the winning run in the ball game and we pulled out another victory. We are now 11 and 11 and at .500 for the first time this season. It was awesome and I will take a victory no matter how it happens. This whole positive thinking sort of thing has really had an impact on me in baseball. With my injury and everything I think it is really showing me how to sit back and try to deal with patience and everything like that the best I can. After the game I headed to dinner, played some ping pong, then headed to class. Nothing really went on for the rest of the night I helped my good friend Gabby out. She needed help studying for a test, and then I headed to bed before twelve. I get to sleep in tomorrow and I can't wait for that!
Daily Reading: Proverbs 3:3
Love and Faithfulness. They happen to be the pretty dang important character qualities if you ask me. Especially for us Christians. They both involve actions as well as attitudes. A loving person not only feels love, hoe or she also acts loyally and responsibly. A faithful person not only believes in the truth; he or she also works for justice and others. Thoughts and words are not enough our lives reveal whether we are truly loving and faithful. Having love for someone brings on passion for that person. When we love someone we should never leave them in the dust and we should always be there for them no matter what. Even if this person hurts us in some ind of way, maybe falls as a Christian we should still answer their calls and remind them that we are still there for them. Just think about it. We ourselves fall as Christians all the time. At least most of do. When first becoming a Christian the temptations could be countless. Satan will constantly be nagging down our neck trying to make us go back to our old ways. That is why if we bind love for God around our necks then there would be nothing Satan can do to keep that away from us. Love both your enemies and your friends for they will all need you at some point in life. Or it may be the other way around we may need them. Lets just hope they answer their phone ;]. With all this love going around for one another that brings on faithfulness! Faithfulness is another important quality when dealing with a Christian lifestyle. We need to be faithful to God and other followers of God while showing our love for them. We need to use the Holy Spirit to be lifted and and just bring smiles to others faces. For some reason today I couldn't keep a smile off of my face. It is really unusual for me especially since I got only about 5 hours of sleep. When I am tired I tend to get in bad moods. I get angry and impatient very easily. I was literally tired all day and there were times were I was tempted and even felt like getting mad at certain situations but I couldn't. The whole positive lifestyle has really been changing me in unusual ways. My roommate could speak for me on how upset I usually get when I don't get enough sleep. I just can't help but be happy and show my compassion, love, and faithfulness to Jesus. When following God we should always have a smile on our face that can be able to bring joy to others. It is how others can see God through us and our attitude. Wear it around our necks and put it in our hearts. We can spread the word even when we don't even realize it. Any good deed to a random person can lift up their day.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for this awesome beautiful day You gave us. Thank You although I didn't get enough sleep last night that I was able to keep a smile on my face throughout the day. Thank You for helping me be able to control my temper in certain situations. If there are any ways that I may have failed in my actions please help me to look to You when I am feeling down. Thank You for all the wonderful things You are doing in my life as of late. I am really feeling your prescence on a daily basis and also feel You moving in me. I pray now for the guys on my team Lord. There are a few that tend to get on my nerves at times. Please help me to be able to deal with them and know that they are just trying to get laughs and have a little bit of fun. Help me to be able to play along with their jokes and for me to not get to upset for the lame things that they do. I now pray for the sucess we have been having lately. I thank You that we are continuing to compete despite the fact that this is the worse team that our Coach has ever had. (Record wise) I pray that You will keep the passion in all of us and for us t keep playing hard. Every day. I now pray for my friends and family. I pray that for whatever they may be going through, good or bad that You will lift them and and help them to both go to You with their problems and their praises. Help them to trust You in the decisions they make and for them to say on the right path. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find a way to You Jesus and for them to be able to lift others up by their experiences. I pray that You will use me in the process and help me to use my spiritual gifts in doing so. I pray that if there are any Spiritual gifts that I have and I am not using for me to use them properly and frequently. I pray now for our country as it is going through a huge financial crisis. I pray that we will be able to turn things around with our new president and that he will make the right decisions. I pray for both school and baseball that I will continue to work hard and get better at the things I am struggling in. I pray that my shoulder will heal soon and that I wont push myself when I think it may be ready rather then when I know it will be ready. I pray for the others that may be battling injury that they too will heal quickly and not push themselves and making it hurt worse. I pray my roommate in his decisions he needs to make for the summer God. I pray for my dream girl that I will meet her soon and for me to be patient in the process. I pray for all the things that I may have forgotten tonight. Please help them come to me so that I may pray for them. I love You!!!!!

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