Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 58 "Darkness"

Daily Summary: Well it kind of took me a while before actually falling asleep and then having to wake up early it took me a while to get out of bed and get going but overall I felt like today was going to be a pretty good day. I headed out around 8:00 to go pick up the lunches and get ready to head to the games today. We were off to Irvine to play Concordia University. They had the same record as us and we were hoping for some good quality games today. We were alive for the whole game and pumped up but made some key mistakes that cost us a bunch of runs. We ended up loosing the game 13 to 5. I got in the game after the second inning and went 0 for 3. I got real frustrated after the third at bat and was just ready for it all to end I tried my best praying to God but it was really hard to do so when I am so frustrated with myself. During that time a ball was hit in the gap and I made a diving play that was pretty sweet and pumped me back up and I instantly forgot about my bad day at the plate. Baseball is a funny game and there are times where we just want to quit and give everything up and there are times where you can't picture anything else in life but baseball and how great it is. It sucks but then again it's sweet but I think that goes with almost every sport. Anyways the second game started up and we started out hot then found ourselves trailing going into the top of the 6th. Then we had the bases loaded with no one out with Hawkins Gebbers up and for the first time ever, at least the first time actually being on the team that it has happened to. He lined out hard to the shortstop, then the shortstop flipped to second to double one of our guys up then through to first for the same thing. A triple play. We couldn't believe what just happened but we kept our heads up and then got back up in the final inning down 7 to five and went crazy. We were all going nuts having a blast trying our best to get in the pitchers head and get some runs. We did exactly that. We posted up 3 runs and took the lead 8 to 7. After that coach put me in left for a defense replacement and I was pumped to get the game done with and head home with a victory. Then all of a sudden a guy got on and then an error put another guy on. A base hit then scored him and tied up the game. This sucked! We had been in so many extra innings games lately and I was so over it. We tried our best to get things going and we had a couple chances but failed to score. In my only at bat I walked but obviously didn't end up scoring. The next inning we had the bases loaded with two outs and our fastest guy Tex tried to steal home but wasn't able to make it. After that we got through the next inning and were going to bat they called the game to darkness. This is the second time this has happened and both times I am due up 3rd in that inning. I thought that was pretty funny. Well then I headed back to school on the bus, got cleaned up, and headed home since I have another interview with that Teen Center tomorrow. I felt real refreshed after the shower and was ready to be home. I have a tone of homework to do tomorrow so lets hope I can get that done as well.
Daily Reading: Colossians 2: 16-17
Footnotes: Here, Paul was probably referring to the Jewish dietary laws. The festivals mentions are Jewish holy days celebrated annually, monthly, and weekly (The Sabbath). These rituals distinguished the Jews from their pagan neighbors. Failure to observe them could easily notice by those who were keeping track of what others did. But we should not let ourselves be judged by others, because Christ has set us free. Paul then told the Colosian Christian's not let anyone criticize their diet or their religious ceremonies. Instead of outward observance, believers should focus on faith in Christ alone. Our worship, traditions, and ceremonies can help bring us close to God, but we should never criticize fellow Christians who's traditions and ceremonies are different then ours. More important than how we worship is that we worship Christ. Don't let anyone judge you. You are responsible for Christ. I chose these set of verses today because there are times were us Christians are judged for the things we do. Maybe the way we dress, the music we listen to, maybe the kind of things that we watch on T.V. Anyways what Paul is saying that we should never change the things that we do just because others say that we are hurting God for our actions. Unless the things we are doing is either sinful, or getting in the way of our relationship with Jesus. Overall that is the most important piece of information. So therefore, tattoos, hardcore music, weird clothes, pierced ears, eat meat (which isn't really a big deal anymore, and any other thing that others might say is wrong is actually perfectly fine because Jesus doesn't care about any of these things all He cares about is that You glorify Him in the process of all of these things. Don't put any earthly pleasure in front of God.
Daily Prayer:
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for a beautiful and super hot day today. Thank You for the fact that we got to play baseball in this great weather. Although we may not have played well today I pray that You will keep our heads up and not give up on this season. I pray that we will continue to work hard and play to the bet of our ability. I pray for the frustration I encounter when failure is amongst me. I tend to think negative Lord and it corrupts me. Please help me get rid of all that and for me to keep my head up through it all. I pray that tomorrows interview will go well and although it is going to be tough for me to be able to get through the whole things help me to be positive and outgoing through it all. Help me to have a cheerful heart in whatever I do Lord and help me to glorify You through every single action. Help others to be able to see You through me and my actions. I now pray for my friends and family Father that they may be going through some rough times. I pray that You will lift them up in whatever they may be going through and help them to fix their eyes on You. I pray for the friends and family that don't know You or they think that they know You Lord but the full relationship isn't there. Please help them to understand wnad know who You are and for them to somehow find You. Please use me in this process an for me to show Your love and grace to everyone around me. I pray for us Christians who may be getting judged by the things we do. Please help the ones that may be criticizing us to realize what the Word says about it all and for them to focus on how their relationship is rather then ours. I pray for my dream girl Lord that You will somehow help me find her and for me to be patient in the procress. I pray for school for me to get going on that and for me to be able to do all of my homework and to do it on time. I pray for our country and our new president. That You help him in making the right decisions and for us to be able to turn this economy around. I pray all these things in Your name.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 57 "Ping Pong"

Daily Summary: Well today was really slow and wasn't full of anything really exciting except for the fact that it's Friday! Friday is my favorite day of the week. One thing why it is great is because I get to sleep in and not worry about getting ready for class or doing any quick homework. Another reason why Friday is so awesome because I am able to go out with my mom and have a free lunch. We go to the same place every Friday and I love spending every second with her. After lunch i went to practice. I didn't really have a good day at practice I was kind of down the whole time for some reason. I played fine and felt good physically except for the fact that my arm was killing me but for some reason I couldn't get happy at all. During batting practice and waiting for my turn I kind of just was thinking about my blog and how I need to basically be doing the right things that I talk about in my daily reading section. Instantly I started praying and asking God to fill me with His presence and for me to get out of the lame mood I was in. I felt better for the most part after practice but just a little thought of my blog and God made everything that much better. It again pushes me to keep up with the writings and not even think about giving up. I constantly have to push myself but I am so used to putting God in the center of it that I get it done before I go to bed every single night. Anyways after practice I went to dinner with Phil then beat him at a few games of ping pong. He always gets pumped up to play then once he is done playing me he always gets depressed and says he is never going to play again. I try to laugh at him but he is kind of a sore looser. It is pretty funny to watch but can get frustrating at times. All well I usually let him win the first game we play to get him going then I finish him off. Shh. Nothing against Phill though he is actually really good and does beat me from time to time. After playing a few hours of ping pong. My plans ended up falling through for the night so I just hung in the room and cleaned the entire thing. It looks so much better now I almost forgot what it looked like before. I always feel more comfortable when everything is clean and organized around me. For the rest of the night I relaxed and got to bed somewhat early. We have an 8:30 bus tomorrow and I need to be out of the dorms by 7:50 to get the lunches then get dressed for the game. I am stoked for the most part tomorrow but I probably wont end up playing. We will see what happens though.
Daily Reading: Hebrews 2:1
Pay Attention. One day we can be on fire for the Lord and everything seems to be going right then we just have one of those days and everything just seems wrong. It is non other then Satan doing whatever he can to get our minds off of God. A few weeks ago I posted that video of how Satan really plans on keeping us away from God. They are things we never would realize or think about. What we think that may be good could actually just be a distraction in order to put out our fire for God. Getting that promotion may seem good and a blessing but when thinking about how much more you may be away from you family and how much busier you may be may indeed be a distraction from your personal life with others and God. This is why we need to get on our knees and put everything in God's hands and have Him help us make the decisions that we are going through. When wondering where I was going to college, obviously my dream and first choice would be go to a big Division 1 school that may be across the country. It was my choice for a long time then all of a sudden I started getting things from smallNAIA schools. Then I realized that they all happened to be Christian schools. I had never thought before about going to a Christian school what so ever. Anyways long story short, when I look back on it now, I couldn't think of myself being anywhere but a Christian school. Especially one likeBiola . Between the professors and people that are hear nothing compares to any other college and I am so blessed to be a part of the University and the baseball team. Back to the Point. I also look back and see if I did end up going to one of those schools and I wonder where my faith would be at. Or heck if I would even have any faith at all. It almost seems scary to think of anything like that but it is most likely true. So therefore sometimes the better of the two choices may actually be the worse of the two choices. PRAY PRAY AND PRAY! God will bless You with whatever is in His will for You even if it isn't what we want! In Biblical terms it is talking about early believers that were in danger of falling away from Jesus. They had heard the word's of the gospel but those words had not sunk in. People raised in believing families and churches risk the same danger today. They hear the words and more or less agree but mental assent to Christ's leadership is insufficient to be Christ's disciple. Just because we may be involved in the church such as, being some kind of leader, or counselor, we shouldn't assume that people who comply and conform are truly commit ed to Christ. We should get to know each individual person who attends the group or cause so that we can keep each other in check to make sure we do not become dead in Christ.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You or today. Thank You for the fact that with the bumps in the road I looked to you for guidance Father. I am truly amazed how you have an impact on me on a daily basis. I can't ask for anything more Father. I pray for tomorrows games to go well and for me not to get upset if I don't play. If I do play Lord help me to play to the best of my ability. Help me not to feel any type of pain that is going on in my body.
I now pray for the people who think that they can sin just because You will forgive them anyway. Help them to understand the right system God and for them to know that excepting You as there Lord and Savior and having that relationship with You is the only way that their sins will be ultimately forgiven. I now pray for my friends and family. I pray for all of the rough times that they may be going through Lord that they will look to You for guidance and for strength God. I pray for the ones that don't know You. Please help them to some how find You God and for You to use me in the process. I pray for our country and for our fairly new President. Please help him to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around for the better. Please help those who are loosing their homes and jobs to stay up on their feet and not give up on life or anything like that. Help them to figure out that there is a Savior that loves them and will help them through it all. I pray that You continue to push me to take my writings to the extra level and for me to not get lazy in writing them. I pray that I will be able to get my full thoughts every single day and also for them to do so. I pray for my dream girl Father. Please help me find her and for me to be patient int he process. Help me to be absolutely sure and for me not to make any mistakes. I pray for my Dad and his family Lord that You will lift them up and keep them on their feet and if any way possible for them to all come to know You God. Let me be a light in their lives so that they may become curious to why I am the way I am. Help them to have a better understanding of it all. Help everyone to be able to see You through me and for me to be myself no matter who I may be around. Most of all God help me to be a living example of You. I pray that You hep me through school and everything and for me to not become lazy and for me to get my work done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful name.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 57 "Trust God!"

Daily Summary: Today was great for the most part I did wake up pretty exhausted and what not from not getting that much sleep but I was still prepared for the day. I was totally determined to have a good day since the last two days weren't the best. I popped out of bed and got ready for the day. Went to breakfast with Phil then off to class. Today the cafe made banana smoothies and those are my favorite so I didn't even go to class yet and everything was going good. I headed to class expecting another boring English class but it was actually quite interesting. The stories that are assigned are getting better and shorter so that is always a plus. We also got to do group discussions about certain things in the story and that is my favorite to do. I am kind of intimidated in that class for some reason because I feel like everyone is smarter then me but I try my best to let out my thoughts and not be ashamed of what I think is going on. Today I wasn't exactly right because I didn't read the story but I still managed to get some people thinking sweet deal. After class I headed down to chapel. It was pretty good for the most part. This guy related some art to some life situations we go through in our walk with the Lord. Our dean of Chapels tends to try and get us involved and almost every chapel has us sit in silence and reflect on things in our lives. It is great at times but other times it is just kind of meaningless in a way. I don't mean to be harsh but I don't know any other way to explain it. In other words today's chapel was one of those meaningless times. I still got the chance to talk to God one on one so that was definitely a plus. Then to cap off the chapel the band sang my favorite worship song of all time. The Inside Out by Hillsong United. Amazing words and I really am moved by every single second of the song. While listening and reflecting on everything I couldn't remember the last time I actually listened to my favorite song. It disappointed me in a way because that song alone has changed my life in so many ways. It is crazy what music can really do in peoples lives. Worship music is one of the most amazing thing that bring people closer to God. Worship is the most favorite part of Church in my life. Anyways after that I headed to my intro to mass media class sat through a couple presentations, went to lunch, then headed to practice. I thought practice was going to be lame but it ended up being a load of fun thanks to the great David West who pulled me aside and cheered me up. He always brings a smile to peoples faces and I have never seen him in a bad mood. He is seriously the funniest dude I've met and is also great to be around. After practice I just headed to diner then got ready for class. Tonight was our critique night for our pictures. I wasn't to happy with my pictures but I had no choice and had to turn them in anyways. My professor understood that I haven't been around as much and that I didn't have the assignment sheet until 2 weeks after everyone else. All well again what I thought was going to go bad ended up going pretty good. I was super stoked and walked out of there pretty accomplished and glad that this week was finally over for a school standpoint. For the remainder of the night I just kind of relaxed and chilled with the roommate. I kind of reflected on my day and realized that I was almost used to things going wrong but God proved to me otherwise that I need to trust in Him and He will make everything okay. I was truly amazed how good my day went and I am hoping that more days like these are to come in the future.

Daily Reading: Philippians 4:13
This verse is very popular and was recommended by my wonderful friend Allison today. I asked her if she had a favorite verse that I can use today and when she replied with this one I thought it was kind of funny out how it has actually related to what I have been going through the last few days. I haven't had the best days and they have been quite frustrating and when there are days like that one of the hardest things to do is go to God. When in reality it is when I should be going to God most. The power we rceive in union with Christ is sufficient to do His will and to face the challenges that arise from our commitment to doing it. He does not grant us with the super human ability to accomplish anything we can without regard to His interests. As we contend for the faith we will face troubles, pleasures, and trials. So with these troubles, pleasures, and trials again it is the hardest thing to go God when we face these kind of things. God literally begs us to get on our knees when we go through these kind of things and it disappoints Him when we don't. Stick with Jesus and everything is going to be alright. We may not agree with some of the things He chooses for us but we need not to be selfish and take what we get and use it to the best of our ability and to an advantage that will spread His word and will to others. When we usually want more we should ask God to remove that desire and to teach us contentment in every circumstance. He will supply all of our needs, but in a way that He knows best for us! God is the ultimate source for everything in our life big and small. I can't express that enough the thought of Jesus moving in my life. I have experienced it through the last two days and I will get right back on my knees in thanking Him for his wonderful Grace and power.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You so much for an awesome day. Please forgive me for the times I thought everything was going to go wrong. Thank You for proving me otherwise through all of these and for turning everything around. I pray that I will trust in You through all of my problems and everything and help me to fix my eyes on You. Help me to always be thinking of You through out the day and to also talk to You throughout the day. Help me relationship with to build up and for me to put in all of the effort needed to do so. I pray that people will be able to see You through me and my actions. Help me to have a positive attitude and have an influence on others. I pray now for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please lift them up in anyway possible and for them to also look to You for answers. I pray for the ones that don't know You God that You will some how help them to find Your light. Please use me in the process and for me to have the right words and courage to talk to them. I pray for our country and government. Please help them to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around. I also pray for my roommate Phil and whatever he may be going through. I pray that You will help him be able to figure out what the right thing is to do for work over the summer. I pray that You will keep his mind positive and for him to shine Your light every single day. He is a true man of You God so please keep him on that right path. Please help me to have a wonderful day again tomorrow God and for me to also soon find that dream girl I always seem to be talking about. Help me to be patient in that process and other processes that You may be working through in my life. I pray these things in Your wonderful name.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 56 "Hawkins Gebbers or Kurt Gibson?"

Daily Summary: I woke up today hoping to have a better day. It really didn't work out all that well. I went to breakfast and then to Chapel. It was pretty good once again it was an all worship chapel and since today was our schools 101st birthday we had a special worship leader and that made it pretty sweet. After that I went back to the room for about an hour before getting ready for our game against Cal Baptist. I was excited to play them since the coach really didn't like me when I went there for a scouting trip. I wanted to show him what was up but I didn't get to play since they started a right hand er instead of a lefty. All well I tried my best to cheer on my team the best I could and it was an amazing game. We were up 5 to 0 for most of the game up until the 7th where they scored a few runs and ended up tieing up the game in the top of the 9th. 5 to 5. Then in the bottom of the 10th Hawkins hit a walk off homerun. It was the sweetest thing to be a part of and it was an amazing story to how he was actually even in the game. Before the game he went to the hospital for a CT scan on his chest because they thought he had torn some stuff up since he had been coughing so much. Then he came back form the hospital while the game was still going on around the 3rd inning. He left then and went up to room to go to bed while we were in the lead 5 to 0. When the game became tied coach had one of our guys go up slam on his door and wake him because he wanted him to pinch hit. He made his way down barely awake and entered the game. In the bottom of the tenth he was the second batter and on the second pitch nailed a shot to left over the fence to win the game! It was so amazing and honestly a game that I will always remember. It reminded me of seeing the high lights of the dodgers game in the World Series where Kurt Gibson came out of the locker room all sick and ended up hitting a home run off a future hall of famer. I don't think Hawkins is going to feel sick anymore after that one. Well after the game I went to dinner did my homework turned it in after not going to class again and then just relaxed for the rest of the night I am pretty tired so I am definitely going to bed earlier then normal tonight. I kind of got irritated at the game and I took it out on my mom in a way. I just wasn't having a good day and I didn't get to play so that made it tough as well. When I am in a bad mood I try my best to not call my mom because she is the ones I know best and I will take it out on her since I know she and I will get over it. So in other words I use her and that is totally not okay. Usually when I am in an upset mood she nags on the fact that I really need to get right with God and let Him get control of the situation. This is totally right advice but it just isn't at the right time. Of course Satan wants me to get mad when she says that and I do but I am not doing it because of Satan's power. Let me explain. When I am going through rough times it is sometimes good to hear the advice and other times it isn't. The reason why it isn't is because there are times where I just need to figure everything out with just God and I. I need to do this because it will make His and I's relationship so much more stronger. He is just like a best friend. The more arguments we get with each other the more we get to know and understand one another. Therefore when I go through problems and it takes me a while to figure out how to trust God through it all and help Him control my thoughts and fix everything the next time it happens I will no what I did and how I fixed it before and it will make it that much easier. In addition to all that I appreciate my mom's help big time and she is the best mom anyone could ever ask for. I talked to her about all of this and now she understand everything I was going through so the next time everything should be okay. Anyways I am over it all now and ready for a great day tomorrow. Tomorrow's day is just full of classes and everything we will see what goes on. See ya.

Daily Reading:
1 Timothy 2:8
Anger. I am talking about his only because it is kind of what I went through today. I let my anger get the best of me. I should never under any circumstance take out my anger on someone else. What I should do is get on my knees and ask God for help and for the things that may be angering me. IT is so easy to get caught up in anger and when we are angry and stressed we become care-free and commit sins that we wouldn't if we were int he presence of God. Now when we are angry we often will have to fight with ourselves, while in this mood the hardest thing to do could be to get on our knees and pray. Why is it that the right things always have to be the hardest? Shoot beats me. With the verse context, besides displeasing God, anger and strife make prayer difficult. That is why Jesus said that we should interrupt our prayers if necessary, to make peace with others. God wants us to obey Him immediately and thoroughly. Our goal should be to have a right relationship with God and also with others. Regardless of what goes on God will always be by our side. Now just like I shouldn't take advantage of my mom we shouldn't take advantage of God's grace. Just because He will be there once we are done committing the sin doesn't mean that it is okay. The great Billy Graham put this situation into words better then anyone else he said "Don't be deceived; God's forgiveness isn't something you can take for granted. God's forgiveness comes only when we repent of our sins - and repentance means to be sorry for our sins and want to turn from them, because we realize God hates them.
And how do you know if you'll even have the opportunity to repent and turn to Jesus? Death could come to you in an instant - even while you're still young. The Bible warns, "Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow" (Psalm 144:4). Jesus once told about a man who had been very successful, and decided he'd live the rest of his days in luxury and idleness. But that night his life came to an end - and he was unprepared to meet God (see Luke 12:16-21). Don't let this happen to you! But there is another danger that you need to take seriously. It is this: The more you ignore God, the harder your heart becomes toward Him. Tragically, many people think like you do - but by the time death comes, they can no longer hear God's voice calling them to Himself. Don't believe Satan's lie, that life is better without God. It isn't - now or in eternity. Instead, open your heart to Christ, and discover the joy of walking with Him every day. This is something to think about the next time we are in this situation when talking to someone. I have heard this kind of reaction several times when trying to talk to someone about God. They always seem to ask the same thing "What is wrong with the bad things I do? God will forgive me anyway right?" No, no, No!!!!!! Listen to Billy.

Daily Prayer:

Dear God,
Thank You for today and for once again the victory. I thank You for the fact that I was able to control my anger and figure out the problem with my mom and how I treat her with the whole anger issue. I pray that the next time that this situation comes up that You will help me come to You when I need help Father. Help me not to take things out on others and for people to understand that sometimes I just need to figure out things with You before anyone else. I now pray for the people who think that they can sin just because You will forgive them anyway. Help them to understand the right system God and for them to know that excepting You as there Lord and Savior and having that relationship with You is the only way that their sins will be ultimately forgiven. I now pray for my friends and family. I pray for all of the rough times that they may be going through Lord that they will look to You for guidance and for strength God. I pray for the ones that don't know You. Please help them to some how find You God and for You to use me in the process. I pray for our country and for our fairly new President. Please help him to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around for the better. Please help those who are loosing their homes and jobs to stay up on their feet and not give up on life or anything like that. Help them to figure out that there is a Savior that loves them and will help them through it all. I pray that You continue to push me to take my writings to the extra level and for me to not get lazy in writing them. I pray that I will be able to get my full thoughts every single day and also for them to do so. I pray for my dream girl Father. Please help me find her and for me to be patient int he process. Help me to be absolutely sure and for me not to make any mistakes. I pray for my Dad and his family Lord that You will lift them up and keep them on their feet and if any way possible for them to all come to know You God. Let me be a light in their lives so that they may become curious to why I am the way I am. Help them to have a better understanding of it all. Help everyone to be able to see You through me and for me to be myself no matter who I may be around. Most of all God help me to be a living example of You. I pray that You hep me through school and everything and for me to not become lazy and for me to get my work done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful name.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 55 "Lame Day, Kinda"

Daily Summary: Well I ended up getting to bed kind of late last night. I was totally lost on this one assignment so I decided to just not go to class this morning to the homework tomorrow and turn it in on Thursday. Got to love college I guess lets just pay everything works out with that. Anyways I woke up to Phil's alarm around 7:00 and I thought I would be pretty tired and slow to getting up but I again want at all. Two days in a row that is unusual. Figures when I don't have class I wake up on time and am not tired what so ever. All well I was hoping that it would start out to be a good day since all that happened. Well I finally got out of bed and jumped in the shower and got ready for some chapel. I got the chance to sit with my bud Josh I haven't seen or talked to him in a while since I have been so busy with baseball and everything. I literally haven't talked or hung out with anyone all semester and I need to crack down and start getting in touch with all my friends here before they forget I even exist. Ha well chapel was awesome it was buy this Jewish guy from Brooklyn that believed that Jesus was the Messiah. He read us John Chapter 8 about how Jesus heals the blind man and makes him see. I just loved the way he explained the scripture made me understand what was being taught. Anyways after class I went to class for a while before having to get ready for today's game. I was super excited for today's game but for some reason it was the most dull game I think I have ever played. No one was up or anything the whole game and we still managed to win 4 to 2. We played against an old buddy of mine and I can see that is his really doing well over there and he is working really hard. I had a bad game and it kind of ruined my day. Today didn't really start out all that well anyway so that just kind of made it worse. I tried my best to keep a positive attitude but I couldn't seem to really keep my composer on the baseball field. All well it is something I still have to work on. After the game I got iced up and went to dinner. I tried my best to cheer myself up and everything and it was working for the most part. So I headed back to the room took a shower and headed to class. This really got me in a bad mood. I just couldn't seem to get the pictures to really work or anything. I hid my frustration really well and handled myself pretty good for the most part. I also had a few friends text me and really be there for me until every single one of them fell asleep while texting me ha. I ended up staying in the darkroom till about 11:45PM so I guess it was kind of late for them. No matter what I really appreciate it and these are the kind of friends I have been asking God for on a daily basis. I feel better now tomorrow is a new day and I am going to put it in God's hands no matter if it's good or bad He is the one I need to go to for guidance. After all I love Him!

Daily Reading: Titus 3:3
Doing what is good. It is definitely hard not to flat out say you hate someone. There are just some people out there that we just can't get along with no matter how hard we may try. There are also those people out there that we hate for no particular reason and don't eve give them a chance to get along with us. I definitely have people in both categories in my life right now and sometimes it is tough to talk to them. The thing is I may not even like them and they have no idea so they act like everything is fine and that just gets me more irritated. Jesus said that calling someone a fool is the same thing as killing them. There are many different ways to solve this hating problem with one another. We should never hate the person them self but we can hate the things they do. With the people that we may dislike they are the ones that we should actually spend more time praying about rather then our closest friends and family. This will give us peace about the person and it will help us handle certain situations a little better when faced with problems. Praying is the ultimate source to getting through problems with other people around You. Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do but we all got to man up and just talk to God. That Will definitely not hurt us to talk to the one person that loves us unconditionally no matter how many times we sin against Him. Following a life of pleasure and giving in to every sensual desire leads to slavery. Many think freedom consist in doing anything they want. But this path leads to a slavish addiction to sensual gratification. A person is no longer free., but is a slave to what his or her body dictates. Having that relationship with Christ frees us from the desires and control of sin. Getting caught up in these kind of earthly pleasures can make us forget to what they not only do to ourselves but to others around us. It can take a life time to fix a part of life that isn't exactly the way you want it to be. God will be with us every step of the way and help us through it all.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for today. Although it may not have been the best day in the world I still managed to keep my composure around others and still exemplify You. I thank You so much for the friends I have in my life. I don't know what I would do without them and I thank You for every single one of them. I pray that I can find more friends like this and to extend the friendships I have Father. Thank You for chapel today and for the man You have made that guy that spoke today. He is an excellent man of You God and help in shinning the light to others. I now pray for my friends and family that may be going through rough times. Please lift them Father in any way possible. For the ones that don't know You God please help them to some how find You and please use me in the process. Help others to be able to see You through me. Help me to shine Your light and stay away from any earthly desire God. Please help me find the time to do my homework and not stall with the things I have to do. I pray for the frustration I have with the homework Father that I will look to You for help and not get distracted with the things around me. I pray for the negative thinking I have been doing lately. Please help me not to fall into Satan's lies Lord and for me to stick to what I got myself into with my education and baseball Father. I pray now for my dream girl Father. Help me to find the perfect one that I can fall in love with and give her everything I have. Help her to love You like me and for us to solve our problems the way You teach Father. Help me find a one that will put You first and one that we can both put You in the center of the relationship. Help us not to get tempted with anything God and for us to stay on track until marriage. I pray for all the things going on my life Father good and bad I thank You for them. Please help me to learn from my mistakes and praise You for the accomplishments. I love You Jesus!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 54 "Smelly Hands"

Daily Summary: Well i woke up super early around 6:45 but I wasn't tired at all since I went to bed super early last night. I haven't had a good sleep like that in a while.So I woke up nice and refreshed and ready for the day. I didn't know whether or not I had practice today so I went in back to school anyways just to be safe. Our coach seemed pretty mad on Saturday and just told us to be there on Tuesday ready to hit so that's what the confusion is all about. I found out on my way down there that there was indeed practice, so I decided to wait around and go to lunch with my mom. Once again it was amazing getting to spend time with just her and I. I also got a chance to take a bunch of photos at the train station in Fullerton. God definitely answered my prayer and cleared up the sky's today so I was able to take some pictures. It literally didn't rain at all so everything was clear to take pictures. Awesome. I also saw and Amish family for the first time in real life. So today was actually really interesting for the most part. Anyways I finally met up with my mom and we went to the place we always go to. NYPD. There was three guys working and they all seemed to be gay. Once again pretty interesting in a New York themed pizza place. Well me and my mom got some good talks in and I also got some cold stone afterwards. I was supper full afterwards and both my friend Allison and I both agreed that we would never eat again because of this gross feeling. I hate it but I new that I would definitely eat since I had practice and I am always hungry after that. Anyways I got back to school went to practice coach talked to us for a while then we got into it. We didn't do much except hit and what not. I kind of got irritated to this guys and wanted to say some stuff back to him but I decided not to. I realize that he wasn't worth it and I'll let God take care of him and I will just ignore it. Well after practice i took a guy on my team home since his car was in the shop and headed to dinner. It sucked they had no good food tonight but I just snacked on some stuff and headed out. Tonight is the big night of homework! It went pretty well for the most part. I got everything done and now I am just super tired and exhausted and ready for bed. I spent most of the night in the dark room developing the pictures I took today. My hands are no going to smell all night I hate it. All well, Tomorrow I am playing the University of Le Verne. My buddy Kent goes there, I played ball with him for two years while I was in high school and I am pretty excited to play the team that he is now apart of. It should be a really good game and I can't wait to compete.

Daily Reading: John 8:31-32
This is one of the verses that Pastor Chuck yesterday used talking about how we need to become followers of Jesus and be in a relationship with Him that has an unconditional amount of love involved. Here in these verses, Jesus is talking about God's true children and what we need to do in order to become disciples of Jesus. Jesus himself i the truth that sets us free. He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what is right. He frees us from continued slavery to sin, from self-deception, and from deception by Satan. He shows us clearly the way to eternal life with God. Thus Jesus does not give us freedom to do what we want, but freedom to follow God. As we seek to serve God, Jesus perfect truth frees us to be all that God meant us to be. Being a disciple of Christ is something that may be hard to accomplish at first but once it has been done there is no going back and our lives will be full of meaning and understanding. Now we can always no the Bible front to back, know the Doctrines and what we believe in but the fact is none of that will ever get us to heaven. Jesus always told the Pharisees who only taught and studied what was written, that none of that will get you into His kingdom but having a relationship with Him is the only way Heaven is able to be reached. There are times where I myself am confused about my relationship with Christ and there are times where I talk to Him about everything then there are times where I reflect and realize that I didn't talk to Him all day. That part is sad and I am definitely not where I need to be. I should literally talk to Jesus about every step I take and when I am alone always be thinking about Him that way I will never get bored. When I walk and think like this I will be less likely to fall into sin and stumble in my walk. This is so true for all believers. True love is what we should have for Jesus and we should be disciples and declare His name where ever we go. With that we will no the truth and we will be set free! Woo hoo!
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for today. Thank You for the fact that I kept my composure throughout the day and failed to get angry about anything and also was patient in waiting for things to occur. I also thank You so much for answering my prayer and having a clear day today in having me be able to take pictures for class. Thank You also for the time I got to get them developed and everything. Thank You for getting me through practice and not over reacting to the fact that someone was getting me upset. I thank You for the way I felt all day physically and that my body is feeling better and my arm hasn't felt this way in years so I thank You so much Jesus. Thank You so much for all of the things You are doing in my life. Every day You amaze me. It's crazy to think about. I thank You for the fact that I am open to my walk with You and that I can share it with others. I thank You for the time with my mom today and I also thank You for getting me through the day. I now would like to pray for my relationship with You. Help me to do whatever it takes for it to grow and for me to be able to talk to You on a daily basis and that I can express my true love to You Jesus. I pray that in doing this it will keep me away from any type of sin such as anger, sexual temptation, and frustration. Help others to be able to see You through me and my actions. I pray for my friends in the troubles that they may be going through. It seems like everyone has some type of big problem right now and I pray that You will just set them free Lord of whatever is going on in their lives, whether it may be a family member that is sick or dying, or maybe a family member that is just making some wrong decisions, I pray for anyone that may be struggling to find out what their life is useful for, I pray that You will just lift them up and heal them Lord. Help them to understand what being a disciple and a follower of You really means. Let them know that there is no need for depression or sadness God. I pray that if they don't know You that they will find You God. No matter in what way it may be help them to find You. Please use me in the process of all that Lord and help me to be open to what I believe in. Help me to be a living example of You. I now pray for my life God, the things I am struggling in, I seem to be getting selfish and getting the wrong idea about some things. I pray that I keep away from gossip and talking crap about anyone around me. Keep me away from sexual sin, frustration, anger and any other type of sin Father. I pray for a dream girl Father. Please help me to find her and for me to be patient in the process. Help me to treat her the way You would treat a girl Lord and for me to handle the relationship in a Godly way. I pray for our country and for the economy, please help us to be able to turn everything around and for people not to loose their homes and jobs God. I pray for my dad while the company he works for may be going through the strike. Help him to not get stressed about what is going on and for him to keep his composure. I love You so much Father and again I thank You for everything that You are doing in my life and for the things You have already done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful and precious name.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 53 "I'd like to Thank..."

Daily Summary: Like I said yesterday today I am really going to take the time to write everything out the way I usually do. Yesterday was just crazy and I literally wrote everything in less then 10 minuets and I was basically falling asleep while I was writing the thing. After I posted it and everything I then couldn't fall asleep and I ended up laying there up until around 2 AM. I don't know why really I guess my mind has been just kind of floating around for a while now. I was still pretty upset about yesterday but I am slowly getting over it. Anyways I woke up this morning of course super tired from staying up so late last night. When this happens I kind of have an instinct headache that last throughout the day. I think that is pretty normal for most people. It was kind of nice to wake up to an empty house since my brother had a game way out in Whittier and my parents went to go see him play. I never really get to much time to myself and I really haven't lately so it was definitely kind of nice. I watched some hockey, ate some breakfast, and did some laundry for most of the morning before getting ready for Church. I haven't been to Crossroads (my home church) in a few weeks so I was definitely excited to check out what's going on over there. I miss it in a way but then again I like experiencing other churches and things like that to see how different everything is. So I met up with my friend Alissa and we went. Church was awesome! Pastor Chuck talked about us being disciples in our Christian walk. I have talked about it time and time again how really important it is to really have that relationship with Jesus. Not just pray before we eat or anything like that but to actually be His friend. When we may be just driving around or at work or school we should be talking to Jesus. There is honestly so much more to it but he gave us some awesome verses that I will definitely be using here in the next couple of days. After Church I went to Applebees with my friend Alissa and her dad. He treated so it was pretty sweet. He is a totally cool guy and he is definitely living his life to the fullest. After that Alissa dropped me off at my car and I went to my moms to say hello before heading to Chicks. They are going out of business so I just went there and got a few things with some awesome prices. I needed to take pictures today but I still am really confused on what to take pictures of and also it wasn't a clear day at all and they probably wouldn't of came out very nice. So instead of that I just went home and sat around for a few hours before becoming really bored. I need to do homework and everything but I just am going to set tomorrow as official homework day. I am going to get completely caught up no matter how long it takes me. I am truly dedicating the day to homework. Just watch tomorrow's blog will probably be me complaining about the homework and how lame it is. All well it will be all worth it in the end when I walk down that isle in 4 years. Well hopefully 4 years. Ha well later on I ended up going to again hang out with Alissa at her house this time. We watched the Academy Awards and it was really interesting. I have never actually watched that event all the way through and it is actually really cool without really any commercial breaks. Pretty sweet. Later on I realized that I couldn't recall any of the celebraties thanking God for their accomplishments. This really hurt me and made me think about all of the actors and famous people don't know You Jesus is. It was also sad the fact that there was some controversial things said that I didn't like. I won't go into detail but I just kind of got disgusted with the fact that people where cheering and supporting some of the things that were said. This makes me feel strong as a journalism major and getting involved in the media world. I want to be able to bring God into it as much as possible and I am so thankful that I am at a Christian school where I can do that. Anyways I also got a nice meal by her mom she cooked this awesome chicken and ravioli dish that was just awesome. It definitely has been nice coming home this weekend. I have gotten to eat so good the last couple days and have also got to see a lot of friends which is always amazing. Tomorrow I am going to wake up and figure out if I have practice and if I don't I am going to get to homework! Can't wait for such an exciting day! It is probably going to rain so I once again won't be able to take pictures. All well.

Daily Reading: Galatians 1:6-10
No other Gospel. There are many things that we may be mistaken by what people seem to say is the truth but is indeed far from it. There are so many different religions and things like that out there which claim to be followers of Christ yet aren't what so ever. For example T
he Mormon church views Jesus and Satan as spirit brothers and sons of God. God put forth His plan of salvation for the world, and Satan proposed his own plan. Jesus accepted the Father's plan and offered to implement it as the Savior. The Father chose Jesus, and the spirit of Jesus was given a body through the virgin Mary. He was crucified on a Roman cross, and rose from the dead three days later to establish His deity. The character and life of Jesus is attainable by anyone who performs at such a righteous level. We as Christians teach that Jesus Christ has existed eternally as the Son of God, the second "person" of the Trinity. Jesus took on human flesh about 2000 years ago and was born into the world through the virgin Mary. He was crucified on a Roman cross for our sins, and rose from the dead three days later to establish His deity. The Mormon church also uses two sources as its primary authorities: the Book of Mormon and the Bible. The Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price are also viewed as divinely authoritative. Us Christians only use the Holy Bible alone as its authority from God. Now if we were to talk to an actual Mormon about the difference between them and us they would say that we are exactly the same. Paul's words in these verses are amazing when he says "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" He definitely got it right when saying these words. Satan will literally use any source in getting us on the wrong track and keeping us away from the actual Truth. Twisting around the Bible and making it all seem that is was a mistake is an easy way for non believers to fall into a trap that they may not be able to get out of. This is why we need to be so careful to the things we take part in because the devil can hide himself in the most unexpected places. In context, there is only one way given to us by God to be forgiven of sin and that is through believing that Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. No other person, method, or ritual can give eternal life. Attempting to be open-minded and tolerant, some people assert that all religions are equally valid paths to God. In a free society, people have the right to their religious opinions, but this doesn't guarantee that their ideas are right. God does not accept man-made religion as a substitute for faith in Jesus Christ. He has provided just one way and that is Jesus Christ himself. A twisting of the truth is more difficult to spot than an outright lie.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for this beautiful day and for the perfect degree of the whether. I also thank You for the time I got to spend with You tonight in reading and expressing thoughts on how we should stick to Your word for all of our answers to the problems we have in life. I thank You for giving us that life guideline and for all the wonderful writers of it. I pray for the people that may have fallen into the wrong religion Father. Maybe it isn't their fault and they were basically born into the religion they think may be true. I pray that they will somehow find out who You are and realize that You are the ultimate source of all forgiveness and power God. I now pray for the people in the movie business. I noticed that most of the actors and the people that accepted the awards failed to thank You for their accomplishments. I feel that there aren't to many believers of You in that field after watching that Lord. I pray that You will some how creep into their lives and help them to know the truth and that You are the only reason where they are at today. I now thank You for the time I got to spend with some friends and family this weekend. I pray that next time I will be able to spend more time with my mom and the kids Lord. I pray for some clear whether this Tuesday morning so I can take some pictures for school Father. I now pray for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. I pray that You will lift them up in any way possible and for them to look to the ultimate Source for the answers to their problems. I pray for the ones that don't know You that You will some how give them a chance to know You God and for me to help them with that God. Help me not to be nervous and not to be ashamed of my Faith. Give me the words I need to help them realize what a relationship with You can really do. I pray that others will be able to see You through me. I pray for my attitude as it has been on the slopes lately, I have been struggling with frustration and anger lately. Help me to get rid of all things like that Lord and to look to You and pray to You no matter how upset I may be. I pray that You will also get rid of the sexual sin that haunts me Father. I pray that I am not tempted and for when I am for the strength to ignore them Father. I pray for a dream girl that I can share my love with and wait till marriage before we go far Lord and for us not to be tempted in that kind of way. I now pray for our country and new President Lord. I pray that our economy can be turned around and more job opportunities can be created. I pray that with the decisions our new President makes that You will be with him in those situations and that he will make the right ones. I pray for the business that are struggling especially the Churches. Please help them to get back up and be comfortable enough to be able to stay afloat. I pray that this week will go well Lord and that I will get all of my homework done tomorrow without getting stressed out. I love You so much Father. I thank You for all You are doing in my life and I pray that I continue to shine Your light and express my thoughts through this blog. I pray for the painful things going on on m physical body for them to heal and for me to play baseball to the best of my ability. I adore You Father.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 52 "Super Busy Day"

Daily Summary: I didn't end up getting to much sleep at all last night for some reason. My nose was running all night and I just that a lot on my mind. I had to wake up super early for the game today to get to the trainer and have my leg rubbed up before our double header. Little did I know it would be the longest day and games ever. The first one was awesome, we were getting no hit up until the bottom of the seventh and I broke it up with a base hit up the middle. It was a real exciting win and we came back in the bottom of the eighth to take the lead and finish it off for the victory. In game two it was a whole different story. Non of us could seem to get our bats going and we ended up going into the 13th inning tied 1 to 1. We ended up loosing the game 2 to 1 and our coach wasn't to happy. After the game i was in a pretty bad mood so I just packed up my stuff and headed home. I kind of just wanted to get away from it all just like last weekend. It felt like we didn't even win at all today and our season is still going down hill. We are 4 and 4 in our last 8 games and we should be doing a lot better. Anyways I didn't end up getting back to Corona up until 7 and I went to say hi to my mom then met my step mom and dad for dinner. Straight after that I went to a friends house to watch a movie then actually didn't get home till around 12:00. Today was super busy and I am so exhauseted from the games that I really have no time to write and just need some sleep. I will definitely write more tomorrow.

Daily Reading: 1 John 4:18
Fear and love.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I kind of went through a lot of stress today. I literally had no time to write Lord and I apologize for that. I thank You for the fact that I actually got to chance to write something at all. I made a promise that I would do it everyday and I will no matter how much or how little I write I want to glorify You God. Please forgive me for the sinful things I did today and help me to become a stronger person in the area of frustration and anger. I love You so much God.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 51 "Is That Bad?"

Daily Summary: Well today was pretty short for the most part. I woke up to notice my leg was completely bruised from my knee all the way down to my foot. It wasn't really painful at all just looked totally gross. So I just went to breakfast then headed to chapel. It wasn't much of one except the fact that there was a bunch of Biola Alumni that had the opportunity to receive awards to how they are making a difference in today's world. After Chapel I went back to the room and relaxed for a while before playing ping pong with my roommate Phil. I beat him 4 games to 1 and he still thinks he is better then me. I don't know what is up with that. Haha everything is a competition for us and we love to compete. That is why we most likely play baseball. After that I headed to the trainer's I took off the bandage and asked if that was bad that my leg looked as bad as it did. They said it was totally normal and I got a great message to try and clear the blood away from the surface of my skin. I'd say I hope it goes away but I have to admit it does look pretty cool. Well I was in there up until practice began. It was pretty boring for the most part but I got in a decent amount of hitting and I definitely feel good about tomorrow's double header against the Master's. We are facing pretty tough pitchers for the most part but it really isn't a big deal to me. They mostly throw fastballs I am assuming on the outside corner so it wont be to much of a problem. I really can't wait for it to get going tomorrow. After practice I got iced up and headed to dinner. I sat with some guys and just kind of opened up and was myself for a while. Until being myself became annoying to me so I headed out. I was super exhausted from practice so I just relaxed for the night and headed to bed early. I wanted to be well rested for tomorrow and I will make an attempted to hang out with some friends or something later on. Alright well like I said nothing really went on today but I will leave you with a great picture of my leg. It also shows the fact that I have an awesome sock tan. :]

Daily Reading: Proverbs 17:9
This Proverb is saying that we should be willing to forgive someone that may have sinned against us. Covering over offenses is necessary to any relationship. It is tempting, especially in an argument, to bring up all the mistakes the other person has ever made. Love, however keeps it's mouth shut as difficult as it may be. We should try to never bring anything into argument that is unrelated to the topic being discussed. As we grow to be like Christ, we will acquire God's ability to forget the confessed sins of the past. Having good solid friends I believe is one of the most important things to have in life. Friend's that bring you up when your down, friends that call you when something is going on, friends that you can count on. Showing love to these friends are also very important. We should pay the kind of attention to them that we expect from them as well. We should also always be there when the need us most so that way they will be there when we need help. Expressing love is the best thing you can not only do for your friends but to everyone as well. I myself have had the hardest time making friends here at Biola. I don't know what it is but I know of people but I just can't seem to get connected with them in the way I would like. It seems like I always have something going on and with baseball I can never get around to doing anything. I am praying big time about it and I am not complaining because I have all the people life that I need He has blessed me with so many things and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me next. The fact of the matter is that no matter if you have one friend or 100 friends we should pay equal attention to all of them and be true to them especially if they aren't a Christian because that will set the example of who Christians really are and plant that seed inside them. Love you neighbor as yourself.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for this awesome day today. Although not to much went on I still thank You for the nice clear day. I thank You for the fact that I have so many people around me that actually care what goes on in my life and I thank You for the friends that You have blessed me with. If anything is going wrong with any of my friends I pray that I can be able to help them i any single way possible Lord. I pray that You will help me speak to the ones that don't know You and for me to set the example so that others will be able to see You through me. I pray for my games tomorrow. I pray that they go well and that you help me to play to the best of my ability. I thank You for the way You have been blessing me with my talent and help me to continue to do so. I pray for my knee it is pretty badly bruised. Help me to take care of it the way I am supposed to and for it to heal quickly. I pray for all of the other pains in my body Lord as well please relieve me of them. I pray that You will give me a better work ethic in both sports and school Lord. Also please give me a better work ethic for my blogs and things like that. Please keep me humble through all of my experiences and accomplishments Father. Help me to keep a positive attitude when there is failure in my life Lord and for me to always look to You for the answers. I pray for my dream girl Father that I may find her and treat her with the best of respect. I pray that I will be patient in the process and that we get along to the greatest extent. I pray that You please keep me away from any kind of sexual temptation and any other earthly pleasure and for me to fix my eyes on You. I pray for all of these things in Your name.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50 "Peace"

Daily Summary: It is day 50. I can't believe it I have actually made it this far and I definitely wouldn't have done it if it weren't for my love of Jesus. He is the one and only reason I am doing what I am doing here. I thank Him for all of the strength He has given me through the ups and downs of it all. He amazes me everyday. Well I woke up pretty tired for the most part today but I was bound to have a good day and that is exactly what it was. It starting by climbing out of bed and heading to breakfast with Phil. It seems like we are getting closer and closer everyday even though it is in kinda a weird way. All well I am just glad that I have been blessed with this kind of roommate it is pretty rare. I mean he definitely gets on my nerves once in a while but who doesn't? Well after an awesome breakfast I went to the most boring class in the world again. I keep waiting for it to get better but it doesn't seem to be working that way. She isn't a very good professor and I am sorry to say but I am probably going to leave a bad class review for her. Nothing personal I am just going to be honest. Well after that I went to chapel. It was awesome since it is black history month there have been a lot of chapels with black themes involved. Today an awesome gospel singer that was super awesome lead chapel. It was great and me Phil tried our best to get into it for the most part. After Chapel I headed to my other class i was in there for a whole 5 minuets before I left to get ready for another game at Vangaurd University. I was hoping for another good game since I had one the last time I played them. We finally got the game going and I came to realize that I got bumped up to hitting second and I was super pumped about that. We played an awesome game and ended up winning it 8 to 3! It was a lot of fun to play today and it was intense throughout every single pitch. A freshman left hander on our team completely owned on the mound today and we all hit as a team. I ended up going 3 for 4 with a sac bunt and also scored a run. I was seeing the ball really well today and it seemed like no pitch really phased me. You can check out the article of the game by clicking HERE. Afterwards and during the game my knee was in pain for the most part and the bruising now is going from my knee all the way down to the bottom of my foot. It is pretty gross but the trainers are taking excellent care of it and it should healing in no time. It doesn't bother me while I am hitting or anything so that is a plus. After the game we headed back with our heads high and ready to play on Saturday. We have a double header against The Master's which is supposed to be a really good pitching team. I definitely believe that we can beat them and we are in the midst of turning everything around. Well after getting back I went to the trainers to get my knee wraped up and headed to dinner. It was good for the most part nothing to special. So I left and showered up then headed to class. I was only there for about 5 minuets since none of my pictures worked for the project so I have to shoot another whole roll on Sunday I am half way looking forward to that half way not. All well I guess I can actually do some homework for once like I haven't really done this semester. We will see what happens. Since I didn't have to be in class tonight I went ahead and went to the gym for about an hour. I haven't been there in forever and I thought I wouldn't be able to really get a good work out in but I seemed to have some good muscle memory and felt good in all of the workouts I did. Sweet. After working out I went back to the room for a while and relaxed up until Phil got back to the room. We had to play some ping pong since I beat him earlier today he wanted a rematch. Well I am sorry to say but Phil once again couldn't pull out with the victory and I beat him 4 games to 2. Not bad for having one limp leg. Next time I will have to sit in a chair and play him. Haha for the rest of the night just hung out mostly didn't really do much of anything. Tomorrow doesn't look very exciting besides practice and we will see what is going to be up after that.
Daily Reading: John 14:27
Reading the verse alone should right away bring peace to your mind. Footnotes: The end result of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is deep and lasting peace. Unlike worldly peace, which is usually defined as the absence of a conflict, this peace is confident assurance in any circumstance; with Christ's peace, we have no need to fear the present or the future. Sin, fear, uncertainty, doubt, and numerous other forces are at war within us. The peace of God moves into our hearts and lives to retain these hostel forces and offer comfort in place of conflict. Jesus says He will give us that peace if we are willing to accept i from Him. If Your life is full of stress, allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ's peace. In context, with having God in our lives we should always have peace in our minds throughout the day. Now of course there going to be times where everything seems to not be easy and it is actually really hard to trust in God to help us through it all. What we usually don't realize is that Satan is the one that is attacking us with this kind of attitude and he is doing whatever he can to get in between you and God. More on that check out the video I wrote a few days back it definitely explains what that is like. Anyways like what was said earlier God is always offering us His peace but it is up to us to accept it. This is so true when dealing with these type of stressful situations accepting the peace will make it much less stressful. Throwing God into the mix of any type of situation will make Him happy no matter what it may be. Just like Proverbs reads:Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart... not some, not part, but ALL. All is a pretty bold word when dealing with God, but that is all He wants is your all! So lets give it to Him! Then when we have the peace in getting through all of the things then it brings on peace with others and lets them handle things a lot better. Spread the love of God.
Daily Prayer:
I thank You for this awesome and wonderful day I had. I also thank You for the peace You have granted us all with at no cost to us. Please help me and others to use this peace that You give us freely to our advantage so that we may not let the devil get the best of us and shine Your light. Help me to be a living example of You and for people to be able to see You through me Father. Help me to have a Christ-like attitude and stay away from things such as, sexual temptations, frustration and any other kind of earthly pleasure. Please forgive me for the times I have fallen into these type of sin Father. I pray for any friend or family member that may be going through some rough times or are having some trouble with earthly pleasures as well. Please help them to look to you for help and to find that peace. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. Please help them to some how find You and please use me in that process. Help me also to find that dream girl I have been seeking God. Please help me to be patient int he process into finding the right one. I now pray that I make new friends around me and for me to stay busy wit them and grow in the friendships that I have now. I pray now for a better work ethic in both school and baseball. Help me to take homework and practice seriously so that I may do better throughout my career. I pray for the injuries I am going through. Help me to get through them stress free and for me to not look down upon them. I thank You God for the 50 days so far that I have been doing this and I pray that You continue to provide me with the strength I need to get through the entire year. I pray for our country please help us to turn everything around and for our new President to make the right decisions. I pray for the forgotten and unspoken prayers God that You will bring them to me so I may pray for them. I pray for these things in Your name.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 49 "Another Loss"

Daily Summary: Well I woke up around 8:30 after going to bed pretty late. So that means I woke up pretty tired but I didn’t let it bother me whatsoever. I popped right out of bed headed to breakfast then chapel. Chapel was awesome it was a black guy who spoke about diversity in the Church and how much God really cares about the idea of being a racist. After that I headed back to the room and got ready to head to our game at Cal Poly Pomona. We had super high hopes for the game today since yesterday we had a long talk about how our season is going and how we are going to be making some changes. Cut to the chase we didn't play well once again. We lost 9 to 3. We managed to keep it a close game for the most part until we kind of blew it up in one inning. I am still convinced that we are going to turn everything around this season and pump out some victories pretty soon. Tomorrow we are playing a conference game against Vanguard and we will definitely give them a run for the money. Anyways during the game I went 1 for 4 but had some good at bats. My luck continues to fail as I lined out to the shortstop probably as hard as I can hit the ball today. All well just have to keep trusting in myself and staying strong. I noticed today in my last at bat that it was the only at bat where I forgot to pray before I went up there because I was in a rush and that was the one at bat where I didn't do so well and popped up to center field. After running in I realized what I just did and said to myself that I need to stay consistent in praying to God before I get up there since He is the one who have me the talent in the first place. Well after the loss we headed back to Biola and got some dinner. I was absolutely starving and my knee is still hurting from running into the fence last week during pre game so I got the privilege of walking around the cafe with a big thing of ice on my knee. It has become an essential part of my style lately. After dinner Tex (Chris Foreman) and J-rod (Justin Rodriguez) who apart of the team met up to help out the athletic trainer in moving his doghouse from Orange to Norco. It was the easiest $20 I have made in a while and it was actually quite fun just hanging out talking to all the guys in the car for a while and what not. John the trainer, has a few mini horses out there so it was really cool to check those out as well. I skipped class tonight but I was already pretty late because of the game and we weren't doing all that much tonight so I decided to make the money instead. Well we then headed back to Biola and I just headed to bed kind of early since I have an 8 o clock class in the morning. Nothing really happened today since my day was pretty short and tomorrow looks the same. I hope to find some more stuff to write about. Besides tomorrow is day 50! It should be some kind of special writing. Night.

Daily Reading: 1 John 4:11-12
Well since today was pretty busy I am not going to have the chance to really express my thoughts on this awesome verse. Since God express His unavailing love to us on a daily basis we need to be able to express the same kind of love to others therefore spreading His love so that others can have the chance to experience how great God really is. We should always express to others what God is doing in our lives for this will be an example to others to trust God in the things they are going through. Jesus is the complete expression of God in human form and he has revealed God to us. When we love one another, the invisible God reveals himself to others through us, and His love is made complete. Some people simply enjoy being with others. They make friends with strangers easily and are always surrounded by friends. Other people are shy or reserved. They have a few friends, but are frequently uncomfortable talking with people they don't know or mingling crowds. Shy people don't need to become extroverts in order to love others. John isn't telling us how many people to love, but how much we should love each individual person. It doesn't matter how many friends we may have but with the ones that we do have we should love them with a deep passion like we love God. Our job is to love faithfully the people God has given us to love whether there are one or two hundred of them. If God sees that we are ready to love others e will bring them to us. No matter how shy we are, we don't need to be afraid of the love commandment. God provides us the strength to do what He asks.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Today was tough. We once again lost our game as a team father and our season isn't looking so bright. Somehow please help us all to keep our head on straight and for us to turn everything around and for us to play to the best of our abilities. Help us to not take out our frustrations out on each other and for us to remain teammates and do anything for each other. I now would like to thank You for the way You have built me back up the past few days. I feel more connected with You and a think of everything before I do the action. When I do make mistakes Lord You convict me of the mistake right away and I also thank You for that. Now I would like to pray for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please lift them up in any single way Lord and help them to trust that You will make the perfect decisions in their life and Your timing will also be perfect. I pray for the ones that don't know You God, please help them to some how find You and please use me in that process and help me to shine Your light. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. Help me to obtain a Christ-like attitude no matter who I am with or who I may be around. Help me that under any kind of circumstance to be a living example of You. Help me to love others as You love me Father. I pray for the pains in my body please relieve me of any type of pain and heal my wounds. Please keep me away from frustration, sexual temptation, and for my mouth to be clean Father. Help me to do better work in school and work hard to get better at the things I am struggling in. I pray now like everyday Father that You help me find my dream girl Lord. Please help me to be patient in the process of seeking her. I love You and I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful and glorious name.