Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 34 "0 and 5?"

Daily Summary: Today I woke up still in not the best mood today. For some reason just being around everything and for things not going well I just can’t see to snap out of this lame mood. I tried my best to stay on track with God and to just try and stay positive through it all. I started it off by going to an awesome breakfast buffet down the street and kind of got my mind off everything. After that I just headed back down to the room and got ready for the game. Before the game started Chad came up to me and said that I might be starting today since his wrist wasn’t feeling all that well and he said he wasn’t going to be playing. I definitely wasn’t expecting to play after loosing and everything the night before but I was stoked to have the opportunity to actually play the field. So the time came and I started in left field. So figures the very first batter in the very first inning hit a ball to my right. I ran as fast as I can and made a diving play! It was a great way to start things off and I got a little more comfortable out there since I haven’t played left a whole lot. Through the game I also came out with my first and second collegiate hits! We still ended up loosing the game but I still was having a lot of fun and glad that I got to play out on defense. The next game I started in right and then later on went back to left. During that game I got my first outfield assist during that game as well. We again lost and our team is now 0 and 5 and it is the worst start since like 1984. Super lame. We got back to the hotel pretty late and just got something to eat and walked around since it was our last night on this island. Again I really had no time to write today but I wrote with all the time I had.

Daily Reading: Ephesians 4:17-19
Living "in the futility of their thinking" refers to the natural tendency of human beings to think their way away from God. Intellectual pride, rationalizations, and excuses all keep people from God. Don't be surprised if people can't grasp the gospel. The gospel will seem foolish to those who forsake faith and rely on their own understanding just as Proverbs 3:5 states. The fact is that there are just some people that can't be saved. It is so sad to actually think about these people that will never take the time to really read and understand the truth just because of their own understanding and they don't want to take the time to see what God has to offer them. We shouldn't let this put us down when trying our best to change someone but we should also NEVER give up on them and still set the example of Christ and show people God through your own actions. People should be able to see a difference between Christians and non-Christians because of the way Christians live. We are to live as Children of light.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Please help me to shine Your light and help others to see You through me. Please help me to have a Christ-like attitude and really have a positive perspective on things. I thank You now for the opportunity You have given me to be able to play in the field and really play my best today. I pray that more opportunities come my way through baseball and that I will make the best of them by performing the way in which I show off the talent You have given me God. Help me to not take care of what You have given me and to not to even think of destroying and giving up any kind of opportunity. When times are rough God help me to fix my eyes on You and know that the time will come when it is my turn and You know when that time is. Thank You again for helping me to find the time in my busy day to be able to sit down and write for You God. I pray for all the things that I have been praying for please answer them in the best way possible. I pray for my dream girl God as I can't seem to leave that part out. Please help me to be patient and to know when the time is write. Please keep me away from frustration and anger God. I love You and I pray for all these things in Your name.

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