Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 55 "Lame Day, Kinda"

Daily Summary: Well I ended up getting to bed kind of late last night. I was totally lost on this one assignment so I decided to just not go to class this morning to the homework tomorrow and turn it in on Thursday. Got to love college I guess lets just pay everything works out with that. Anyways I woke up to Phil's alarm around 7:00 and I thought I would be pretty tired and slow to getting up but I again want at all. Two days in a row that is unusual. Figures when I don't have class I wake up on time and am not tired what so ever. All well I was hoping that it would start out to be a good day since all that happened. Well I finally got out of bed and jumped in the shower and got ready for some chapel. I got the chance to sit with my bud Josh I haven't seen or talked to him in a while since I have been so busy with baseball and everything. I literally haven't talked or hung out with anyone all semester and I need to crack down and start getting in touch with all my friends here before they forget I even exist. Ha well chapel was awesome it was buy this Jewish guy from Brooklyn that believed that Jesus was the Messiah. He read us John Chapter 8 about how Jesus heals the blind man and makes him see. I just loved the way he explained the scripture made me understand what was being taught. Anyways after class I went to class for a while before having to get ready for today's game. I was super excited for today's game but for some reason it was the most dull game I think I have ever played. No one was up or anything the whole game and we still managed to win 4 to 2. We played against an old buddy of mine and I can see that is his really doing well over there and he is working really hard. I had a bad game and it kind of ruined my day. Today didn't really start out all that well anyway so that just kind of made it worse. I tried my best to keep a positive attitude but I couldn't seem to really keep my composer on the baseball field. All well it is something I still have to work on. After the game I got iced up and went to dinner. I tried my best to cheer myself up and everything and it was working for the most part. So I headed back to the room took a shower and headed to class. This really got me in a bad mood. I just couldn't seem to get the pictures to really work or anything. I hid my frustration really well and handled myself pretty good for the most part. I also had a few friends text me and really be there for me until every single one of them fell asleep while texting me ha. I ended up staying in the darkroom till about 11:45PM so I guess it was kind of late for them. No matter what I really appreciate it and these are the kind of friends I have been asking God for on a daily basis. I feel better now tomorrow is a new day and I am going to put it in God's hands no matter if it's good or bad He is the one I need to go to for guidance. After all I love Him!

Daily Reading: Titus 3:3
Doing what is good. It is definitely hard not to flat out say you hate someone. There are just some people out there that we just can't get along with no matter how hard we may try. There are also those people out there that we hate for no particular reason and don't eve give them a chance to get along with us. I definitely have people in both categories in my life right now and sometimes it is tough to talk to them. The thing is I may not even like them and they have no idea so they act like everything is fine and that just gets me more irritated. Jesus said that calling someone a fool is the same thing as killing them. There are many different ways to solve this hating problem with one another. We should never hate the person them self but we can hate the things they do. With the people that we may dislike they are the ones that we should actually spend more time praying about rather then our closest friends and family. This will give us peace about the person and it will help us handle certain situations a little better when faced with problems. Praying is the ultimate source to getting through problems with other people around You. Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do but we all got to man up and just talk to God. That Will definitely not hurt us to talk to the one person that loves us unconditionally no matter how many times we sin against Him. Following a life of pleasure and giving in to every sensual desire leads to slavery. Many think freedom consist in doing anything they want. But this path leads to a slavish addiction to sensual gratification. A person is no longer free., but is a slave to what his or her body dictates. Having that relationship with Christ frees us from the desires and control of sin. Getting caught up in these kind of earthly pleasures can make us forget to what they not only do to ourselves but to others around us. It can take a life time to fix a part of life that isn't exactly the way you want it to be. God will be with us every step of the way and help us through it all.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for today. Although it may not have been the best day in the world I still managed to keep my composure around others and still exemplify You. I thank You so much for the friends I have in my life. I don't know what I would do without them and I thank You for every single one of them. I pray that I can find more friends like this and to extend the friendships I have Father. Thank You for chapel today and for the man You have made that guy that spoke today. He is an excellent man of You God and help in shinning the light to others. I now pray for my friends and family that may be going through rough times. Please lift them Father in any way possible. For the ones that don't know You God please help them to some how find You and please use me in the process. Help others to be able to see You through me. Help me to shine Your light and stay away from any earthly desire God. Please help me find the time to do my homework and not stall with the things I have to do. I pray for the frustration I have with the homework Father that I will look to You for help and not get distracted with the things around me. I pray for the negative thinking I have been doing lately. Please help me not to fall into Satan's lies Lord and for me to stick to what I got myself into with my education and baseball Father. I pray now for my dream girl Father. Help me to find the perfect one that I can fall in love with and give her everything I have. Help her to love You like me and for us to solve our problems the way You teach Father. Help me find a one that will put You first and one that we can both put You in the center of the relationship. Help us not to get tempted with anything God and for us to stay on track until marriage. I pray for all the things going on my life Father good and bad I thank You for them. Please help me to learn from my mistakes and praise You for the accomplishments. I love You Jesus!

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