Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 47 "I'm Over the Rain"

Daily Summary: I woke up from another amazing night of sleep in my own bed. Not only was it a good sleep sleep I woke up nice and refreshed for the day. Right when I got up the day began right away I got in the shower and got ready to go all the way to Seal Beach to visit my Aunt and Grandma. Most of the family all tagged along and we drove all the way down there in the poring rain. My car slid around a few times today but Jesus took control and I was able to make it safely. Before leaving my mom had said to me that my sister wanted to drive with me so I should meet them at the house. I did exactly that and then when I got there they weren't even ready to go! This kind of frustrated me because I rushed to make it over on time and they weren't even ready. Then as I got in the car waiting for my sister to get in she never came in so it kind of got me frustrated more that I stopped over there for no reason and could of already been on the way home. I kept praying to myself for the situation not to get the best of me but it was very difficult to handle myself. So at a red light in the pouring rain and my mom behind me, my sister ran out of my moms car and tried to come into mine because they thought I was mad. I decided to not play along and leave my sister in the rain. Not only did I do it just to be funny but I did it because I needed some time alone to pray and having a distraction wouldn't of helped that situation. Well after laughing and everything we got to Henessey's and ate a fabulous breakfast. It was delicious and it was also great to see my Aunt and Grandma as well. Afterwards I tried to walk down to the beach to take some pictures but it was far to windy and overcast for anything to come out. All well maybe next time. I headed back to school and practice was cancelled. I found myself bored for most of the day until I decided to go out and go to the indoor batting cages to get some swings in. It was quite a workout and I really enjoyed taking some extra hacks. I headed back and ate some dinner then went back to my room. I again got bored and tried to keep myself as occupied as possible but nothing seemed to be working. All well the rest of the night was boring for the most part but I got the chance to get to bed early which was definitely a plus. I have class early tomorrow and for the whole day. I am sure our game is going to get cancelled because of the rain but we will see.

Daily Reading: 1 John 5:1-5
Faith in the Son of God. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we become part of the family of God. Yet He isn't just any family member He is one that loves us more then any one of our family members. One that will die for us and help us whenever we need it. Our fellow believers will also be a part of the family as our brothers and sisters. God will determine who the other family members are and each one will have their own specific rolls in our lives so we can receive all the gifts that God has given us but we may not deserve. No matter what they may be we are called to accept them no matter what they may be. Jesus never promised that following and obeying Him would be easy but the hard work and self discipline of serving Christ is no burden to those who love Him. If our load starts to pile on we can always trust God in giving us a helping hand. As the verse says the only we can overcome the world is if we trust in God and follow Him. It sounds so easy to that we can be able to trust God to get through these earthly things but it is far from easy. The hardest thing to do is walk with the Lord. Non-believers may picture us as perfect innocent religious people who are somewhat crazy in the head. They don't realize that we are indeed just like them in so many ways. We sin just like they do all of the time even though we have this personal Savior of ours. I am only saying this all because I myself am struggling with these kind of earthly temptations and those kind of things around me. I don't know why I even get caught up in it all. 3 seconds of sin that may seem somewhat good at the time can cause hours of regret and remorse that makes us hate every second of the earthly pleasure we get ourselves involved in. Even the feeling of temptation can cause me to get frustrated and basically "mad at the world." I hate the fact that I have to go through all of this and this feeling sucks to a great extent. No matter what I need to get on my knees and give myself to God and also ask for forgiveness and for guidance when the next time a temptation occurs. I realize the more I am bored the more I get tempted to do things so I need to start teaching myself how to stay busy. I'm now getting sick of the rain and for our practices getting canceled.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for this day. Although there were many trials and temptations Father I still tried my best to stay on Your side and to keep away from sin. Please forgive me for the sin I did fall into and frustrations I went through. I pray as I am going through some rough confusing times right now that You will give me the answers to my questions and fill that whole that is in my heart Father. I don't know what it is that will fit it but please help me find it. If I need to work hard for the answers please provide me with the strength I need to get through it all. Now I would like to pray for my friends and family that may be going through similar situations or any kind of trouble at all. Please be their counselor as well and help them to seek You for answers. Help them to also come to You in times of praise Father. I pray for the ones that don't know You please help them to some how find Your light and please use me in the process of them finding You. Help me with my friends in creating a better relationship with each and everyone of them. Help me also to find new friends God. Help me to keep myself busy with productive things no matter what they may be. Help me not to be lazy and to get work done that needs to get done. I pray for my work ethic in general. Please help me work to get better and just want to work out and get better at baseball instead of sitting around moping about how I had a bad game. Help me to believe the things I am praying about Father. Help me to know that You run my life and You will always choose what is absolute best for me. Help me to find that dream girl God and for me to be patient in the process. God I give myself to You in all ways. My mind is going crazy at the moment and I just need You to take control. I love You God so much please continue to do You wonders.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle and I are still laughing about you leaving her out in the rain!! When we are feeling the way you are today is when God can do and is doing the most work in our life's. The blessing is you are asking God to fill that hole in your heart and you are not trying to fill it with something else!!!!
