Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 38 "Taylor Swift"

Daily Summary: I again slept in kind of late but not as bad as yesterday. I was hoping for a more eventful day since yesterday wasn't all that exciting. I went downstairs and my dad made me some french toast. For some reason I didn't feel to well afterwards so I just kind of layed around for a while. Then I decided to get some homework done, go out, and take some pictures for photo class. I needed to get these simple slide pictures done before class on Tuesday although they were due on Thursday but I wasn't there to turn them in. After that I became really bored watching treasure hunt shows so I decided to text around to see what was up. I ended up going with my friends Bryce and Cathy to the movies. We saw this kinda lame movie called Underworld. I had no idea what it was about but it was pretty gory throughout the whole movie and it was set in the dark ages. For some reason movies like that don't have a strong impact on me. Or maybe it is just the fact that when I think of vampires and werewolves they didn't do a very good job at expressing what each Character really was. Although I may have not liked the movie I still enjoyed being able to spend some quality time with my two friends. After that we went to dinner and then to Cathy's house. We just chilled and hung out for a little bit before going to my friend Shane's house for his birthday party. His birthday was way back in December but he was just celebrating it today. It was cool to see everyone again especially to hear some awesome news from my friend Bree. Her parents are getting back together! For some reason I always saw it in them and I am so thankful to God at how He has brought them back together and everything it is so cool to see the way He works. Well the night got kind of late and while riding around in the car with Cathy I fell in love with Taylor Swift! Totally random but for some reason I liked her music so the first thing I did when I got home was download her album! I haven't stopped listening to it. Anyways for the remainder of the night I went over my friend Emily's house and hung out with her and her friends. It was again loads of fun and I really enjoyed being in their presence. I just found out that I am going to have to head back down to Biola a little earlier then I expected tomorrow. I have practice and everything that I didn't know about it until Hawkins called me. Thanks Bud! Daily Reading: Romans 7:24-25
Again powerful words in the book of Romans. Here is what I thought about it while reading the set of verses. The first part of the verse that boldly stating what a wretched people we are. This is so true many times I have written about how horrible we all are to God yet He is still here for us no matter what we really do. We all no the answer to the question that is in the next part of the verse. Who shall rescue us? That is right Jesus. I can't believe how much He is truly here for us no matter what we do or how bad we act He is still there. For some reason comparing Jesus to Santa Clause popped into my head. When we are on the bad list for Santa clause we don't get to receive anything for Christmas and don't receive the ultimate gift that we want. Could you if Jesus had a list like this? We would get nothing! We are all bad people no matter what way we look at it we still have sin in our life. Yet Jesus always puts us on the good list and always gives us gracious gifts that we may never have expected. Today two things happened that were long shot prayers but for some reason God blessed both family's and it is so amazing to see how He really works. My friend Bree's parents are getting back together and my friend Tiffanie's family finally sold their house and are moving back to California! Both have been in prayer's for a long time and God has finally answered them! I am so astonished at what He has done I cant express it enough. We need to be slaves to the law of God and really give everything we have in order to serve Him. Nothing we have is ours for we would not have any of it if Jesus didn't give it to us. I thank You God for all You have given me! I love YOU!
Daily Prayer:
God, I thank You so much for this awesome day. It may have started off slow but the fact that You are moving in so many peoples lives is just amazing. I thank you for the fact that You brought my friend Briana's parents back together Lord. It is truly amazing to hear how happy the family and everyone is. God I would also like to thank You for my friend Tiffanie and her family in finding someone to buy the house and for them to be able to move back here to California. I thank You for the fact they they all trusted You in the decisions they made God and I pray that both situations turn out for the best. I now would like to pray for any other friends or family who may be looking for some kind of answer Lord. Please give it to them in the best way possible and show them Your power God. I pray for the ones that may not know You. Please help them to some how find Your light Jesus. Please use me in the process in them having a relationship with You. Now I would like to pray for my dream girl god. Please help me to find her and be patient in the process father. Please keep me away from any kind of earthly pleasure Lord. Sexual temptations, anger, and frustration's God. Please keep me away from all of these. Please help me to also control my tongue Father in having people be able to see You through my actions and words. Please help me to also find time in my day to write and spend with You God. I love what I do here and I seem to again becoming lazy with it all. Please help me to get fired back up and take everything seriously. I pray for all of the struggling churches and businesses Lord please help us turn this economy around and for everyone to be able to have a job and that there will be no scares of bankruptcy especially in the churches. I love You so much father and I pray for all of the things that may not have been mentioned or forgotten. Please help them to come to me so that I may pray for them. I love You so much in Your name..

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