Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 32 "Macadamia Nut Pancakes"

Daily Summary: After waking up way to early Phil and I went down stairs and went to breakfast. We again ate at the cheeseburger in paradise but it was off the breakfast menu. I had these awesome macadamia nut pancakes and I probably will get them again tomorrow. After breakfast we went back to the room and the other two guys that we are staying in the hotel with were still sleeping. We woke them up and all got ready to go out and rent mopeds. I know it may sound funny but it was so much fun. We probably rode over 200 miles just around the island and everything it was so cool to be able to see how beautiful God’s creation really is. I have never seen some of the parts that we went to before and it was even more amazing then any part of the island. Our goal was actually to take it around the whole island but we had a problem. One of the guys Nate’s moped broke down and we had to wait almost 2 hours for the guy to bring a new one. It totally sucked and kind of got us all bitter but we got over it and still had a great time. After riding around for almost 7 hours we finally got back to the hotel and just relaxed for a while because we were so tired. Then Nate, Nick, and I went to dinner which was yet again another burger place. It is hard to say away from them because they are all so good I don’t know what it is but they are just amazing. After dinner we just kind of walked around the whole night all over the place and met some people. We actually had an interesting conversation with some girls that were in the hotel across from us. We were both at our balconies at the same time and were basically yelling over at each other seeing what was up. It was quite some fun. For the remainder of the night we just kicked it around the hotel and area and walked around. We went to this huge Nike store which was amazing then had some fun with water balloons but I won't go into detail what happened with those.

Daily Reading:
1 Peter 4:12-14
Through being a Christian there are many rough times that we encounter and we often have to suffer just for being a follower of Christ. In this set of verses it explains that we shouldn't be suprised at the painful trials we go through and instead we should rejoice. We should do this so we could rejoice when God's glory is revealed. When we are made fun of or mocked because of what we believe in we just need to know that we are blessed in Heaven by God. Christ will send those His spirit to strengthen those who are persecuted for their faith. God's plan for our lives may be that we need to go through hardships in rough times so again we should praise when stuff like this happens becuase we know that God is moving in our lives and all He wants us to do is trust Him through it all. It will only build us stronger as believers more and more each time a hardships comes. In the end we need to be able to make sure that we do not put these hardships on ourselves by doing things to cause others to stumble and mock our faith.

Daily Prayer: Dear God, Thank You again for an awesome day! I loved every second of it God. I would first like to mention on how beautiful You have made this place of paradise. All of Your works and creation are amazing. I thank You for the opportunity and for keeping me safe while driving on the mopeds. It was a grip load of fun and I am so glad I got to see the whole Island. I now would like to pray for the frustration I had during the time where one of the bikes broke down. Please forgive me for some of the thoughts that ran through my mind God. They were indeed sinful and I pray that You will give me the strength I need to be able to deal with these kind of frustrations in the future. I pry God for all of the things that I have been praying for on a daily basis. A I read through God please help me and others in every single one of those ways. I still continue for You to help me find that dream girl that shines Your light God. Please help me to be patient in the process God.

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