Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 36 "Coming Home"

Daily Summary: Today was the last morning in the beautiful paradise. We got up once again early to make it to the airport on time. I got about 8 hours of sleep so it wasn’t all that bad waking up this time. It took me over an hour to get through the line at the security and check in desks. It was ridiculous. I tried my best to not get frustrated over the situation get the best of me but it was tough because you would think that the people that work there go through the same process every single day but they still didn’t seem to know what they were doing. Then through the xray bag check deal they thought my vitamins were drugs and my baseball was some kind of detonating device, liquid, or some kind of fruit. It was crazy but I finally got to the gate and headed home. I slept and watched the Italian Job on the way home and also had some sweet conversations with a guy on my team Brian Albert. He is a totally awesome dude and I am glad to be on the team with him. Both plane rides went well and also kind of went by pretty quick. I got my blogs and some reading done so it wasn’t all that bad. They also served dinner which I thought they didn’t do anymore. Then after landing and getting my bags I realized that it was also raining here in California. I left the rain only to come back to the rain. I wasn't expecting that. Being back at school seemed kind of weird I feel like I haven't been here in forever but I guess it is good to be back and I am ready to crack down and get my classes going.

Daily Reading: James 4:6
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. True that my friend, these words of James never cease to stop amazing me. I love every single one of them. How easy is it for us to blabber on about how good we did and how much better we are then everyone else. It is a definite self esteem booster. It is so hard to hold things back but the truth is it is exactly what we should be doing. We shouldn't look to others for praise but we should look to God. Pride makes us self-centered and leads us to conclude that we deserve all we can see, touch, or imagine. It creates greedy appetites for far more then we need. We can be released from our self centered desires by humbling ourselves before God, realizing that all we really need is His approval. When the Holy Spirit fills us, we ee that this world's seductive attractions are only cheap substitutions for what God has to offer. Lets try our best to be humble and not think about what good is going to happen to us now but what is to happen in the future. Would you rather be opposed or would you rather receive grace?

Daily Prayer:
As my last moments on the beautiful islands You created came to and end I would like to again thank You for the time You gave me to be able to spend there. I pray that now that I have home I will be able to go back to writing my blogs the way I usually do them Lord. I pray that You will give me the time I need to put my full thought into them and all of my words. I pray that I will not have to shorten them down anymore. I pray that You help me to be humble in the things that I have accomplished. Please help me to give the praise to You instead of what I have done. It's not for me but it's all for You God. Please help me to live my life for You and sacrifice the things I need in order for people to be able to see You through me. Help me to control myself when temptations are among me Jesus. Please keep me busy and keep me away from any kind of sexual temptation. I pray that You help me find my dream girl and treat her like an angel. Help me to be patient in the process as well Father. I pray for all of the things I have been praying for God in the past for You to bless them today. I pray for all of these things in Your name.

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