Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 54 "Smelly Hands"

Daily Summary: Well i woke up super early around 6:45 but I wasn't tired at all since I went to bed super early last night. I haven't had a good sleep like that in a while.So I woke up nice and refreshed and ready for the day. I didn't know whether or not I had practice today so I went in back to school anyways just to be safe. Our coach seemed pretty mad on Saturday and just told us to be there on Tuesday ready to hit so that's what the confusion is all about. I found out on my way down there that there was indeed practice, so I decided to wait around and go to lunch with my mom. Once again it was amazing getting to spend time with just her and I. I also got a chance to take a bunch of photos at the train station in Fullerton. God definitely answered my prayer and cleared up the sky's today so I was able to take some pictures. It literally didn't rain at all so everything was clear to take pictures. Awesome. I also saw and Amish family for the first time in real life. So today was actually really interesting for the most part. Anyways I finally met up with my mom and we went to the place we always go to. NYPD. There was three guys working and they all seemed to be gay. Once again pretty interesting in a New York themed pizza place. Well me and my mom got some good talks in and I also got some cold stone afterwards. I was supper full afterwards and both my friend Allison and I both agreed that we would never eat again because of this gross feeling. I hate it but I new that I would definitely eat since I had practice and I am always hungry after that. Anyways I got back to school went to practice coach talked to us for a while then we got into it. We didn't do much except hit and what not. I kind of got irritated to this guys and wanted to say some stuff back to him but I decided not to. I realize that he wasn't worth it and I'll let God take care of him and I will just ignore it. Well after practice i took a guy on my team home since his car was in the shop and headed to dinner. It sucked they had no good food tonight but I just snacked on some stuff and headed out. Tonight is the big night of homework! It went pretty well for the most part. I got everything done and now I am just super tired and exhausted and ready for bed. I spent most of the night in the dark room developing the pictures I took today. My hands are no going to smell all night I hate it. All well, Tomorrow I am playing the University of Le Verne. My buddy Kent goes there, I played ball with him for two years while I was in high school and I am pretty excited to play the team that he is now apart of. It should be a really good game and I can't wait to compete.

Daily Reading: John 8:31-32
This is one of the verses that Pastor Chuck yesterday used talking about how we need to become followers of Jesus and be in a relationship with Him that has an unconditional amount of love involved. Here in these verses, Jesus is talking about God's true children and what we need to do in order to become disciples of Jesus. Jesus himself i the truth that sets us free. He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what is right. He frees us from continued slavery to sin, from self-deception, and from deception by Satan. He shows us clearly the way to eternal life with God. Thus Jesus does not give us freedom to do what we want, but freedom to follow God. As we seek to serve God, Jesus perfect truth frees us to be all that God meant us to be. Being a disciple of Christ is something that may be hard to accomplish at first but once it has been done there is no going back and our lives will be full of meaning and understanding. Now we can always no the Bible front to back, know the Doctrines and what we believe in but the fact is none of that will ever get us to heaven. Jesus always told the Pharisees who only taught and studied what was written, that none of that will get you into His kingdom but having a relationship with Him is the only way Heaven is able to be reached. There are times where I myself am confused about my relationship with Christ and there are times where I talk to Him about everything then there are times where I reflect and realize that I didn't talk to Him all day. That part is sad and I am definitely not where I need to be. I should literally talk to Jesus about every step I take and when I am alone always be thinking about Him that way I will never get bored. When I walk and think like this I will be less likely to fall into sin and stumble in my walk. This is so true for all believers. True love is what we should have for Jesus and we should be disciples and declare His name where ever we go. With that we will no the truth and we will be set free! Woo hoo!
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for today. Thank You for the fact that I kept my composure throughout the day and failed to get angry about anything and also was patient in waiting for things to occur. I also thank You so much for answering my prayer and having a clear day today in having me be able to take pictures for class. Thank You also for the time I got to get them developed and everything. Thank You for getting me through practice and not over reacting to the fact that someone was getting me upset. I thank You for the way I felt all day physically and that my body is feeling better and my arm hasn't felt this way in years so I thank You so much Jesus. Thank You so much for all of the things You are doing in my life. Every day You amaze me. It's crazy to think about. I thank You for the fact that I am open to my walk with You and that I can share it with others. I thank You for the time with my mom today and I also thank You for getting me through the day. I now would like to pray for my relationship with You. Help me to do whatever it takes for it to grow and for me to be able to talk to You on a daily basis and that I can express my true love to You Jesus. I pray that in doing this it will keep me away from any type of sin such as anger, sexual temptation, and frustration. Help others to be able to see You through me and my actions. I pray for my friends in the troubles that they may be going through. It seems like everyone has some type of big problem right now and I pray that You will just set them free Lord of whatever is going on in their lives, whether it may be a family member that is sick or dying, or maybe a family member that is just making some wrong decisions, I pray for anyone that may be struggling to find out what their life is useful for, I pray that You will just lift them up and heal them Lord. Help them to understand what being a disciple and a follower of You really means. Let them know that there is no need for depression or sadness God. I pray that if they don't know You that they will find You God. No matter in what way it may be help them to find You. Please use me in the process of all that Lord and help me to be open to what I believe in. Help me to be a living example of You. I now pray for my life God, the things I am struggling in, I seem to be getting selfish and getting the wrong idea about some things. I pray that I keep away from gossip and talking crap about anyone around me. Keep me away from sexual sin, frustration, anger and any other type of sin Father. I pray for a dream girl Father. Please help me to find her and for me to be patient in the process. Help me to treat her the way You would treat a girl Lord and for me to handle the relationship in a Godly way. I pray for our country and for the economy, please help us to be able to turn everything around and for people not to loose their homes and jobs God. I pray for my dad while the company he works for may be going through the strike. Help him to not get stressed about what is going on and for him to keep his composure. I love You so much Father and again I thank You for everything that You are doing in my life and for the things You have already done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful and precious name.

1 comment:

  1. God wants everything from you!! Even when you are mad at yourself, he wants that part too!!
