Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 57 "Trust God!"

Daily Summary: Today was great for the most part I did wake up pretty exhausted and what not from not getting that much sleep but I was still prepared for the day. I was totally determined to have a good day since the last two days weren't the best. I popped out of bed and got ready for the day. Went to breakfast with Phil then off to class. Today the cafe made banana smoothies and those are my favorite so I didn't even go to class yet and everything was going good. I headed to class expecting another boring English class but it was actually quite interesting. The stories that are assigned are getting better and shorter so that is always a plus. We also got to do group discussions about certain things in the story and that is my favorite to do. I am kind of intimidated in that class for some reason because I feel like everyone is smarter then me but I try my best to let out my thoughts and not be ashamed of what I think is going on. Today I wasn't exactly right because I didn't read the story but I still managed to get some people thinking sweet deal. After class I headed down to chapel. It was pretty good for the most part. This guy related some art to some life situations we go through in our walk with the Lord. Our dean of Chapels tends to try and get us involved and almost every chapel has us sit in silence and reflect on things in our lives. It is great at times but other times it is just kind of meaningless in a way. I don't mean to be harsh but I don't know any other way to explain it. In other words today's chapel was one of those meaningless times. I still got the chance to talk to God one on one so that was definitely a plus. Then to cap off the chapel the band sang my favorite worship song of all time. The Inside Out by Hillsong United. Amazing words and I really am moved by every single second of the song. While listening and reflecting on everything I couldn't remember the last time I actually listened to my favorite song. It disappointed me in a way because that song alone has changed my life in so many ways. It is crazy what music can really do in peoples lives. Worship music is one of the most amazing thing that bring people closer to God. Worship is the most favorite part of Church in my life. Anyways after that I headed to my intro to mass media class sat through a couple presentations, went to lunch, then headed to practice. I thought practice was going to be lame but it ended up being a load of fun thanks to the great David West who pulled me aside and cheered me up. He always brings a smile to peoples faces and I have never seen him in a bad mood. He is seriously the funniest dude I've met and is also great to be around. After practice I just headed to diner then got ready for class. Tonight was our critique night for our pictures. I wasn't to happy with my pictures but I had no choice and had to turn them in anyways. My professor understood that I haven't been around as much and that I didn't have the assignment sheet until 2 weeks after everyone else. All well again what I thought was going to go bad ended up going pretty good. I was super stoked and walked out of there pretty accomplished and glad that this week was finally over for a school standpoint. For the remainder of the night I just kind of relaxed and chilled with the roommate. I kind of reflected on my day and realized that I was almost used to things going wrong but God proved to me otherwise that I need to trust in Him and He will make everything okay. I was truly amazed how good my day went and I am hoping that more days like these are to come in the future.

Daily Reading: Philippians 4:13
This verse is very popular and was recommended by my wonderful friend Allison today. I asked her if she had a favorite verse that I can use today and when she replied with this one I thought it was kind of funny out how it has actually related to what I have been going through the last few days. I haven't had the best days and they have been quite frustrating and when there are days like that one of the hardest things to do is go to God. When in reality it is when I should be going to God most. The power we rceive in union with Christ is sufficient to do His will and to face the challenges that arise from our commitment to doing it. He does not grant us with the super human ability to accomplish anything we can without regard to His interests. As we contend for the faith we will face troubles, pleasures, and trials. So with these troubles, pleasures, and trials again it is the hardest thing to go God when we face these kind of things. God literally begs us to get on our knees when we go through these kind of things and it disappoints Him when we don't. Stick with Jesus and everything is going to be alright. We may not agree with some of the things He chooses for us but we need not to be selfish and take what we get and use it to the best of our ability and to an advantage that will spread His word and will to others. When we usually want more we should ask God to remove that desire and to teach us contentment in every circumstance. He will supply all of our needs, but in a way that He knows best for us! God is the ultimate source for everything in our life big and small. I can't express that enough the thought of Jesus moving in my life. I have experienced it through the last two days and I will get right back on my knees in thanking Him for his wonderful Grace and power.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You so much for an awesome day. Please forgive me for the times I thought everything was going to go wrong. Thank You for proving me otherwise through all of these and for turning everything around. I pray that I will trust in You through all of my problems and everything and help me to fix my eyes on You. Help me to always be thinking of You through out the day and to also talk to You throughout the day. Help me relationship with to build up and for me to put in all of the effort needed to do so. I pray that people will be able to see You through me and my actions. Help me to have a positive attitude and have an influence on others. I pray now for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please lift them up in anyway possible and for them to also look to You for answers. I pray for the ones that don't know You God that You will some how help them to find Your light. Please use me in the process and for me to have the right words and courage to talk to them. I pray for our country and government. Please help them to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around. I also pray for my roommate Phil and whatever he may be going through. I pray that You will help him be able to figure out what the right thing is to do for work over the summer. I pray that You will keep his mind positive and for him to shine Your light every single day. He is a true man of You God so please keep him on that right path. Please help me to have a wonderful day again tomorrow God and for me to also soon find that dream girl I always seem to be talking about. Help me to be patient in that process and other processes that You may be working through in my life. I pray these things in Your wonderful name.

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