Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 37 "Get off Hawaii Time"

Daily Summary: Well last night I couldn't really fall asleep till super late since I was still kind of used to Hawaii time which is a two hour difference. So with that I woke up around 10:30AM! I believe that might be a personal record for me. I usually can never sleep in that late but it felt really nice to be able to do that. I would of slept in longer but my mom called me asking if we were still going to be able to go to lunch. I said of course and later on I met her and we went out. It was real nice to see her I felt like i haven't seen her in forever since I have been gone and everything. I think we are going to try to go to lunch on Fridays if I am here at school. That would be really cool I love spending time with her and I also love when she pays. :] Thanks Mom. After lunch I went to the photo store to buy a few more rolls of film just in case some pictures didn't come out in Hawaii. They better have because I ate it pretty hard while trying to take pictures on the rocks. I may have beat up my leg but I saved my camera so that's all that matters. I later headed back to school to realize that our practice was cancelled along with our games tomorrow because o the rain. I was deeply disappointed with all of that but we will make them up next weekend so I will just have to wait a few days. Not to bad. We actually have a game Monday so I will just wait for that. So for the remainder of the day i just kind of relaxed in the room hung out with Phil, and got some homework done. Then after the traffic cleared up I headed home to see my pops and everyone else in my family. I got home kind of late but it was Friday so they stayed up a little late. Sweet deal. I stayed up kind of late for the most I was talking with my dad and step mom for a while and the other part because I am still used to the time but I am going to try and wake up tomorrow and maybe work out or something. Got to snap out of this Hawaii time!
Daily Reading: Psalm 97:10
I got this verse from the verse of the day box on Bible Gateway. It kind of jumped out at me because of how straight forward the words really are. By being a believer God is by our side 24/7 keeping us away from evil and for us to use Him when we need Him most. God wants us to always be thinking about Him no matter what kind of situation we may be in. I have mentioned that many times before so I won't go to much on it but the fact is we shouldn't use God only when we need Him but all of the time. When the verse says we as followers of the Lord should HATE evil remember that we should never hate anyone but we should hate the evil things they do. We of course should try and be a friend to those who do evil things but we also have to be careful because they will tempt us as well to do these sort of evil things. The Lord will keep us away from all of these evil temptations that is why having a great relationship with Him is so important. Go to Him with all things now just the things that seem necessary. His ears are always open to hear. If we hate evil so much then we will never be tempted to do evil things.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for this wonderful day and for the rain. Although practice and my games got canceled for tomorrow Southern California really needed it. I pray God for the evil things that are around me. Please help me to be able to hate evil things and to able to not be tempted by these evil things that are around me. I pray that You keep me away from things such as sexual temptations, frustration, and anger God. Please forgive me for the mood I got in tonight it was definitely unacceptable. Please help me to get used to the time change so I wont be tired all the time and everything won't seem like it is so early or way to late. I pray now for my fiends and family that may be going through rough times or even good times Father. Please help them to come to You for everything no matter what. For the ones that don't know You father please help them to somehow fun Your love. Please use me in the process in whatever way possible. I pray for school Lord. It is hard for me to get back in the swing of things especially being away so much for baseball. Please help me to crack down and do all the work that is assigned so that I may get a good grade in the class and take things seriously. God I would like to pray for the money next year in order to attend Biola. Please provide me with the money I need in order to stay at the school and also for my photography class. It is becoming really expensive and I don't know how I am going to come up with the money. I put it in Your hands Lord I trust You in it all. Next I would like to pray for all of the churches that may be going through some rough financial difficulties along with all of the other businesses Lord. Please provide them with the money they need in order to stay a float and for people to be able to keep their jobs. Please help our economy get back on track Lord. I pray now once again for my dream girl Father. Help me to find her and be patient in the process of figuring out who the right one is. I thank You again for the time I had in Hawaii and although our season may not be starting out the way we hoped I pray that we will turn things around and get back on track for a winning record Father. Help us to look to You for the strength we need. I pray for all the forgotten things Lord that I maybe did not mention. Please help them to come to me so that I may pray for them. I love You Lord in Your name.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for bringing me to a place that I need to be and pray harder for the times of need. and you are welcome
