Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 43 "Game Winner!"

Daily Summary: Today was a pretty awesome day. I mean class sucked this morning for the most part but it was definitely easy for the most part. Then chapel was awesome I stayed awake for the second day in a row! After chapel I went to another class for a while before I headed to the locker room to get ready for another game. I was again stoked for today's game and I couldn't wait for it to get going. We played Cal State Dominguez. I heard they were pretty good and I new it was going to be a close game. Indeed it was my teammate Nate pitched and awesome game and we won 5 to 3! I was only 1 for 4 but I came up with two outs and the bases loaded while the game was tied 2 to 2. On a 3-1 pitch I hit a bases clearing double to break the game open. It was an awesome feeling and a great game. My next at back I hit the ball great but the pitcher snagged the line drive and robbed me of a hit. I just have to keep my head p and stay within myself and not get down. After the game I went to dinner and talked to the center fielder of our team Tex. I asked him how he deals with certain situations while playing the game. He is almost 5 years older then me so he has a lot more experience then I do. He seems to handle himself well and that is why I went to him. It is so nice to have guys like this on a baseball team and I love every single one of them. After dinner I went to photo class. It took forever for his lecture I again new all he was talking about so it was kind of lame for the most part but I got through it and got to develop some pictures which was totally awesome. They were from Hawaii and I have been looking forward to seeing them for a while now. I didn't end up getting out of there until 11:30 PM or so. Then I met up with Phil, played some ping pong then headed to taco bell. After that we called it a night and went to bed. I was super tired and I definitely needed some sleep.

Daily Reading: 1 John 1:5-7
I pray every day for me to be able to shine a light to others so that others may see Christ through me and my actions. Here in 1 John it shows what being a light really means. Light represents what is good, pure, true, holy, and reliable. Darkness represents what is sinful and evil. The statement "God is Light" means that God is perfectly holy and true and that he alone can guide us out of the darkness of sin. Light is also related to truth in that light exposes whatever exist, whether it is good or bad. In the dark, good and evil look alike; in the light they can be clearly distinguished. Just as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light, sin cannot exist int he presence of a holy God. If we want to have a relationship with God, we must put aside our sinful ways of living. To claim that we belong to him but then to go out and live for ourselves is hypocrisy. Christ will expose and judge such deceit. We could easily say and be Christians but still live in the dark and not share what we have to others. This will give us feelings of loniness and sadness.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I may not have had to much time at all to really right everything down today but I just want You to know that I love You deeply. thank You for the light You bring me when things seem dark and for me being able to shine light amongst others. I thank You for the victory today as we came up on the win. I thank You also for the ability for me to be able to play baseball and use my talents to Your advantage. I pray now for all the pain, struggles, or any kind of problem people may be growing through for them to be lifted up, I pray for our country in time of crisis for everything to be turned around. I pray now for my dream girl Father. Please bring her to me and for me to be patient in the process. I pray for the pain I have in my body from baseball. Please heal me so that I may be comfortable to play. Please also help me find the time to be able to work out Lord. Help me also to find more time to be able to write during the day. I pray that You give me the opportunities to meet new friends and also grow in the relationships with the one I have. I pray for all of these things in Your name.

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