Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 39 "Jesus Take the Wheel"

Daily Summary: Well I was only able to get about six hours of sleep last night because I woke up super early to go to Church. Like I wrote about last week. We need to make sacrifices in order to worship God and sleep is definitely one of them. So I got up around 8 then went to my moms to drop off something for my step dad and to say goodbye because I didn't know the next time I was going to be able to come home since I am going to be busy through these next couple of weeks. Church was pretty awesome the worship was amazing as always and the message was also great. What was really awesome was the fact that the church was totally packed despite the fat that it was a morning service and it was poring rain. It was great seeing all my friends and everything from Church again and I really enjoyed it. After Church I went back to my dad's and packed everything up to go back to school. I was going to come back later but since we have a random practice on a Sunday. It is definitely a first I have never had a practice on a Sunday while here at Biola or probably for about 5 years. All well I was still excited to get out there and get going. On the ride in I had to stop off at the photo store to drop off some of my slide film for class and get it developed. When I was almost there about to get off the freeway my car started to swerve since it was raining so hard and the pavement was soaked. I was amazed how I didn't feel fear once and I instantly went to God and started singing the Carrie Underwood song Jesus Take the Wheel. I also began laughing at the situation I am like getting afraid will only make things worse so I am just going to have fun with it. No big deal. Well eventually I made it to the photo store and back to school safely and got ready for practice. It wasn't raining but the field was stoked so we actually really didn't do much at all for practice we just hit in the cages and played catch. It was pretty laid back for the most part. After that Phil and I went to dinner then played video games and ping pong for a couple hours before catching up on homework. I am way behind let me say and it is going to be nice being able to go to class this week. I have no class Tammara but I do have a game so I will have to do a lot tomorrow as well. All well it will all work out. Today was a pretty basic good day nothing went wrong or anything besides the loosing traction on the freeway but God was with me and so was Carrie Underwood. Ha well night ya'll.

Daily Reading: 1 John 5:21
Okay so this verse is pretty straight forward and it is pretty self explanatory but I thought I would broaden the whole idea of Idols. John presents a clear picture of Christ. What we think about Jesus Christ is how we act on and teach others about. Jesus is the God-man fully God and fully human at the same time. He came to earth to die in our place for our sins. Through faith in Him, we are given eternal life and the power to do His will. Maybe we should ask ourselves who Jesus Christ is on our personal level. I believe we should all have our own personal Jesus. Jesus is of course the same person to all of but depending on how we act and what we are into Jesus is the person that helps us with whatever we need. So therefore Jesus is custom to us. My personal Jesus would have to be someone who is fun and loving all of the time but knows when it is time to be serious. Sometimes people Jesus as a serious dude that commands everyone what to do and what not to do. That is definitely not what Jesus is, He is the most loving person we will ever have a relationship with. He gave us free will and we are up to do whatever we want as long as we obey His law. So the next time You pray or have your time with Jesus try and figure out who Your personal Jesus is. Thinking of Him like that has really grown my relationship with Him and I. I feel a one on one connection with Him and that is what is most important. He is my Jesus and He died just for ME! I love Him. With the whole Idol thing I used this verse just to show that Jesus should be the only thing that we should truly work for. Anything outside of improving our lives by living according to His law is meaningless and therefore things can turn into idols. A big deal that used to be a problem for me was shoes. If I saw a pair of shoes and had $50 left in my account and the shoes were $49 I used to buy them without even thinking. I look back now and I realize that all of the shoes I have are meaningless and I don't even wear half of them and I often got them just to have them not even wear them! It was definitely dumb and I learned my lesson when realizing that not having any money totally sucks! There are many things that seem harmless but can actually turn into things that you put over God. When we put everything together the least amount of time we put towards a certain thing is usually our time with God. It is hard to give Him our full attention, He doesn't ask for much so putting in an hour a day is definitely no big deal. I am definitely going to come up with a better way to manage my time so I can get my homework done, have fun, and spend more time with God and spend more time on my blogs. We all should.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help me with all the vanities in my life. Help me to cancel them all out and for me to focus more of my time on you. When I do my blog help me to spend more personal time with You while I am writing. Help me not to write just to get it done but to write for You and only You God. It is not for me but it is all for You. I thank You God for this day. It is awesome again to have some rain and flood the pants with water Lord. It is beautiful to see Your wonderful creations when all the plants and things are green. I thank You that despite of the early time and the weather that Church was full this morning. I thank You for the message and the wise words of Pastor Chuck. Next Lord I would like to bring up my friends and family. There are some that are really going through some rough times right now, Please lift them up in whatever way possible and if they don't know You Lord help them to somehow find the light. Please use me as much as possible in order to lift up my friends and family God. I pray now for all the Churches and business that are struggling to stay afloat God. Please help us turn our economy around somehow and for everyone to be financially secure and for them to also have a job as well. I pray for the company my dad works for that they are going on strike. Please help them to solve everything they need in order for the business to grow. Help him also with the classes he is taking please help them to not be to stressful and to fill his mind with the knowledge he needs to get through the rough times at work. I pray now for tomorrow please help the filed to dry up and for us to be able to play. If we do play God please help us all to play to the best of our ability and to come out strong and play our best. Keep all the players from injury and everything Father. I pray now for my dream girl. Please help me to somehow find her God and for me to be patient in finding her. I love You so much God and I thank You for all that You are doing in my life. I thank You for the people who take the time to pray for me and really care about what goes on in my life. Again Lord I can't express my love enough for You. If there is anything that I forgot or failed to mention here in this blog and pray God please help the words to come to me so that I may pray for them. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful name.

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