Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 35 "First Win!"

Daily Summary: This morning we had to wake up super earl for the fact that our flight to the other island was leaving at 10:00 and we needed to be at the airport by 8:30 or so. Not getting enough sleep made me have the worst headache and it was really bothering me up until the game started. We were now on the big island in the city of Hilo and it was much different then the island we were on before. It was much more natural and tropical then where we were before and it was also really cloudy like all the time. Right when we got there it began to rain and then never stopped. Even during the game it rained the whole time. I again started in left field and managed to get my first double in my first at bat of the game. I seemed to be getting my first of something each game so hopefully I keep it going. The best part about the game was that we actually won! We won 10 to 5 and it was an awesome game to be a part of. We had another game and it started off but then it called because the field was in such bad of condition and everything. We ended up just going back to the hotel and just going out to this awesome pancake house down the street. It was the most amazing breakfast place I have ever eaten at. Macadamia nut pancakes baby! Ha anyway the last night and the whole trip was amazing and I can’t wait to be back home tomorrow although I am not looking forward to doing the homework and everything.

Daily Reading:
Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear. There is nothing we should ever worry about and be fearful of. I try my best to live with no fear in me at all. It is an almost impossible thing to do but I never get scarred of where I am or if I an uncomfortable with who is around me. God is always right next to me wherever I am and there is no need to ever get scarred. God gives us the assurence of His strength, help and victory over sin and death. Nothing is ever worth being scarred of, heights, death, or anything else like that should be something that God determains and You shouldn't have anything to worry about. The tough things that are hard not to have fear are things that happen in every day life. Such as fearing if your going to make enough money or if your going to get a good grade on some kind of test. Now if we take the time in managing our time and bills then there will be no need to fear of these things. We bring fear upon ourselves by our own actions so with God's help we can overcome all of these and then there will be nothing to fear as long as we trust in God.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for today in our first victory and my progress in playing out in the field Lord. I am truly thankfull for all the things You are doing in my life. I pray for fear God that You will help me manage things so I will not have any type of fear and I will trust You in everything. I pray that I have a safe flight home tommarow and that I will grow in custom to get back into the swing of things for school and to get all of my homework done. I pray also that when I get back I will have time to finish all of my blogs and get them out on time Lord. I pray for all of the things I have been praying for on a daily basis please answer them according to Your will Lord. Lord also if my will doesn't match up to Yours please help me to praise You no matter what God and to deal with the circumstances You have given me. I pray for m dream girl Lord. help me to not only to find her but to be patient in finding her. I love You God.

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