Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 48 "Goals"

Daily Summary: It took me a little longer then expected to fall asleep last night. I had a lot on my mind and so I just talked to God before falling asleep. I was also super cold so I had to go and turn the air conditioner off. I don't know why it was on in the first place. It was about 40 degrees outside. All well. Not a good sleep meant that I woke up super tired so I had to force myself out of bed. I got in the shower listened to some Charlie Hall to wake me up then I was off to breakfast with my roommate Phil. Our game got moved to tomorrow because of the rain so that meant I actually had to go to class today. Bummer. I needed to catch up anyway for the most part. I feel like I have done nothing all semester and that my grades are bad, but they are actually quite average for all of the school I have missed. Shoot. I have kind of become lazy in not doing the reading and things that I should be doing on the side so I defiantly am going to crack down and get it all caught up. No more excuses! Well I went to my early English class to come to realize that we had a quiz on the stuff that I didn't read. All well I still managed to get two out of 4 right so it isn't that bad for not having even read any of it. After that is usually chapel but I decided to go to the library instead and get some other work done and just kind of relax since I usually don't get to much time to do so on Tuesday's and Thursdays. While I was in there a Korean student came to me and asked me for help in his English writing. It was totally random but pretty cool at how he was open into coming up to me. He was a really cool guy even though I had trouble understanding half of the stuff he was saying. Then I met up with Phil to give him back a book then headed to my Intro to Mass Media class. There was a presentation that was pretty interesting and I really enjoyed what they had to say about music and how it grew in America. Pretty sweet. I also like the fact that I have Internet in that class so I get to snoop on the computer while I get bored. I seem to pay attention better while I am on the computer because my mind tends not to drift off as much. It kind of doesn't go together but it works. Sweet deal. After class I headed to lunch and had an awesome Italian sandwich. Later on we got to practice and had a meeting about how things are going to change in order for us to change our attitudes so we could start winning some games. It was really good and I think it pumped up some people up and we are going to definitely be playing better in the next few weeks. After practice I became lazy and tired since we did a lot of running so I just jumped in the shower and got ready for class. Another three hours of Photography. I wasn't really looking forward to it all but it turned out to be okay for the most part. It lasted a while and I found out that I can't use any of the pictures for my project. All well. For the remainder of the night I just chilled with Phil and played some pong. Game verse Cal Poly Pomona tomorrow. DO WORK!

Daily Reading: Proverbs 13:19
From the Foot notes: Whether a "long-fulfilled" is good or bad depends on nature of the desire. It is "sweet to the soul" to achieve worth while goals, but not all goals are worth pursuing. When you set your heart on something, you may loose your ability to asses it objectively. With your desire blinding your judgment, you may proceed with an unwise relationship, a wasteful purchase, or a poorly conceived plan. Faithfulness is a virtue, but stubbornness. After reading this I really was drawn to this verse. There are many goals in life that I tend on pursuing and don't ever end up achieving them. I once did a personality test for a class my senior year and it said that I often pursue goals that are too hard for me to accomplish. After reading that I always look at the goals I make differently. For example the goal of completing this blog is something that people often think I am crazy for and some say that I wont even make it. At first I myself didn't think I was going to make it but after really getting the experience down and everything I now use all of my strength to get it done before midnight. It is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do yet it is so simple. Now there will be of course be goals that we wont accomplish and we have to prepare ourselves for failure and get right back up and try again. There have been many times in my life where I have failed at what I was trying to accomplish. This is actually my second attempt at doing a blog the other one I only made it about 7 days. I have come a long way from there. Talking about goals also made me think of something that my Pastor Dave Tebay told me one time when I was in a meeting with him. I was currently at the time struggling where I stood with God and I was looking for some guidance. He gave me this analogy; when I am struggling in baseball maybe not hitting or something like that what do I do? I said I get in the cages and spend extra time working hard so I can fix what I am struggling with. It instantly clicked and then he later explained that this is how I should handle my problems with God. When I am feeling down and struggling in my relationship with Him I should spend more time with Him on a daily basis and therefore get comfortable and create a stable and better relationship with Him. I loved thinking of it all that way. That analogy can fit into all of our lives we just have to switch it around to whatever we are trying to fix! Legit. Praise God and thanks Pastor Dave!
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for a clear day and the fact that it didn't rain all that much. Thank You also for keeping me busy so I wasn't bored all day. Thank You for having my classes go well and for me to be able to get through them all. Thank You also for keeping my stress to a minimum where I couldn't stand some parts of class. Right away Lord I would like to pray for my friends, family, and all of the other people in my life that are going through struggles. It seems that there is a lot of things going around such as sickness, pain, and frustration these are just works of Satan so please Father make him be removed from their lives and for them to focus on You and bring their problems to You. I pray for the ones that don't know You. Please help them to some how find You Father and please use them in the process. Now I would like to pray for my roommate Phil and his girlfriend. They are coming up on their 2 year anniversary. They are honestly the most Godly couple I have seen at this young in age. I hope to someday have a relationship with a girl and put You in the center just like them Lord. Please bless their relationship and help it to grow exponentially. Help me to find a dream girl Lord that I can share this kind of relationship with. Now Lord I would like to pray for our country. We are going through some deep financially difficulties. Please help us to turn our economy around and for our new President to make the right decisions. I now pray for all of the pains in my body and everything just help me to be relieved of them and for me to comfortable. I pray for all of the frustrations I face God along with sexual temptation and any other earthly slander. I pray that You keep me away from things like that God and help me to live for You. Help for people to see You through me and my actions Father. Help me to have a Christ Like Attitude. I pray for all of the forgotten and unspoken prayers Father. Please help me to remember them so that I may pray for them. I love You so much.

Daily Prayer:

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