Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 40 "It's all for God"

Daily Summary: Well I went to bed super late last night I couldn't really fall asleep for some reason I think it was the fact that it was about 40 degrees in out room since my roommate loves the air conditioner on for some reason. All well I got to sleep for a good amount of time so I wont complain. I showered up then headed to breakfast with Phil. It seems like we have been doing a lot lately which is pretty cool. After that we headed to chapel and the speaker talked about my favorite verse of all time. James 1:2-5! I was stoked and it was an awesome message. He was apart of this church for 15 years and on Christmas Sunday a few years ago he was let go as a pastor. It amazing how he turned everything around for the good and how him and his future wife worked everything out. Truth of the matter is that God gives and God takes away and we as believers should be prepared for whatever comes our way. After Chapel Phil and I went back to the room to play some Mlb Slugfest it is this totally unrealistic video game where you can punch people and what not it is actually quite fun to play with other people though. Of course we got really competitive and were yelling at each other all the time. Well then we got the bad news that our game was cancelled today. I kind of saw it coming but there wasn't much we can do the field is pretty much destroyed from all of the rain we have been having. All well we went down to the track and had a little simulated practice which wasn't all that bad besides the fact that it was super cold! After that went back to the room once again and I caught up o all my homework. There is still much more that I have to do but I got caught up for the most part. So that definitely relieved some stress. The remainder of the night nothing really went on for the most part, I mean not having class or a game all day is pretty boring but I tired myself to make the best of it. I am going back to school for the first time in over a week tomorrow and I am pretty nervous about the day but I will definitely just put it in God's hands and see what goes down. Today I wrote most of everything in eagle's nest and ran into my teammates J-Rod and Chavie (hints the pictures), they are awesome dudes and I am so blessed to have them as teammates. Night ya'll.

Daily Reading:
Joshua 1:8
Well lately I have been feeling kind of weird for some reason. It kind of feels like my life is a movie. I have been trying my best to pray through it but I can't snap out of it. I have been having some trouble with a certain individual who is around my life on a daily basis and lately I have failed to really put God in the center of the situation. Besides praying I also have to trust in God through reading His word. Despite the fact that I do this blog on a daily basis I still need to be able to spend more time in God's Word. For God will be able to teach me how to handle certain things such as dealing with someone that I may not be getting along with through me reading. Sometimes the answer could be right in front of me that I am looking fore but it just up to me to go through and actually find it. The Bible isn't nick named the Book of Life for no reason it literally has a solution to every single problem that we may encounter through a life time. That is why loving God is the ultimate solution for getting through life itself! Many people think that prosperity and success come from having power, influential personal contacts, and a relentless desire to get ahead. But the strategy for gaining prosperity that God taught Joshua must be strong and courageous because the task ahead would not be easy, obey God's law, and constantly read and study the book of Law. To be successful, we can follow God's words to Joshua. You may not succeed by the world's standards, but You will succeed in God's eyes and His opinion is always most important. Just like the verse I wrote on the other day, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Being successful isn't shouldn't be any ones life goal but serving God should be. I know for myself I often put other things in front of God and that is indeed a sin. Lately I haven't been the best with staying on track and focused everyday and I often become lazy and become selfish and do what I want to do rather them what God wants me to do. Today is day 40 and I definitely haven't been perfect through these 40 days but I also have never really been this high on God throughout my entire life. Right when I think I am going back down I get brought right back up when someone says to me how they read my blog and how much it really means to them. Every time someone writes that I strive to make the next one even better not only for them but for me as well. I love what i do and I can't believe I have actually made it through these last 40 days. It's all for Him.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I am so blessed by the fact that You love me and the fact that You had a book written in guidance for my life. Again I would be no where if wasn't for You or Your Word. My heart grows every single day when I feel that connection with You when I write. Thank You so much for the strength You have given me to get past these 40 days God. It is literally all for You in being able to grow in my relationship with You. There may be those days where I don't really want to write but somehow You always lift me up and make me enjoy every second of it. I love finding and picking out a verse to write about for the day I see the fun in it and I see the fact that You are moving in me. Now down to business. There are some things going on my life God that I really don't agree with. Please fill me with the correct thoughts of You God and not on my own selfish ambitions. Please help me to really on Your law not on my own. I pray for the person in my life that I may be having trouble getting along with. Please help Him and I to be able to get along with each other. It may be a long shot but I pray that we could possibly be friends and share each others views and give each other a chance to really understand one another. I pray for any one of my friends and family members that may be going through a rough time right now. Please help to not only look to you but to look to Your Word God for You have all of the answers. I deeply pray for the ones that may not know You God please in any way get them to know You somehow Father. Please use me in that process help me not to be shy or be ashamed of what I believe in. Help me to loudly express my love for You. Help for people to be able to see You through me. I love You deeply Father. Today God You brought on the rain for a reason and we weren't able to play our game. Please help us all to focus and stay on top Lord and through the weeks help us to get some more wins and come out of here being the team that follows You God. Help us all to grow as a team God and do so by praising You no matter if we win or loose. I now pray for all the business that may be going through some difficult times especially the churches Father. Please help them to grow God and for our economy to turn around. For ones that need a job to support their family God give them one and help them to look to You for the strength they need to get through any kind of financially trouble. I pray for the company my Dad works for, they are going on strike soon he has a lot to do to prepare for what is to come. Please help him to get through it all stress free. If he is stressed about something help him to be comfortable with talking to it about me. Please give me more one on one personal talks with my dad. I now pray for my dream girl, please help me to find her and help me to also be patient in the process God. God please keep me away from any kind of earthly pleasure, sexual temptation, anger, and bad language Father. Help me to exemplify You in all ways on the inside and out. God please help me to meet more people here at Biola and for me to grow also in the friendships I already have. I pray for the things that I may have forgotten about Lord please have them come to me so that I may pray for them. I pray for all of these things in Your loving name.