Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 49 "Another Loss"

Daily Summary: Well I woke up around 8:30 after going to bed pretty late. So that means I woke up pretty tired but I didn’t let it bother me whatsoever. I popped right out of bed headed to breakfast then chapel. Chapel was awesome it was a black guy who spoke about diversity in the Church and how much God really cares about the idea of being a racist. After that I headed back to the room and got ready to head to our game at Cal Poly Pomona. We had super high hopes for the game today since yesterday we had a long talk about how our season is going and how we are going to be making some changes. Cut to the chase we didn't play well once again. We lost 9 to 3. We managed to keep it a close game for the most part until we kind of blew it up in one inning. I am still convinced that we are going to turn everything around this season and pump out some victories pretty soon. Tomorrow we are playing a conference game against Vanguard and we will definitely give them a run for the money. Anyways during the game I went 1 for 4 but had some good at bats. My luck continues to fail as I lined out to the shortstop probably as hard as I can hit the ball today. All well just have to keep trusting in myself and staying strong. I noticed today in my last at bat that it was the only at bat where I forgot to pray before I went up there because I was in a rush and that was the one at bat where I didn't do so well and popped up to center field. After running in I realized what I just did and said to myself that I need to stay consistent in praying to God before I get up there since He is the one who have me the talent in the first place. Well after the loss we headed back to Biola and got some dinner. I was absolutely starving and my knee is still hurting from running into the fence last week during pre game so I got the privilege of walking around the cafe with a big thing of ice on my knee. It has become an essential part of my style lately. After dinner Tex (Chris Foreman) and J-rod (Justin Rodriguez) who apart of the team met up to help out the athletic trainer in moving his doghouse from Orange to Norco. It was the easiest $20 I have made in a while and it was actually quite fun just hanging out talking to all the guys in the car for a while and what not. John the trainer, has a few mini horses out there so it was really cool to check those out as well. I skipped class tonight but I was already pretty late because of the game and we weren't doing all that much tonight so I decided to make the money instead. Well we then headed back to Biola and I just headed to bed kind of early since I have an 8 o clock class in the morning. Nothing really happened today since my day was pretty short and tomorrow looks the same. I hope to find some more stuff to write about. Besides tomorrow is day 50! It should be some kind of special writing. Night.

Daily Reading: 1 John 4:11-12
Well since today was pretty busy I am not going to have the chance to really express my thoughts on this awesome verse. Since God express His unavailing love to us on a daily basis we need to be able to express the same kind of love to others therefore spreading His love so that others can have the chance to experience how great God really is. We should always express to others what God is doing in our lives for this will be an example to others to trust God in the things they are going through. Jesus is the complete expression of God in human form and he has revealed God to us. When we love one another, the invisible God reveals himself to others through us, and His love is made complete. Some people simply enjoy being with others. They make friends with strangers easily and are always surrounded by friends. Other people are shy or reserved. They have a few friends, but are frequently uncomfortable talking with people they don't know or mingling crowds. Shy people don't need to become extroverts in order to love others. John isn't telling us how many people to love, but how much we should love each individual person. It doesn't matter how many friends we may have but with the ones that we do have we should love them with a deep passion like we love God. Our job is to love faithfully the people God has given us to love whether there are one or two hundred of them. If God sees that we are ready to love others e will bring them to us. No matter how shy we are, we don't need to be afraid of the love commandment. God provides us the strength to do what He asks.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Today was tough. We once again lost our game as a team father and our season isn't looking so bright. Somehow please help us all to keep our head on straight and for us to turn everything around and for us to play to the best of our abilities. Help us to not take out our frustrations out on each other and for us to remain teammates and do anything for each other. I now would like to thank You for the way You have built me back up the past few days. I feel more connected with You and a think of everything before I do the action. When I do make mistakes Lord You convict me of the mistake right away and I also thank You for that. Now I would like to pray for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please lift them up in any single way Lord and help them to trust that You will make the perfect decisions in their life and Your timing will also be perfect. I pray for the ones that don't know You God, please help them to some how find You and please use me in that process and help me to shine Your light. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. Help me to obtain a Christ-like attitude no matter who I am with or who I may be around. Help me that under any kind of circumstance to be a living example of You. Help me to love others as You love me Father. I pray for the pains in my body please relieve me of any type of pain and heal my wounds. Please keep me away from frustration, sexual temptation, and for my mouth to be clean Father. Help me to do better work in school and work hard to get better at the things I am struggling in. I pray now like everyday Father that You help me find my dream girl Lord. Please help me to be patient in the process of seeking her. I love You and I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful and glorious name.

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