Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 41 "Darn Toothpaste"

Daily Summary: Well last night I couldn't sleep whatsoever. I don't know what it really was but I was just uncomfortable for most of the time while I was up there and I had to wake up at 7 o clock and ended up with only about 5 hours of sleep. My moods tend to swing while I am tired and many of my friends and family no this. Since I had a great day yesterday I tried my very best to really think before I spoke and even watched before every time I began to get frustrated with something. I mean just on the way to the shower this morning I dropped my toothbrush while walking there, then while bending down to pick it up my toothpaste fell, then after picking up that my razor fell! I just had to laugh at the situation because I definitely wasn't going to let this small little act of gravity ruin my day. Ha well through my first really boring English class I though I would be really behind because I missed a week but I really wasn't at all I still have to do a few things but nothing big at all really. Then I went to chapel it was an awesome speaker and everything but I did something that I hate when it happens. I fell asleep! I feel really bad but I was super tired and that little nap kind of kept me awake for the rest of the day. So I guess in Matthew where God says if we are tired to ask Him for rest that is exactly what He did. Maybe next time it wont be during a sermon. It was literally the only time I really got to sit down up until about 10:00 tonight when I got out of my night class shoot. The other classes and practice went well for the most part I just watched a movie in Intro to Mass Media I never new that Hollywood was created by a bunch of Jewish immigrants it was very interesting. For practice it was really tough today because the field conditions were really wet and everything so I kept slipping and stuff all over the place while I was hitting. It was real annoying but all well. For the remainder of the night my photo class was super boring only because I already new the stuff that was being taught. I am going to be behind in that class but I should catch up no problem since I will be able to go in the dark room 24/7. Today was a pretty good day for the most part I loved my bible verse I used for the daily reading. I just love God. Tomorrow we have our first conference game so lets hope that goes well.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Love! Nothing is better then loving someone so deeply that you would literally do anything for them. When the love is mutual then nothing could ever cause separation. God loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son to come down and die for our sins. Would you give up your only son just so someone else can live? It is a tough question one must answer but God loves us so much that He didn't even have to think about the decision He made when sacrificing His son to die for us. That is how much he loves us. Here in 1 Corinthians, Paul expresses that love is more important then any other spiritual gift we may have, especially in the Church body. Love makes our actions, and gifts useful. Although people have different gifts, love is available to everyone. I say I love you to almost all of my friends just because it is something that brings one another comfort and makes us feel a one on one connection with them. Growing up my father and I for some reason stopped saying it to each other one day and then one day I looked back and realized that we probably hadn't said it to each other for a couple years on a consistent basis. It is not that we didn't want to or anything but for some reason it felt kind of awkward. Then one day over the summer I went out to dinner with him and sat him down to talk to him one on one about some stuff. We definitely don't really get all that much to hang out together but this time I explained a lot of my personal feelings and I expressed the fact at how much I really do love him and I want to start saying it to each other all of the time. It started slow at first but now we say I love you to each other every single time we leave each other or get off the the phone. Honestly just by doing that regularly I have become closer to my dad and it is no longer awkward or anything it is so awesome to be able to express everything to him. I love him very much and wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for him. That is just a small example of what love can really do. So in all of it go out there and express not only your love to others but your love for Christ! Spread the word!

Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank You for this wonderful clear day you gave us despite the fact that it was freezing anyways I would like to thank You for the love You have shown me my entire life and for what is to come. I would like to also pray for my love to others help me to spread Your love to everyone and help people to be able to see You through me. Help me to have a Christ-like attitude and to also set the example to those around me. God I pray that You help me in my sleep tonight and help me to wake up refreshed. Now I would like to pray for my friends and family that may be going through any kind of rough times. Please help them in any way possible to come to You with their problems and for them to trust in You. I pray for the ones that don't know You Father. Please help them to some how find You and experience Your love and grace. Please use me in any way possible to give them to hint to go to You Lord. Please help me to make more friends here at school and also develop with the friends I have. I pray now for my great friend Lindsey Father that with the sickness and the things that are going on her life please lift her up and help me to guide her to the right path to You Father. Help me to be a light in her head. I now pray for a dream girl Lord. Please help me to be patient in finding her and help me to treat her like she is the best possession I have. I pray for the way I treat other people as well please help me to be a better person and for me not to be selfish in any kind of way. Help me also to say away from any kind of earthly pleasure, lust, sexual temptation, anger, slander, and malice Father. Be with me every step of the way please help my shoulder to also heal. Help me to go to You even with the little things in life and to never not think about You throughout my day. I love You with all of my heart father. I pray now for the struggling businesses and everything please help our country turn this economy around especially the churches that are struggling Father. I pray all of the things that I may have forgotten abut please help them to come to me so that I may pray for them.

1 comment:

  1. Pop Pop's last words to me you and the kids where I love you and I hold those words in my heart forever.
