Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 51 "Is That Bad?"

Daily Summary: Well today was pretty short for the most part. I woke up to notice my leg was completely bruised from my knee all the way down to my foot. It wasn't really painful at all just looked totally gross. So I just went to breakfast then headed to chapel. It wasn't much of one except the fact that there was a bunch of Biola Alumni that had the opportunity to receive awards to how they are making a difference in today's world. After Chapel I went back to the room and relaxed for a while before playing ping pong with my roommate Phil. I beat him 4 games to 1 and he still thinks he is better then me. I don't know what is up with that. Haha everything is a competition for us and we love to compete. That is why we most likely play baseball. After that I headed to the trainer's I took off the bandage and asked if that was bad that my leg looked as bad as it did. They said it was totally normal and I got a great message to try and clear the blood away from the surface of my skin. I'd say I hope it goes away but I have to admit it does look pretty cool. Well I was in there up until practice began. It was pretty boring for the most part but I got in a decent amount of hitting and I definitely feel good about tomorrow's double header against the Master's. We are facing pretty tough pitchers for the most part but it really isn't a big deal to me. They mostly throw fastballs I am assuming on the outside corner so it wont be to much of a problem. I really can't wait for it to get going tomorrow. After practice I got iced up and headed to dinner. I sat with some guys and just kind of opened up and was myself for a while. Until being myself became annoying to me so I headed out. I was super exhausted from practice so I just relaxed for the night and headed to bed early. I wanted to be well rested for tomorrow and I will make an attempted to hang out with some friends or something later on. Alright well like I said nothing really went on today but I will leave you with a great picture of my leg. It also shows the fact that I have an awesome sock tan. :]

Daily Reading: Proverbs 17:9
This Proverb is saying that we should be willing to forgive someone that may have sinned against us. Covering over offenses is necessary to any relationship. It is tempting, especially in an argument, to bring up all the mistakes the other person has ever made. Love, however keeps it's mouth shut as difficult as it may be. We should try to never bring anything into argument that is unrelated to the topic being discussed. As we grow to be like Christ, we will acquire God's ability to forget the confessed sins of the past. Having good solid friends I believe is one of the most important things to have in life. Friend's that bring you up when your down, friends that call you when something is going on, friends that you can count on. Showing love to these friends are also very important. We should pay the kind of attention to them that we expect from them as well. We should also always be there when the need us most so that way they will be there when we need help. Expressing love is the best thing you can not only do for your friends but to everyone as well. I myself have had the hardest time making friends here at Biola. I don't know what it is but I know of people but I just can't seem to get connected with them in the way I would like. It seems like I always have something going on and with baseball I can never get around to doing anything. I am praying big time about it and I am not complaining because I have all the people life that I need He has blessed me with so many things and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me next. The fact of the matter is that no matter if you have one friend or 100 friends we should pay equal attention to all of them and be true to them especially if they aren't a Christian because that will set the example of who Christians really are and plant that seed inside them. Love you neighbor as yourself.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for this awesome day today. Although not to much went on I still thank You for the nice clear day. I thank You for the fact that I have so many people around me that actually care what goes on in my life and I thank You for the friends that You have blessed me with. If anything is going wrong with any of my friends I pray that I can be able to help them i any single way possible Lord. I pray that You will help me speak to the ones that don't know You and for me to set the example so that others will be able to see You through me. I pray for my games tomorrow. I pray that they go well and that you help me to play to the best of my ability. I thank You for the way You have been blessing me with my talent and help me to continue to do so. I pray for my knee it is pretty badly bruised. Help me to take care of it the way I am supposed to and for it to heal quickly. I pray for all of the other pains in my body Lord as well please relieve me of them. I pray that You will give me a better work ethic in both sports and school Lord. Also please give me a better work ethic for my blogs and things like that. Please keep me humble through all of my experiences and accomplishments Father. Help me to keep a positive attitude when there is failure in my life Lord and for me to always look to You for the answers. I pray for my dream girl Father that I may find her and treat her with the best of respect. I pray that I will be patient in the process and that we get along to the greatest extent. I pray that You please keep me away from any kind of sexual temptation and any other earthly pleasure and for me to fix my eyes on You. I pray for all of these things in Your name.

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