Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 44 "Green Lights"

Daily Summary: Well last night after going to bed super late I slept in forever it seemed like. By the time I woke up I was still super tired and had a major headache. It was around 11 and I had planned the day before on meeting my mom for lunch. I think we are basically making it a regular thing to go to lunch on Friday's it is awesome to hang with her since I never really get to see her at all. We went to the usual place NYPD and it was delicious as always. After lunch I headed back to school and I got there in record time. It usually takes me forever since I hit every single red light but for some reason every light was green today and I got back to school in 10 minuets. It was super awesome. Life is always good when all lights are green. By the time I got back to my room I still had to rush to get to practice on time. Once I did that and got ready to play it started to poor and it didn't stop for a few hours so practice was of course canceled and we went back to the locker room and did kangaroo court. I didn't get fined for anything it was real funny and I really enjoyed it. After that I headed back to the room and relaxed for a while before spending a few hours in the dark room. I was by myself in the dark for a long time and it was actually kind of nice. I felt separated so I just got to do my own thing and try to get back in the swing of things with photo. I have taken it before but it was a while ago so I had to get used to some stuff again. All of the pictures seem to be coming out real nice. They are all from Hawaii so it is also nice bringing back the not so distant memories. After I came back it was kind of late and I was hungry so I had some yogurt messed around on the computer for a while then went to bed. Our bus leaves at 7:30am tomorrow and I am not looking forward to waking up at 7:00 to get ready. I will probably nap on the bus for sure. I am excited to play tomorrow though! We play point loma and they are supposed to have the most scenic ball park in Southern California. Sweet deal.
Daily Reading: James 3:6
Here James compares our tongue to a fiery hell. This is so true on how our words can really damage a persons life. With being a believer taming our tongue is very important when trying to be an example of Christ. We are often judged by what comes out of our mouths and if someone sees that we are a Christian trying to get other people to know the Lord cussing up a storm isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Now I believe that we should not only tame our tongue in order to set the example for others but to also set the example to ourselves. We should have a clean mouth for our own good along with setting the example to others. Cussing up a storm or anything like that isn't the only thing we should keep from doing as well. We should also watch when we tend to gossip and go behind peoples backs and say unnecessary things about them. It is so easy to get caught up in bad words by the things we watch on t.v. or the people we hang around with. With prayer and help from others having a clean mouth isn't a hard thing to accomplish. Besides the only time I want my mouth on fire is when I am enjoying a good salsa. Wow that was lame.
Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for an awesome laid back day. I got frustrated a few time during the day from having a headache and lack of sleep but I still managed to try and put it all behind me. I thank You for about an hour of rain You gave us instead of the entire day. I also thank You for the time You gave me to be able to spend with my mom. I pray for more opportunity's like this and that we will grow closer as a family. I pray this for all of my family members Lord. Please help us all to become closer with each other. I pray this also for my friends and along with getting closer to them I pray that I will be able to make more friends as well Father. I pray for any of my friends or family that may be going through a rough time God that You lift them up in any way possible and for them to fix their eyes on You God. Now God I would like to pray for the loneliness I am experiencing lately. It makes me sad sometimes and I tend to ignore it. Please help me to realize all of the people I have in my life and for me to go out and take the time to talk to them. I have this feeling also for the fact that I don't have that special someone in my life. Help me to trust You in helping me find that dream girl. Help me to be patient in seeking her as well Jesus. I pray for our countries financial crisis God that we can figure everything out so that jobs will be available in the future. I thank You for the job opportunity You have given me this summer Lord and please help me to take full advantage of it. I pray for the games tomorrow that they will go well. Please help us to play to the best of our ability and for us to play as a team well Father. Please help me to relax and just play with the ability You gave me. I pray for my friends that may not know You God please help them to some how find Your light and for them to spread it as well. Please use me in the process in showing them who You are and what You offer as a loving God. I pray for these things in Your wonderful loving name.

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