Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 45 "Swept"

Daily Summary: I tried my best to go to bed early but for some reason I couldn't fall asleep. So with waking up at 6:30 this morning so I could make it to McDonald's breakfast was another tough task to accomplish. Eventually both Phil and I made it out of bed and got something to eat. I wanted something in my stomach since we were going all the way to San Diego to play two games and I new I would get hungry going all the way out there. Eventually we got on the bus around 7:30AM and realized that one of our teammates Jarvis wasn't on the bus. He decided to sleep in and forgot to set his alarm! That's embarrassing he never made it to the bus so we had to leave without him. Oops. He eventually made it to the field by having a friend drive him all the way out there. On our drive on the bus we watched this awesome football movie that had to do with race and accomplishments under tough circumstances. It kind of made me think of what life was like growing up during that period in time and how I would have handled those types of situations. It is sad how African Americans were treated in the early 1900's and I am glad that it isn't that way now. Besides God loves us all equally no matter what color our skin is. Well we finally got to the beautiful ball park at Point Loma Nazarene University. The Ocean was just on the other side of the fence and it was an amazing site. To bad we didn't play amazing what so ever. We managed to only score three runs the entire day and ended up getting swept by the baseball team in the double header. Life pretty much sucks in the baseball world right now. It seems like we can't win a game. I am still staying strong though and I believe that we can turn everything around and pump out some victories here in the next few weeks. Never give in and never give up. After the games I said by to my mom and got back in the bus. I fell asleep for most of the ride and no one really said a word the whole time since we were all pretty down about the losses. I had a headache once again from lack of sleep and being uncomfortable but I got over it. When we got back to school I just went to the room showered and headed home to Corona. I just wanted to get off campus for some reason. The feeling of my own bed felt good and so I went for it. I hung out and talked with my dad and step mom for the remainder of the night. It was really cool to talk to them about everything. It feels like every time I come over even though it is basically every weekend I haven't seen them in forever so it is always good to catch up on things. I went to bed kind of early falling asleep to watching T.V. since I forgot my charger for my laptop. All well. Tomorrow I have church then I have an interview for a summer job then I am just chillen with the family most likely. Talk to ya tomorrow.

Daily Reading: 2 Timothy 4:5

Okay there is a confession I must make. Through the last week or so or whenever I was in Hawaii. I have become basically drained from writing my blog on a daily basis. I have wanted to give up so many times and just not do it anymore. I am just sick of the time it takes me to write and all of the effort ti have to put into it. It is no longer something I look forward to every day like I used to. I do it last minuet everyday and that means I don't put my whole thought like I should everyday and it turns out to be really short every day. I keep having to push myself on a daily basis because I have gone to far to stop now. Stopping would only make Satan win the battle he is having with me in getting closer to God and having a better life. I am deeply praying about my whole situation in writing the blog and everything and I promise that I will never miss a day in spending anytime with the Lord and with writing even a little bit down. It doesn't matter how many people read it or if anyone reads it all. It isn't for me it isn't for them it is for God and that is all that matters. I am going to step it up with the blogs and put full effort into it from now on. If you are reading this please pray for me for the strength I need in completing this every single day. Now back to the verse. 2 Timothy is an awesome book of the Bible along with 1 Timothy. Here in chapter 4 Paul talks about how we need to keep cool when we are jarred and jotted up by people or circumstances, don't react quickly. In any work of ministry that we undertake, keeping a clear mind in every situation makes us morally alert to temptation, resistant to pressure, ad vigilant when facing heavy responsibility. I am pretty sure God is yelling this verse at me as i was reading it. It basically shows the fact how important staying on task with this blog really is. I should view it as an act of ministry especially since the positive feedback I get from the people who are reading it. Even though times may be tough I still need to be able to keep my cool and composure and bring out the best when writing. No matter how much or how little I write every word should be well thought out and able to understand. I also need to do this outside of my blog when being cons tent in going to church and everything like that as well. I need to shine God's light by having a Christ-like attitude and not fall back into temptation even though I may be stressed or may not feel like being the person that I am. Truth is anyway being myself to everyone should be enough since I live for Jesus. In the end never give up on God no matter what. He will always give us the strength we need to get past any kind of hardship.

Daily Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank You for this beautiful day You have given us. I would like to right away start out with the fact that I am currently struggling in my walk and with writing this blog Lord. Please give me the strength to be able to get through it and to also have a positive attitude in doing it Father, Help me to take it all serious and for others to be able to understating and actually get something out of what I am writing here. I now would like to pray for all of the trouble and things that run through my head. For them to get out and to start thinking positive and to start trusting in You more Lord. Please help me to have that one on one relationship with You so that I may feel comfortable with You God and not even be tempted to sin against You. I pray that Your light will shine through me and that I will be an example to others in showing them what being in a relationship with You really does. Now I would like to pray for the stress I encountered in my game today. I may not have played well along with my team. No matter what happens Lord I should be fixing my eyes on You. Please help me to do so during the game and to pray with You each and every step or swing I take. Help me not to think negative out there and to never say the words I can't. I know that ALL things are possible through You Father so therefor I can't would be a stupid thing to say. I now pray for any friends or family that may be going through a rough time God. Please lift them up in anyway possible and help them to fix their eyes on You Jesus. I pray for the ones that may not know You. Please help them to some how find You God and for me to me a light in their lives so that the process will be easier for them. I now pray for all of the troubles we are having with our countries money problems God. Please help us to turn our economy around so that there will be more job opportunities out there for people and for everyone to be stable with money. Next God I would like help in getting rid of all sexual temptation, lust, evil desires, slander, or any kind of temptation Father. Again help me to shine Your light even when I am by myself. Help me to not do this to impress others but to please You Father. Now i would like to pray for my dream girl. I know that she is out there and I am trusting You in giving her to me. Please help me to be patient in the process in finding her Lord. Please relieve the loniness I feel when realising that I don't have that special someone in my life. I now pray for school as I am becoming lazy in doing my homework. help me to stop complaining and to just do the work that is assigned. Help me to get good grades and to strive to get better. Give me a better work ethic in everything I do so that I can become the man both You and I want me to become Father. Help me to follow Your will every step of the way and for me not to fall on the the wrong path. I pray for all of the forgotten and unspoken thoughts that You bring them to me so that I may pray for them. I love You so much and please forgive me fore the things that I have been doing to displease You God. In Your name.



  1. I totally feel you on the writing every day, except I started out writing a lot less than you so I wouldnt get sick of it, but it happened anyway, ill keep ya in prayer
