Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1

Day Summary: Well today was pretty plain and simple. I woke up around 8:15 unfortunately I don't know why but sleeping in is a huge problem with me, the night before I was over a friends house for the New Year and got to bed probably before 2:00a.m. I was tired for most of the day but I was real excited that my dad and I got a chance to hang out for a while and go golfing. I did a lot better then I expected and had a lot of fun. My dad isn't a follower of God which kind of sucks but slowly I am working up enough courage to really sit down and have a man to man conversation and what a Christian really is and who I live my life for. I fell like since my dad isn't a believer he really doesn't know who I really am as a person. One day I know my dad will come out of his shell and really show that he is curious to what I believe in. After all I am going to a Christian University. Well after I got home I settled down ate and washed up and went out with a couple buddies of mine. One guy in particular Shane Lemmon has been a part of my life for almost 4 years now. I went to high school and played baseball with him. We have been through a lot and now that he is a dedicated follower of God we have become real close and I love the guy that he has become and the man that he is becoming. We went all the way down to Victoria Gardens and then realized it was closed shortly after we got there so it was pretty much a waste but it was still cool hanging out with him since I don't really get to see him all the much since I'm usually away at school. We ended up just going to his house and watching a movie called the "Epicenter" I kept dozing off in the middle of the movie but it is a documentary that I highly recommend everyone seeing. It is about what is currently going on in the middle east and how bad truly things are in Israel and the surrounding nations. Are world can be destroyed within 3 years! Crazy stuff! Ha well now I'm here at home its super late and I'm just listening to some Phil Wickham and reading my favorite book of the Bible JAMES! Night.

Daily Scripture Read: JAMES 1:2-6
Well I am probably going to go to this book a lot only because I use at a guideline for my life and it is one amazing piece of scripture. In this particular passage I'm so stuck on it only because actually considering a struggle JOYOUS you would have to be either crazy or a Christian! I basically just called myself crazy because in context I actually am one crazy dude. The stuff I think about probably wouldn't be able to fit on this page. Anyways, the struggles that I may have is hard to think of as something that is joyous but truth is I just have to look at everything as positive. For example if I struggle with lust then I overcome this evil sin then I develop perseverance in that subject so that if that struggle ever comes my way again then I know that I have already been through this problem before and fixing it won't be a problem at all so therefore the struggle I may have will eventually fade because this perseverance will kick in before I even think about lusting. Well in Biblical context God won't ever give us anything we or He can't get through. These tough things only make us stronger as a person. If we trust and seek God He will make our lives as pleasant as we want. God gives generously without finding fault so just get off your but and ask Him for help! He is the man! RUN THE RACE!

Dear God,
I'm sorry that I haven't been around all that much lately. I realized that my depression comes from being lonely and that when I get these certain feelings I usually seek the wrong things rather then You Lord. What hurts the most is that I feel the strength that You give me in order to make it through these hard times and I completely reject it. God I ask you to forgive me and to once again keep me from things such as SEXUAL lusts and desires such as porn and ALL of that kind of temptations help me to be able to be mature and to be able to watch things on T.V. and be able to ignore the sexual content and that if I am tempted give me the strength to back away from the devil's schemes. Help me to stand up for YOU and never stop thinking of how truly perfect You are.
Next Lord, I would like you to help me find that dream girl. One that is beautiful and loves you more then anything else on this earth. Help me to think of as a human and a human that is a follower of You. Help me to be a spiritual leader in the relationships that I have and set the right example and not be afraid to say what is right. Help me to tame my tongue not only by what I say but what I think in my mind as well. Give me the "Christ-Like" attitude that I should have and help me to continue to walk in Your footsteps. But most of all Lord help me to grow in my relationship with You for that is the most important thing of all! Your the only person and thing I truly need in my life and everything else is meaningless. So guide me on the right path and help me to live my life to the fullest by doing the things that You have planned for me and not on my own earthly desires. I love your God more then anything.
Now I would like to thank You for all You have done in my life so far and the things You continue to do. Thank you for the job you recently gave me, thank you for my loving family and the ring you found that my mother has been looking for for years now, thank You for keeping me safe while driving, thank You for the school I am attending, the baseball team I am on and most of all thank You for Your generous Love and kindness that You give me. Help me to respect the things You have blessed me with and the time You gave me to spend with my dad today. Thank you also for the strength You gave me to write tonight and help me to continue to do so. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! AMEN!

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